path: root/src/OSSupport/Network.cpp
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authorMattes D <>2015-01-18 11:57:16 +0100
committerMattes D <>2015-01-22 20:13:02 +0100
commitc0cb787c101725a649d26de68fca2632c82830ba (patch)
treec5efafa98e7ccfa628f5873e5611b49ff0b44d21 /src/OSSupport/Network.cpp
parentcNetwork: Fixed WinXP dualstack listening. (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 998 deletions
diff --git a/src/OSSupport/Network.cpp b/src/OSSupport/Network.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 02bdfa39c..000000000
--- a/src/OSSupport/Network.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,998 +0,0 @@
-// Network.cpp
-// Implements the classes used for the Network API
-#include "Globals.h"
-#include "Network.h"
-#include <event2/event.h>
-#include <event2/thread.h>
-#include <event2/bufferevent.h>
-#include <event2/dns.h>
-#include <event2/listener.h>
-#include <thread>
-#include "Event.h"
-#include "CriticalSection.h"
-#include "NetworkSingleton.h"
-// fwd:
-class cServerHandleImpl;
-class cTCPLinkImpl;
-typedef SharedPtr<cTCPLinkImpl> cTCPLinkImplPtr;
-typedef std::vector<cTCPLinkImplPtr> cTCPLinkImplPtrs;
-typedef SharedPtr<cServerHandleImpl> cServerHandleImplPtr;
-typedef std::vector<cServerHandleImplPtr> cServerHandleImplPtrs;
-// Class definitions:
-/** Holds information about an in-progress Hostname-to-IP lookup. */
-class cHostnameLookup
- /** The callbacks to call for resolved names / errors. */
- cNetwork::cResolveNameCallbacksPtr m_Callbacks;
- /** The hostname that was queried (needed for the callbacks). */
- AString m_Hostname;
- static void Callback(int a_ErrCode, struct evutil_addrinfo * a_Addr, void * a_Self);
- cHostnameLookup(const AString & a_Hostname, cNetwork::cResolveNameCallbacksPtr a_Callbacks);
-typedef SharedPtr<cHostnameLookup> cHostnameLookupPtr;
-typedef std::vector<cHostnameLookupPtr> cHostnameLookupPtrs;
-/** Holds information about an in-progress IP-to-Hostname lookup. */
-class cIPLookup
- /** The callbacks to call for resolved names / errors. */
- cNetwork::cResolveNameCallbacksPtr m_Callbacks;
- /** The IP that was queried (needed for the callbacks). */
- AString m_IP;
- static void Callback(int a_Result, char a_Type, int a_Count, int a_Ttl, void * a_Addresses, void * a_Self);
- cIPLookup(const AString & a_IP, cNetwork::cResolveNameCallbacksPtr a_Callbacks);
-typedef SharedPtr<cIPLookup> cIPLookupPtr;
-typedef std::vector<cIPLookupPtr> cIPLookupPtrs;
-/** Implements the cTCPLink details so that it can represent the single connection between two endpoints. */
-class cTCPLinkImpl:
- public cTCPLink
- typedef cTCPLink super;
- /** Creates a new link based on the given socket.
- Used for connections accepted in a server using cNetwork::Listen().
- a_Address and a_AddrLen describe the remote peer that has connected. */
- cTCPLinkImpl(evutil_socket_t a_Socket, cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks, cServerHandleImpl * a_Server, const sockaddr * a_Address, int a_AddrLen);
- /** Destroys the LibEvent handle representing the link. */
- ~cTCPLinkImpl();
- /** Queues a connection request to the specified host.
- a_ConnectCallbacks must be valid.
