#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules #include "Cow.h" #include "../Entities/Player.h" cCow::cCow(void) : super("Cow", mtCow, "entity.cow.hurt", "entity.cow.death", 0.9, 1.3) { m_BehaviorBreeder.AttachToMonster(*this); m_BehaviorCoward.AttachToMonster(*this); m_BehaviorItemFollower.AttachToMonster(*this); m_BehaviorWanderer.AttachToMonster(*this); // mobTodo Behavior itemReplacer for the bucket } void cCow::GetDrops(cItems & a_Drops, cEntity * a_Killer) { unsigned int LootingLevel = 0; if (a_Killer != nullptr) { LootingLevel = a_Killer->GetEquippedWeapon().m_Enchantments.GetLevel(cEnchantments::enchLooting); } AddRandomDropItem(a_Drops, 0, 2 + LootingLevel, E_ITEM_LEATHER); AddRandomDropItem(a_Drops, 1, 3 + LootingLevel, IsOnFire() ? E_ITEM_STEAK : E_ITEM_RAW_BEEF); } /* * mobTodo behavior iTemReplacer * void cCow::OnRightClicked(cPlayer & a_Player) { super::OnRightClicked(a_Player); short HeldItem = a_Player.GetEquippedItem().m_ItemType; if (HeldItem == E_ITEM_BUCKET) { if (!a_Player.IsGameModeCreative()) { a_Player.GetInventory().RemoveOneEquippedItem(); a_Player.GetInventory().AddItem(E_ITEM_MILK); } } }*/ cBehaviorBreeder * cCow::GetBehaviorBreeder() { return &m_BehaviorBreeder; } const cBehaviorBreeder * cCow::GetBehaviorBreeder() const { return static_cast(&m_BehaviorBreeder); }