/*++ Copyright (c) 1987-1993 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: filefind.h Abstract: Contains structures and function prototypes for a win32-like find file which also returns the EA size for the files. Author: 17-Oct-1991 (cliffv) Merged from winbase.h Environment: User mode only. Contains NT-specific code. Requires ANSI C extensions: slash-slash comments, long external names. Revision History: 04-Dec-1991 (madana) redefined _REPL_WIN32_FIND_DATAW structures for better alignment and removed ANSI related defs. 11-Dec-1991 JohnRo Avoid unnamed structure fields to allow MIPS builds. Delete tabs in source file. 24-Jan-1992 JohnRo Changed to use LPTSTR etc. 26-Mar-1992 JohnRo Added tchFullPath field to REPL_WIN32_FIND_DATA structure. 11-Jan-1993 JohnRo RAID 6710: repl cannot manage dir with 2048 files. 06-Apr-1993 JohnRo Support ReplSum test app. 07-May-1993 JohnRo RAID 3258: file not updated due to ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER. --*/ #ifndef _FILEFIND_ #define _FILEFIND_ #include // NET_API_STATUS, PATHLEN. #define INVALID_REPL_HANDLE NULL /* Was (HANDLE)(-1) for Win32. */ typedef struct _REPL_FIND_HANDLE { HANDLE hWindows; TCHAR tchFullPath[PATHLEN+1]; // Full path of this file. DWORD dwDirNameLen; // Number of chars (not incl last "\file"). } REPL_FIND_HANDLE, *PREPL_FIND_HANDLE, *LPREPL_FIND_HANDLE; typedef struct _REPL_WIN32_FIND_DATA { WIN32_FIND_DATA fdFound; DWORD nEaSize; } REPL_WIN32_FIND_DATA, *PREPL_WIN32_FIND_DATA, *LPREPL_WIN32_FIND_DATA; // // Function prototypes. // NET_API_STATUS ReplCountDirectoryEntries( IN LPCTSTR FullDirPath, OUT LPDWORD EntryCountPtr ); LPREPL_FIND_HANDLE ReplFindFirstFile( IN LPTSTR lpFileName, OUT LPREPL_WIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData ); BOOL ReplFindNextFile( IN OUT LPREPL_FIND_HANDLE hFindFile, IN OUT LPREPL_WIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData ); BOOL ReplFindClose( IN LPREPL_FIND_HANDLE hFindFile ); #endif // _FILEFIND_