- Returns a link that has the connection request queued, or NULL for failure. */
- static cTCPLinkImplPtr Connect(const AString & a_Host, UInt16 a_Port, cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks, cNetwork::cConnectCallbacksPtr a_ConnectCallbacks);
- // cTCPLink overrides:
- virtual bool Send(const void * a_Data, size_t a_Length) override;
- virtual AString GetLocalIP(void) const override { return m_LocalIP; }
- virtual UInt16 GetLocalPort(void) const override { return m_LocalPort; }
- virtual AString GetRemoteIP(void) const override { return m_RemoteIP; }
- virtual UInt16 GetRemotePort(void) const override { return m_RemotePort; }
- virtual void Shutdown(void) override;
- virtual void Close(void) override;
- /** Callbacks to call when the connection is established.
- May be NULL if not used. Only used for outgoing connections (cNetwork::Connect()). */
- cNetwork::cConnectCallbacksPtr m_ConnectCallbacks;
- /** The LibEvent handle representing this connection. */
- bufferevent * m_BufferEvent;
- /** The server handle that has created this link.
- Only valid for incoming connections, NULL for outgoing connections. */
- cServerHandleImpl * m_Server;
- /** The IP address of the local endpoint. Valid only after the socket has been connected. */
- AString m_LocalIP;
- /** The port of the local endpoint. Valid only after the socket has been connected. */
- UInt16 m_LocalPort;
- /** The IP address of the remote endpoint. Valid only after the socket has been connected. */
- AString m_RemoteIP;
- /** The port of the remote endpoint. Valid only after the socket has been connected. */
- UInt16 m_RemotePort;
- /** Creates a new link to be queued to connect to a specified host:port.
- Used for outgoing connections created using cNetwork::Connect().
- To be used only by the Connect() factory function. */
- cTCPLinkImpl(const cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks);
- /** Callback that LibEvent calls when there's data available from the remote peer. */
- static void ReadCallback(bufferevent * a_BufferEvent, void * a_Self);
- /** Callback that LibEvent calls when there's a non-data-related event on the socket. */
- static void EventCallback(bufferevent * a_BufferEvent, short a_What, void * a_Self);
- /** Sets a_IP and a_Port to values read from a_Address, based on the correct address family. */
- static void UpdateAddress(const sockaddr * a_Address, int a_AddrLen, AString & a_IP, UInt16 & a_Port);
- /** Updates m_LocalIP and m_LocalPort based on the metadata read from the socket. */
- void UpdateLocalAddress(void);
- /** Updates m_RemoteIP and m_RemotePort based on the metadata read from the socket. */
- void UpdateRemoteAddress(void);
-/** Implements the cServerHandle details so that it can represent a real server socket, with a list of clients. */
-class cServerHandleImpl:
- public cServerHandle
- typedef cServerHandle super;
- friend class cTCPLinkImpl;
- /** Closes the server, dropping all the connections. */
- ~cServerHandleImpl();
- /** Creates a new server instance listening on the specified port.
- Both IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces are used, if possible.
- Always returns a server instance; in the event of a failure, the instance holds the error details. Use IsListening() to query success. */
- static cServerHandleImplPtr Listen(
- UInt16 a_Port,
- cNetwork::cListenCallbacksPtr a_ListenCallbacks,
- cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks
- );
- // cServerHandle overrides:
- virtual void Close(void) override;
- virtual bool IsListening(void) const override { return m_IsListening; }
- /** The callbacks used to notify about incoming connections. */
- cNetwork::cListenCallbacksPtr m_ListenCallbacks;
- /** The callbacks used to create new cTCPLink instances for incoming connections. */
- cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr m_LinkCallbacks;
- /** The LibEvent handle representing the main listening socket. */
- evconnlistener * m_ConnListener;
- /** The LibEvent handle representing the secondary listening socket (only when side-by-side listening is needed, such as WinXP). */
- evconnlistener * m_SecondaryConnListener;
- /** Set to true when the server is initialized successfully and is listening for incoming connections. */
- bool m_IsListening;
- /** Container for all currently active connections on this server. */
- cTCPLinkImplPtrs m_Connections;
- /** Mutex protecting m_Connections againt multithreaded access. */
- cCriticalSection m_CS;
- /** Contains the error code for the failure to listen. Only valid for non-listening instances. */
- int m_ErrorCode;
- /** Contains the error message for the failure to listen. Only valid for non-listening instances. */
- AString m_ErrorMsg;
- /** Creates a new instance with the specified callbacks.
