0) { self :: $uid = $uid ; } else { global $global_user_id; self :: $uid = $global_user_id; } SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->Init(self::$sid, self::$uid); if (self::$inited == false) { self::$inited = self :: RefreshData(); } } static function RefreshData() { self::$profiles = array(); # dodamo sistemske profile, skreiramo jih "on the fly" self :: addSystemProfiles(); # preberemo podatke vseh porfilov ki so na voljo in jih dodamo v array $stringSelect = "SELECT * FROM srv_zanka_profiles WHERE sid='" . self::$sid . "' AND uid='" . self::$uid . "' "; $querySelect = sisplet_query($stringSelect); if (mysqli_num_rows($querySelect)) { while ( $rowSelect = mysqli_fetch_assoc($querySelect) ) { self::$profiles[$rowSelect['id']] = $rowSelect; } } # poiscemo privzet profil self::$currentProfileId = SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->getSettings('default_zanka_profile'); if (self::$currentProfileId === null) { self::$currentProfileId = 0; } # ce imamo nastavljen curent pid in profil z tem pid ne obstaja nastavomo na privzet profil if (self::$currentProfileId > 0) { if (!isset(self::$profiles[self::$currentProfileId])) { self::$currentProfileId = 0; self::setDefaultProfileId(self::$currentProfileId); } } # ce ne obstajajo podatki za cpid damo error if (!isset(self::$profiles[self::$currentProfileId])) { self::$currentProfileId = 0; if (!isset(self::$profiles[self::$currentProfileId])) { echo ("Profile data is missing! (class.SurveyZankaProfile"); return false; } else { self::setDefaultProfileId(self::$currentProfileId); return true; } } else { return true; } } static function setDefaultProfileId($pid = null) { if ($pid === null) { $pid = 0; } SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->saveSettings('default_zanka_profile', $pid); self::$currentProfileId = $pid; return true; } static function addSystemProfiles() { global $lang; # dodamo iz seje session_start(); if ( isset($_SESSION['zanka_profile']) ) { self::$profiles['-1'] = array( 'id' => $_SESSION['zanka_profile'][self::$sid]['id'], 'name' => $_SESSION['zanka_profile'][self::$sid]['name'], 'system'=> $_SESSION['zanka_profile'][self::$sid]['system'], 'variables'=> $_SESSION['zanka_profile'][self::$sid]['variables'], 'mnozenje' => $_SESSION['zanka_profile'][self::$sid]['mnozenje']); } # skreiramo sistemske profile za vse spremenljivke self::$profiles['0'] = array('id'=>'0','uid'=>self::$uid,'name'=>$lang['srv_zanka_profile_all'],'system'=>1); } static function DisplayLink($hideAdvanced = true) { global $lang; // profili statusov $allProfiles = self :: $profiles; $css = (self::$currentProfileId == SZP_DEFAULT_PROFILE ? ' gray' : ''); if ($hideAdvanced == false || self::$currentProfileId != SZP_DEFAULT_PROFILE) { echo '
  • '; echo ' ' . $lang['srv_zanke'] . ''."\n"; echo '
  • '; } } static function getProfileData($pid) { // preverimo ali smo v razredu že lovili podatke za ta profil, potem jih preberemo čene jih osvežimo if ( isset( self::$profiles[$pid] ) ) { return self::$profiles[$pid]; } else { self::$inited = self :: RefreshData(); return self::$profiles[$pid]; } } static function ajax() { $pid = $_POST['pid']; switch ($_GET['a']) { case 'show_profile' : self :: showProfiles($pid); break; case 'change_profile' : self :: setDefaultProfileId($pid); break; case 'createProfile' : self :: createProfile(); break; case 'delete_profile' : self :: deleteProfile(); break; case 'rename_profile' : self :: renameProfile(); break; case 'run' : self :: runProfile(); break; default: echo 'ERROR! Missing function for action: '.$_GET['a'].'! (SurveyZankaProfile)'; break; } } static function showProfiles ($pid = null) { global $lang; echo ''; echo '


