#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules
#include "Enderman.h"
#include "../Entities/Player.h"
#include "../LineBlockTracer.h"
// cPlayerLookCheck
class cPlayerLookCheck :
public cPlayerListCallback
cPlayerLookCheck(Vector3d a_EndermanPos, int a_SightDistance) :
virtual bool Item(cPlayer * a_Player) override
// Don't check players who cannot be targeted
if (!a_Player->CanMobsTarget())
return false;
// Don't check players who are more than SightDistance (64) blocks away
auto Direction = m_EndermanPos - a_Player->GetPosition();
if (Direction.Length() > m_SightDistance)
return false;
// Don't check if the player has a pumpkin on his head
if (a_Player->GetEquippedHelmet().m_ItemType == E_BLOCK_PUMPKIN)
return false;
// If the player's crosshair is within 5 degrees of the enderman, it counts as looking
auto LookVector = a_Player->GetLookVector();
auto dot = Direction.Dot(LookVector);
if (dot <= cos(0.09)) // 0.09 rad ~ 5 degrees
return false;
// TODO: Check if endermen are angered through water in Vanilla
if (!cLineBlockTracer::LineOfSightTrace(*a_Player->GetWorld(), m_EndermanPos, a_Player->GetPosition(), cLineBlockTracer::losAirWater))
// No direct line of sight
return false;
m_Player = a_Player;
return true;
cPlayer * GetPlayer(void) const { return m_Player; }
cPlayer * m_Player;
Vector3d m_EndermanPos;
int m_SightDistance;
} ;
cEnderman::cEnderman(void) :
super(mtEnderman, "entity.endermen.hurt", "entity.endermen.death", 0.5, 2.9),
m_EMPersonality = PASSIVE;
void cEnderman::GetDrops(cItems & a_Drops, cEntity * a_Killer)
unsigned int LootingLevel = 0;
if (a_Killer != nullptr)
LootingLevel = a_Killer->GetEquippedWeapon().m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchLooting);
AddRandomDropItem(a_Drops, 0, 1 + LootingLevel, E_ITEM_ENDER_PEARL);
bool cEnderman::CheckLight()
int ChunkX, ChunkZ;
cChunkDef::BlockToChunk(POSX_TOINT, POSZ_TOINT, ChunkX, ChunkZ);
// Check if the chunk the enderman is in is lit
if (!m_World->IsChunkLighted(ChunkX, ChunkZ))
m_World->QueueLightChunk(ChunkX, ChunkZ);
return true;
// Enderman only attack if the skylight is lower or equal to 8
if (m_World->GetBlockSkyLight(POSX_TOINT, POSY_TOINT, POSZ_TOINT) - GetWorld()->GetSkyDarkness() > 8)
return false;
return true;
void cEnderman::Tick(std::chrono::milliseconds a_Dt, cChunk & a_Chunk)
super::Tick(a_Dt, a_Chunk);
if (!IsTicking())
// The base class tick destroyed us
// Take damage when touching water, drowning damage seems to be most appropriate
if (CheckRain() || IsSwimming())
// EventLosePlayer(); //mobTodo
TakeDamage(dtDrowning, nullptr, 1, 0);
// TODO teleport to a safe location
bool cEnderman::CheckRain(void)
if (!GetWorld()->IsWeatherRain())
return false;
Vector3d coords = GetPosition();
for (int Y = static_cast<int>(coords.y); Y < cChunkDef::Height; ++Y)
BLOCKTYPE Block = m_World->GetBlock(static_cast<int>(coords.x), Y, static_cast<int>(coords.z));
if (Block != E_BLOCK_AIR)
return false;
return true;