- Initializes the internals, but doesn't start listening yet. */
- cServerHandleImpl(
- cNetwork::cListenCallbacksPtr a_ListenCallbacks,
- cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks
- );
- /** Starts listening on the specified port.
- Returns true if successful, false on failure. On failure, sets m_ErrorCode and m_ErrorMsg. */
- bool Listen(UInt16 a_Port);
- /** The callback called by LibEvent upon incoming connection. */
- static void Callback(evconnlistener * a_Listener, evutil_socket_t a_Socket, sockaddr * a_Addr, int a_Len, void * a_Self);
- /** Removes the specified link from m_Connections.
- Called by cTCPLinkImpl when the link is terminated. */
- void RemoveLink(const cTCPLinkImpl * a_Link);
-// Globals:
-bool IsValidSocket(evutil_socket_t a_Socket)
- #ifdef _WIN32
- return (a_Socket != INVALID_SOCKET);
- #else // _WIN32
- return (a_Socket >= 0);
- #endif // else _WIN32
-// cHostnameLookup:
-cHostnameLookup::cHostnameLookup(const AString & a_Hostname, cNetwork::cResolveNameCallbacksPtr a_Callbacks):
- m_Callbacks(a_Callbacks),
- m_Hostname(a_Hostname)
- evutil_addrinfo hints;
- memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
- hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
- hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
- hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
- hints.ai_flags = EVUTIL_AI_CANONNAME;
- evdns_getaddrinfo(cNetworkSingleton::Get().GetDNSBase(), a_Hostname.c_str(), nullptr, &hints, Callback, this);
-void cHostnameLookup::Callback(int a_ErrCode, evutil_addrinfo * a_Addr, void * a_Self)
- // Get the Self class:
- cHostnameLookup * Self = reinterpret_cast<cHostnameLookup *>(a_Self);
- ASSERT(Self != nullptr);
- // If an error has occurred, notify the error callback:
- if (a_ErrCode != 0)
- {
- Self->m_Callbacks->OnError(a_ErrCode);
- cNetworkSingleton::Get().RemoveHostnameLookup(Self);
- return;
- }
- // Call the success handler for each entry received:
- bool HasResolved = false;
- evutil_addrinfo * OrigAddr = a_Addr;
- for (;a_Addr != nullptr; a_Addr = a_Addr->ai_next)
- {
- char IP[128];
- switch (a_Addr->ai_family)
- {
- case AF_INET: // IPv4
- {
- sockaddr_in * sin = reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in *>(a_Addr->ai_addr);
- evutil_inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(sin->sin_addr), IP, sizeof(IP));
- break;
- }
- case AF_INET6: // IPv6
- {
- sockaddr_in6 * sin = reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in6 *>(a_Addr->ai_addr);
- evutil_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &(sin->sin6_addr), IP, sizeof(IP));
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- // Unknown address family, handle as if this entry wasn't received
- continue; // for (a_Addr)
- }
- }
- Self->m_Callbacks->OnNameResolved(Self->m_Hostname, IP);
- HasResolved = true;
- } // for (a_Addr)
- // If only unsupported families were reported, call the Error handler:
- if (!HasResolved)
- {
- Self->m_Callbacks->OnError(1);
- }
- else
- {
- Self->m_Callbacks->OnFinished();
- }
- evutil_freeaddrinfo(OrigAddr);
- cNetworkSingleton::Get().RemoveHostnameLookup(Self);
-// cIPLookup:
-cIPLookup::cIPLookup(const AString & a_IP, cNetwork::cResolveNameCallbacksPtr a_Callbacks):
- m_Callbacks(a_Callbacks),
- m_IP(a_IP)
- sockaddr_storage sa;
- int salen = static_cast<int>(sizeof(sa));
- evutil_parse_sockaddr_port(a_IP.c_str(), reinterpret_cast<sockaddr *>(&sa), &salen);