    '; if ($pid === null) { # poiščmo uporabniški privzeti profil $pid = self::$currentProfileId; } # variable profila $szp_pv = explode(',',self::$profiles[$pid]['variables']); # ali imamo množenje $mnozenje = self::$profiles[$pid]['mnozenje']; #vse možne variable $sdf = SurveyDataFile::get_instance(); $sdf->init(self::$sid); $szp_av =$sdf->getSurveyVariables(array(1,2,3)); // variable razdelimo na dve grupi, na vse možne in posebej izbrane $selected_variables = array(); if (self::$clearZankaProfile == false) { foreach ($szp_pv as $key => $variabla) { if (isset($szp_av[$variabla])) { $selected_variables[$variabla] = $variabla; unset($szp_av[$variabla]); } } } if ( self::$currentProfileId != SZP_DEFAULT_PROFILE ) { echo ''; } echo ''; echo '
    '.NEW_LINE; echo ''.NEW_LINE; // pri seji in sistemskem ne pustimo shranjevanja if ((int)$pid < 0 ) { echo ''.NEW_LINE; } else { echo ''.NEW_LINE; echo ''.NEW_LINE; } echo '
    '.NEW_LINE; echo '
    '.NEW_LINE; // div za shranjevanje novega profila echo '
    '; echo '
    '; echo '
    '; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
    '; echo '
    '; echo '
    '; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
    '; echo '
    '.NEW_LINE; // div za preimenovanje echo '
    '; echo '
    '; echo '
    '; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
    '; echo '
    '; echo '
    '; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
    '; echo '
    '.NEW_LINE; // div za brisanje echo '
    '; echo $lang['srv_missing_profile_delete_confirm'].': ' . self::$profiles[$pid]['name'] . '?'; echo ''; echo '
    '; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
    '; echo '
    '.NEW_LINE; } static function createProfile() { global $lang; $profileId = -1; $numrows = -1; $profileName = $_POST['profileName']; // počistimo podatke $data = str_replace(array('variabla_', ' '), array('',''), $_POST['data']); $mnozenje = $_POST['mnozenje']; // ime profila preverima ali obstaja if (!$profileName || $profileName == null || $profileName == "") $profileName = $lang['srv_new_profile_ime']; do { // preverimo ali ime že obstaja $selectSqlProfile = "SELECT * FROM srv_zanka_profiles WHERE name = '" . $profileName . "' AND sid = '" . self::$sid . "' AND uid = '" . self::$uid . "'"; $sqlProfileSetting = sisplet_query($selectSqlProfile); $numrows = mysqli_num_rows($sqlProfileSetting); if ($numrows != 0) { // ime že obstaja zgeneriramo novo srand(time()); $profileName .= rand(0, 9); } } while ($numrows != 0); // poiščemo zadnji id $selectProfileId = "SELECT max(id) as last_id FROM srv_zanka_profiles WHERE sid = '" . self::$sid . "' AND uid = '" . self::$uid . "'"; $sqlProfileId = sisplet_query($selectProfileId); $rowProfileId = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlProfileId); $profileId = $rowProfileId['last_id']+1; $stringInsert = "INSERT INTO srv_zanka_profiles (id, sid, uid, name, system, variables, mnozenje) " . "VALUES ('".$profileId."', '" . self::$sid . "', '" . self::$uid . "', '" . $profileName . "', '0', '".$data."', '".$mnozenje."')"; sisplet_query($stringInsert); $insertId = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS['connect_db']); if ($insertId > 0) { $profileId = $insertId; } self::setDefaultProfileId($profileId); return $profileId; } static function deleteProfile() { $pid = $_POST['pid']; if ($pid > 0 ) { $deleteString = "DELETE FROM srv_zanka_profiles WHERE id = '" . $pid . "' "; $sqlDelete = sisplet_query($deleteString); if (!$sqlDelete) echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db']); } else if ($pid == '-1') { # zbrišemo sejo unset($_SESSION['zanka_profile'][self::$sid]); } $pid = 0; SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->saveSettings('default_zanka_profile', $pid); self::$currentProfileId = $pid; self::RefreshData(); } static function renameProfile() { global $lang; $sqlInsert = -1; $name = $_POST['name']; $pid = $_POST['pid']; if ( $pid != null && $pid != "" && $pid > 0) { if ( $name == null || $name == "" ) { $name = $lang['srv_new_profile_ime']; } $updateString = "UPDATE srv_zanka_profiles SET name = '" . $name . "' WHERE id = '" . $pid . "'"; $sqlInsert = sisplet_query($updateString); } return $sqlInsert; } static function runProfile() { global $lang; $data = str_replace(array('variabla_', ' '), array('',''), $_POST['data']); $mnozenje = isset($_POST['mnozenje']) && $_POST['mnozenje'] == '1' ? '1' : '0'; $pid = $_POST['pid']; if ($_POST['run'] != 'runSession') { # shranimo podatke v normalni profil in ga zaženemo if ($pid > 0) { $updateString = "UPDATE srv_zanka_profiles SET variables = '" . $data . "', mnozenje='$mnozenje' WHERE id = '" . $pid . "' AND sid = '". self::$sid."' AND uid='". self::$uid."'"; $sqlupdate = sisplet_query($updateString) or die(mysqli_error($GLOBALS['connect_db'])); SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->saveSettings('default_zanka_profile', $pid); } else if ($pid == 0) { SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->saveSettings('default_zanka_profile', $pid); } } else { # shranimo podatke v sejo $_SESSION['zanka_profile'][self::$sid] = array('id' => '-1', 'name' => $lang['srv_zanka_profile_session'], 'system'=> '1', 'variables'=> $data, 'mnozenje' => $mnozenje ); SurveyUserSetting :: getInstance()->saveSettings('default_zanka_profile', '-1'); } self::RefreshData(); } /** Vrne array z awk stringi filtrov za posamezno variablo v zanki * */ static function getFiltersForLoops() { $result = array(); $_spr_for_loops = isset(self::$profiles[self::$currentProfileId]['variables']) ? explode(',',self::$profiles[self::$currentProfileId]['variables']) : array(); $_results = array(); $i = 0; if (count($_spr_for_loops) > 0) { foreach ($_spr_for_loops AS $_spr) { $sdf = SurveyDataFile::get_instance(); $sdf->init(self::$sid); $_spr_data = $sdf->getHeaderVariable($_spr); if (isset($_spr_data['tip']) && $_spr_data['tip'] == 1 || $_spr_data['tip'] == 3) { # radio oz, dropdown # zloopamo skozi opcije if (count($_spr_data['options']) > 0 ) { foreach ($_spr_data['options'] AS $o_key => $option) { $_results[$i][] = array('filter' => '$'.$_spr_data['grids']['0']['variables']['0']['sequence'].' == '.$o_key, 'text' => '('.$_spr_data['grids']['0']['variables']['0']['variable'].') ' .$_spr_data['grids']['0']['variables']['0']['naslov'] . ' = '.$option); } } } else if (isset($_spr_data['tip']) && $_spr_data['tip'] === '2') { # checkbox #zloopamo po vrednostih in dodamo filtre za 1-checked 2-not checked foreach ($_spr_data['grids'] as $g_key => $grid) { foreach ($grid['variables'] as $v_key_group => $variable) { $_results[$i][] = array('filter' => '$'.$variable['sequence'].' == 0', 'text' => '('.$variable['variable'].') ' .$variable['naslov'] . ' = 0'); $_results[$i][] = array('filter' => '$'.$variable['sequence'].' == 1', 'text' => '('.$variable['variable'].') ' .$variable['naslov'] . ' = 1'); } } } $i++; } } # če mamo množenje, lahko izvedemo samo nad dvema spremenljivkama if (isset(self::$profiles[self::$currentProfileId]['mnozenje']) && self::$profiles[self::$currentProfileId]['mnozenje'] == 1) { if (count($_results[0]) > 0) { foreach ($_results[0] AS $_result0) { if (count($_results[1]) > 0) { foreach ($_results[1] AS $_result1) { $result[] = array('filter' => $_result0['filter'].' && '.$_result1['filter'], 'text' => $_result0['text'].' && '.$_result1['text'] ); } } else { # imamo samo 1 spremenljivko $result[] = array('filter' => $_result0['filter'], 'text' => $_result0['text'] ); } } } } else { $result = isset($_results[0]) ? $_results[0] : array(); } return $result; } /** če v krostabih izberemo tretjo variablo (ctrl+click) * povozimo obstoječe zanke, in tretjo variablo dodamo v loop kot začasen profil * Enter description here ... * @param $variable */ function setLoopsForCrostabs($variable) { # poiščemo spremenljivko print_r("v:".$variable); } static function limitString($input, $limit = 100) { // Return early if the string is already shorter than the limit if(strlen($input) < $limit) {return $input;} $regex = "/(.{1,$limit})\b/"; preg_match($regex, $input, $matches); return $matches[1].'...'; } } ?>