- switch (sa.ss_family)
- {
- case AF_INET:
- {
- sockaddr_in * sa4 = reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in *>(&sa);
- evdns_base_resolve_reverse(cNetworkSingleton::Get().GetDNSBase(), &(sa4->sin_addr), 0, Callback, this);
- break;
- }
- case AF_INET6:
- {
- sockaddr_in6 * sa6 = reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in6 *>(&sa);
- evdns_base_resolve_reverse_ipv6(cNetworkSingleton::Get().GetDNSBase(), &(sa6->sin6_addr), 0, Callback, this);
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- LOGWARNING("%s: Unknown address family: %d", __FUNCTION__, sa.ss_family);
- ASSERT(!"Unknown address family");
- break;
- }
- } // switch (address family)
-void cIPLookup::Callback(int a_Result, char a_Type, int a_Count, int a_Ttl, void * a_Addresses, void * a_Self)
- // Get the Self class:
- cIPLookup * Self = reinterpret_cast<cIPLookup *>(a_Self);
- ASSERT(Self != nullptr);
- // Call the proper callback based on the event received:
- if ((a_Result != 0) || (a_Addresses == nullptr))
- {
- // An error has occurred, notify the error callback:
- Self->m_Callbacks->OnError(a_Result);
- }
- else
- {
- // Call the success handler:
- Self->m_Callbacks->OnNameResolved(*(reinterpret_cast<char **>(a_Addresses)), Self->m_IP);
- Self->m_Callbacks->OnFinished();
- }
- cNetworkSingleton::Get().RemoveIPLookup(Self);
-// cTCPLinkImpl:
-cTCPLinkImpl::cTCPLinkImpl(cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks):
- super(a_LinkCallbacks),
- m_BufferEvent(bufferevent_socket_new(cNetworkSingleton::Get().GetEventBase(), -1, BEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE)),
- m_Server(nullptr)
- // Create the LibEvent handle, but don't assign a socket to it yet (will be assigned within Connect() method):
- bufferevent_setcb(m_BufferEvent, ReadCallback, nullptr, EventCallback, this);
- bufferevent_enable(m_BufferEvent, EV_READ | EV_WRITE);
-cTCPLinkImpl::cTCPLinkImpl(evutil_socket_t a_Socket, cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks, cServerHandleImpl * a_Server, const sockaddr * a_Address, int a_AddrLen):
- super(a_LinkCallbacks),
- m_BufferEvent(bufferevent_socket_new(cNetworkSingleton::Get().GetEventBase(), a_Socket, BEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE)),
- m_Server(a_Server)
- // Update the endpoint addresses:
- UpdateLocalAddress();
- UpdateAddress(a_Address, a_AddrLen, m_RemoteIP, m_RemotePort);
- // Create the LibEvent handle:
- bufferevent_setcb(m_BufferEvent, ReadCallback, nullptr, EventCallback, this);
- bufferevent_enable(m_BufferEvent, EV_READ | EV_WRITE);
- bufferevent_free(m_BufferEvent);
-cTCPLinkImplPtr cTCPLinkImpl::Connect(const AString & a_Host, UInt16 a_Port, cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks, cNetwork::cConnectCallbacksPtr a_ConnectCallbacks)
- ASSERT(a_LinkCallbacks != nullptr);
- ASSERT(a_ConnectCallbacks != nullptr);
- // Create a new link:
- cTCPLinkImplPtr res{new cTCPLinkImpl(a_LinkCallbacks)}; // Cannot use std::make_shared here, constructor is not accessible
- res->m_ConnectCallbacks = a_ConnectCallbacks;
- cNetworkSingleton::Get().AddLink(res);
- // If a_Host is an IP address, schedule a connection immediately:
- sockaddr_storage sa;
- int salen = static_cast<int>(sizeof(sa));
- if (evutil_parse_sockaddr_port(a_Host.c_str(), reinterpret_cast<sockaddr *>(&sa), &salen) == 0)
- {
- // Insert the correct port:
- if (sa.ss_family == AF_INET6)
- {
- reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in6 *>(&sa)->sin6_port = htons(a_Port);
- }
- else
- {
- reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in *>(&sa)->sin_port = htons(a_Port);
- }
- // Queue the connect request:
- if (bufferevent_socket_connect(res->m_BufferEvent, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr *>(&sa), salen) == 0)
- {
- // Success
- return res;
- }
- // Failure
- cNetworkSingleton::Get().RemoveLink(res.get());
- return nullptr;
- }
- // a_Host is a hostname, connect after a lookup:
- if (bufferevent_socket_connect_hostname(res->m_BufferEvent, cNetworkSingleton::Get().GetDNSBase(), AF_UNSPEC, a_Host.c_str(), a_Port) == 0)
- {
- // Success
- return res;
- }
- // Failure
- cNetworkSingleton::Get().RemoveLink(res.get());
- return nullptr;
-bool cTCPLinkImpl::Send(const void * a_Data, size_t a_Length)
- return (bufferevent_write(m_BufferEvent, a_Data, a_Length) == 0);
-void cTCPLinkImpl::Shutdown(void)
- #ifdef _WIN32
- shutdown(bufferevent_getfd(m_BufferEvent), SD_SEND);
- #else
- shutdown(bufferevent_getfd(m_BufferEvent), SHUT_WR);
- #endif
- bufferevent_disable(m_BufferEvent, EV_WRITE);
-void cTCPLinkImpl::Close(void)
- // Disable all events on the socket, but keep it alive:
- bufferevent_disable(m_BufferEvent, EV_READ | EV_WRITE);
- if (m_Server == nullptr)
- {
- cNetworkSingleton::Get().RemoveLink(this);
- }
- else
- {
- m_Server->RemoveLink(this);
- }
-void cTCPLinkImpl::ReadCallback(bufferevent * a_BufferEvent, void * a_Self)
- ASSERT(a_Self != nullptr);
- cTCPLinkImpl * Self = static_cast<cTCPLinkImpl *>(a_Self);
- ASSERT(Self->m_Callbacks != nullptr);
- // Read all the incoming data, in 1024-byte chunks:
- char data[1024];
- size_t length;
- while ((length = bufferevent_read(a_BufferEvent, data, sizeof(data))) > 0)
- {
- Self->m_Callbacks->OnReceivedData(*Self, data, length);
- }
-void cTCPLinkImpl::EventCallback(bufferevent * a_BufferEvent, short a_What, void * a_Self)
- ASSERT(a_Self != nullptr);
- cTCPLinkImpl * Self = static_cast<cTCPLinkImpl *>(a_Self);
- // If an error is reported, call the error callback:
- if (a_What & BEV_EVENT_ERROR)
- {
- // Choose the proper callback to call based on whether we were waiting for connection or not:
- if (Self->m_ConnectCallbacks != nullptr)
- {
- Self->m_ConnectCallbacks->OnError(EVUTIL_SOCKET_ERROR());
- }
- else
- {
- Self->m_Callbacks->OnError(*Self, EVUTIL_SOCKET_ERROR());
- if (Self->m_Server == nullptr)
- {
- cNetworkSingleton::Get().RemoveLink(Self);
- }
- else
- {
- Self->m_Server->RemoveLink(Self);
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- // Pending connection succeeded, call the connection callback:
- {
- if (Self->m_ConnectCallbacks != nullptr)
- {
- Self->m_ConnectCallbacks->OnSuccess(*Self);
- // Reset the connect callbacks so that later errors get reported through the link callbacks:
- Self->m_ConnectCallbacks.reset();
- return;
- }
- Self->UpdateLocalAddress();
- Self->UpdateRemoteAddress();
- }
- // If the connection has been closed, call the link callback and remove the connection:
- if (a_What & BEV_EVENT_EOF)
- {
- Self->m_Callbacks->OnRemoteClosed(*Self);
- if (Self->m_Server != nullptr)
- {
- Self->m_Server->RemoveLink(Self);
- }
- else
- {
- cNetworkSingleton::Get().RemoveLink(Self);
- }
- return;
- }
- // Unknown event, report it:
- LOGWARNING("cTCPLinkImpl: Unhandled LibEvent event %d (0x%x)", a_What, a_What);
- ASSERT(!"cTCPLinkImpl: Unhandled LibEvent event");
-void cTCPLinkImpl::UpdateAddress(const sockaddr * a_Address, int a_AddrLen, AString & a_IP, UInt16 & a_Port)
- // Based on the family specified in the address, use the correct datastructure to convert to IP string:
- char IP[128];
- switch (a_Address->sa_family)
- {
- case AF_INET: // IPv4:
- {
- const sockaddr_in * sin = reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr_in *>(a_Address);
- evutil_inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(sin->sin_addr), IP, sizeof(IP));
- a_Port = ntohs(sin->sin_port);
- break;
- }
- case AF_INET6: // IPv6
- {
- const sockaddr_in6 * sin = reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr_in6 *>(a_Address);
- evutil_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &(sin->sin6_addr), IP, sizeof(IP));
- a_Port = ntohs(sin->sin6_port);
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- LOGWARNING("%s: Unknown socket address family: %d", __FUNCTION__, a_Address->sa_family);
- ASSERT(!"Unknown socket address family");
- break;
- }
- }
- a_IP.assign(IP);
-void cTCPLinkImpl::UpdateLocalAddress(void)
- sockaddr_storage sa;
- socklen_t salen = static_cast<socklen_t>(sizeof(sa));
- getsockname(bufferevent_getfd(m_BufferEvent), reinterpret_cast<sockaddr *>(&sa), &salen);
- UpdateAddress(reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr *>(&sa), salen, m_LocalIP, m_LocalPort);
-void cTCPLinkImpl::UpdateRemoteAddress(void)
- sockaddr_storage sa;
- socklen_t salen = static_cast<socklen_t>(sizeof(sa));
- getpeername(bufferevent_getfd(m_BufferEvent), reinterpret_cast<sockaddr *>(&sa), &salen);
- UpdateAddress(reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr *>(&sa), salen, m_RemoteIP, m_RemotePort);
-// cServerHandleImpl:
- cNetwork::cListenCallbacksPtr a_ListenCallbacks,
- cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks
- m_ListenCallbacks(a_ListenCallbacks),
- m_LinkCallbacks(a_LinkCallbacks),
- m_ConnListener(nullptr),
- m_SecondaryConnListener(nullptr),
- m_IsListening(false),
- m_ErrorCode(0)
- if (m_ConnListener != nullptr)
- {
- evconnlistener_free(m_ConnListener);
- }
- if (m_SecondaryConnListener != nullptr)
- {
- evconnlistener_free(m_SecondaryConnListener);
- }
-void cServerHandleImpl::Close(void)
- // Stop the listener sockets:
- evconnlistener_disable(m_ConnListener);
- if (m_SecondaryConnListener != nullptr)
- {
- evconnlistener_disable(m_SecondaryConnListener);
- }
- m_IsListening = false;
- // Shutdown all connections:
- cTCPLinkImplPtrs Conns;
- {
- cCSLock Lock(m_CS);
- std::swap(Conns, m_Connections);
- }
- for (auto conn: Conns)
- {
- conn->Shutdown();
- }
-cServerHandleImplPtr cServerHandleImpl::Listen(
- UInt16 a_Port,
- cNetwork::cListenCallbacksPtr a_ListenCallbacks,
- cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks
- cServerHandleImplPtr res = cServerHandleImplPtr{new cServerHandleImpl(a_ListenCallbacks, a_LinkCallbacks)};
- if (res->Listen(a_Port))
- {
- cNetworkSingleton::Get().AddServer(res);
- }
- else
- {
- a_ListenCallbacks->OnError(res->m_ErrorCode, res->m_ErrorMsg);
- }
- return res;
-bool cServerHandleImpl::Listen(UInt16 a_Port)
- // Make sure the cNetwork internals are innitialized:
- cNetworkSingleton::Get();
- // Set up the main socket:
- // It should listen on IPv6 with IPv4 fallback, when available; IPv4 when IPv6 is not available.
- bool NeedsTwoSockets = false;
- int err;
- evutil_socket_t MainSock = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
- if (!IsValidSocket(MainSock))
- {
- // Failed to create IPv6 socket, create an IPv4 one instead:
- LOGD("Failed to create IPv6 MainSock: %d (%s)", err, evutil_socket_error_to_string(err));
- if (!IsValidSocket(MainSock))
- {
- m_ErrorCode = EVUTIL_SOCKET_ERROR();
- Printf(m_ErrorMsg, "Cannot create socket for port %d: %s", a_Port, evutil_socket_error_to_string(m_ErrorCode));
- return false;
- }
- // Bind to all interfaces:
- sockaddr_in name;
- memset(&name, 0, sizeof(name));
- name.sin_family = AF_INET;
- name.sin_port = ntohs(a_Port);
- if (bind(MainSock, reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr *>(&name), sizeof(name)) != 0)
- {
- m_ErrorCode = EVUTIL_SOCKET_ERROR();
- Printf(m_ErrorMsg, "Cannot bind IPv4 socket to port %d: %s", a_Port, evutil_socket_error_to_string(m_ErrorCode));
- evutil_closesocket(MainSock);
- return false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // IPv6 socket created, switch it into "dualstack" mode:
- UInt32 Zero = 0;
- #ifdef _WIN32
- // WinXP doesn't support this feature, so if the setting fails, create another socket later on:
- int res = setsockopt(MainSock, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&Zero), sizeof(Zero));
- NeedsTwoSockets = ((res == SOCKET_ERROR) && (err == WSAENOPROTOOPT));
- LOGD("setsockopt(IPV6_V6ONLY) returned %d, err is %d (%s). %s",
- res, err, evutil_socket_error_to_string(err),
- NeedsTwoSockets ? "Second socket will be created" : "Second socket not needed"
- );
- #else
- setsockopt(MainSock, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&Zero), sizeof(Zero));
- #endif
- // Bind to all interfaces:
- sockaddr_in6 name;
- memset(&name, 0, sizeof(name));
- name.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
- name.sin6_port = ntohs(a_Port);
- if (bind(MainSock, reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr *>(&name), sizeof(name)) != 0)
- {
- m_ErrorCode = EVUTIL_SOCKET_ERROR();
- Printf(m_ErrorMsg, "Cannot bind IPv6 socket to port %d: %s", a_Port, evutil_socket_error_to_string(m_ErrorCode));
- evutil_closesocket(MainSock);
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (evutil_make_socket_nonblocking(MainSock) != 0)
- {
- m_ErrorCode = EVUTIL_SOCKET_ERROR();
- Printf(m_ErrorMsg, "Cannot make socket on port %d non-blocking: %s", a_Port, evutil_socket_error_to_string(m_ErrorCode));
- evutil_closesocket(MainSock);
- return false;
- }
- if (listen(MainSock, 0) != 0)
- {
- m_ErrorCode = EVUTIL_SOCKET_ERROR();
- Printf(m_ErrorMsg, "Cannot listen on port %d: %s", a_Port, evutil_socket_error_to_string(m_ErrorCode));
- evutil_closesocket(MainSock);
- return false;
- }
- m_ConnListener = evconnlistener_new(cNetworkSingleton::Get().GetEventBase(), Callback, this, LEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE | LEV_OPT_REUSEABLE, 0, MainSock);
- m_IsListening = true;
- if (!NeedsTwoSockets)
- {
- return true;
- }
- // If a secondary socket is required (WinXP dual-stack), create it here:
- LOGD("Creating a second socket for IPv4");
- evutil_socket_t SecondSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
- if (!IsValidSocket(SecondSock))
- {
- LOGD("socket(AF_INET, ...) failed for secondary socket: %d, %s", err, evutil_socket_error_to_string(err));
- return true; // Report as success, the primary socket is working
- }
- // Make the secondary socket nonblocking:
- if (evutil_make_socket_nonblocking(SecondSock) != 0)
- {
- LOGD("evutil_make_socket_nonblocking() failed for secondary socket: %d, %s", err, evutil_socket_error_to_string(err));
- evutil_closesocket(SecondSock);
- }
- // Bind to all IPv4 interfaces:
- sockaddr_in name;
- memset(&name, 0, sizeof(name));
- name.sin_family = AF_INET;
- name.sin_port = ntohs(a_Port);
- if (bind(SecondSock, reinterpret_cast<const sockaddr *>(&name), sizeof(name)) != 0)
- {
- LOGD("Cannot bind secondary socket to port %d: %d (%s)", a_Port, err, evutil_socket_error_to_string(err));
- evutil_closesocket(SecondSock);
- return true;
- }
- if (listen(SecondSock, 0) != 0)
- {
- LOGD("Cannot listen on on secondary socket on port %d: %d (%s)", a_Port, err, evutil_socket_error_to_string(err));
- evutil_closesocket(SecondSock);
- return false;
- }
- m_SecondaryConnListener = evconnlistener_new(cNetworkSingleton::Get().GetEventBase(), Callback, this, LEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE | LEV_OPT_REUSEABLE, 0, SecondSock);
- return true;
-void cServerHandleImpl::Callback(evconnlistener * a_Listener, evutil_socket_t a_Socket, sockaddr * a_Addr, int a_Len, void * a_Self)
- // Cast to true self:
- cServerHandleImpl * Self = reinterpret_cast<cServerHandleImpl *>(a_Self);
- ASSERT(Self != nullptr);
- // Create a new cTCPLink for the incoming connection:
- cTCPLinkImplPtr Link = std::make_shared<cTCPLinkImpl>(a_Socket, Self->m_LinkCallbacks, Self, a_Addr, a_Len);
- {
- cCSLock Lock(Self->m_CS);
- Self->m_Connections.push_back(Link);
- } // Lock(m_CS)
- // Call the OnAccepted callback:
- Self->m_ListenCallbacks->OnAccepted(*Link);
-void cServerHandleImpl::RemoveLink(const cTCPLinkImpl * a_Link)
- cCSLock Lock(m_CS);
- for (auto itr = m_Connections.begin(), end = m_Connections.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
- {
- if (itr->get() == a_Link)
- {
- m_Connections.erase(itr);
- return;
- }
- } // for itr - m_Connections[]
-// cNetwork:
-bool cNetwork::Connect(
- const AString & a_Host,
- const UInt16 a_Port,
- cNetwork::cConnectCallbacksPtr a_ConnectCallbacks,
- cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks
- // Add a connection request to the queue:
- cTCPLinkImplPtr Conn = cTCPLinkImpl::Connect(a_Host, a_Port, a_LinkCallbacks, a_ConnectCallbacks);
- return (Conn != nullptr);
-cServerHandlePtr cNetwork::Listen(
- const UInt16 a_Port,
- cNetwork::cListenCallbacksPtr a_ListenCallbacks,
- cTCPLink::cCallbacksPtr a_LinkCallbacks
- return cServerHandleImpl::Listen(a_Port, a_ListenCallbacks, a_LinkCallbacks);
-bool cNetwork::HostnameToIP(
- const AString & a_Hostname,
- cNetwork::cResolveNameCallbacksPtr a_Callbacks
- return cNetworkSingleton::Get().HostnameToIP(a_Hostname, a_Callbacks);
-bool cNetwork::IPToHostName(
- const AString & a_IP,
- cNetwork::cResolveNameCallbacksPtr a_Callbacks
- return cNetworkSingleton::Get().IPToHostName(a_IP, a_Callbacks);
-// cTCPLink:
-cTCPLink::cTCPLink(cCallbacksPtr a_Callbacks):
- m_Callbacks(a_Callbacks)