// Copyright 2014 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.

#include "common/logging/log.h"
#include "common/platform.h"

#include <winsock2.h>
#include <ws2tcpip.h>

// MinGW does not define several errno constants
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#define EBADMSG 104
#define ENODATA 120
#define ENOMSG  122
#define ENOSR   124
#define ENOSTR  125
#define ETIME   137
#define EIDRM   2001
#define ENOLINK 2002
#endif // _MSC_VER

#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <poll.h>

#include "common/scope_exit.h"
#include "core/hle/hle.h"
#include "core/hle/service/soc_u.h"
#include <unordered_map>

#    define WSAEMULTIHOP   -1 // Invalid dummy value
#    define ERRNO(x)       WSA##x
#    define GET_ERRNO      WSAGetLastError()
#    define poll(x, y, z)  WSAPoll(x, y, z);
#    define ERRNO(x)       x
#    define GET_ERRNO      errno
#    define closesocket(x) close(x)

static const s32 SOCKET_ERROR_VALUE = -1;

// Namespace SOC_U

namespace SOC_U {

/// Holds the translation from system network errors to 3DS network errors
static const std::unordered_map<int, int> error_map = { {
    { E2BIG, 1 },
    { ERRNO(EACCES), 2 },
    { ERRNO(EAGAIN), 6 },
    { ERRNO(EALREADY), 7 },
    { ERRNO(EBADF), 8 },
    { EBADMSG, 9 },
    { EBUSY, 10 },
    { ECANCELED, 11 },
    { ECHILD, 12 },
    { ERRNO(ECONNRESET), 15 },
    { EDEADLK, 16 },
    { EDOM, 18 },
    { ERRNO(EDQUOT), 19 },
    { EEXIST, 20 },
    { ERRNO(EFAULT), 21 },
    { EFBIG, 22 },
    { EIDRM, 24 },
    { EILSEQ, 25 },
    { ERRNO(EINTR), 27 },
    { ERRNO(EINVAL), 28 },
    { EIO, 29 },
    { ERRNO(EISCONN), 30 },
    { EISDIR, 31 },
    { ERRNO(ELOOP), 32 },
    { ERRNO(EMFILE), 33 },
    { EMLINK, 34 },
    { ERRNO(EMSGSIZE), 35 },
    { ERRNO(EMULTIHOP), 36 },
    { ERRNO(ENETDOWN), 38 },
    { ERRNO(ENETRESET), 39 },
    { ENFILE, 41 },
    { ERRNO(ENOBUFS), 42 },
    { ENODATA, 43 },
    { ENODEV, 44 },
    { ENOENT, 45 },
    { ENOEXEC, 46 },
    { ENOLCK, 47 },
    { ENOLINK, 48 },
    { ENOMEM, 49 },
    { ENOMSG, 50 },
    { ENOSPC, 52 },
    { ENOSR, 53 },
    { ENOSTR, 54 },
    { ENOSYS, 55 },
    { ERRNO(ENOTCONN), 56 },
    { ENOTDIR, 57 },
    { ERRNO(ENOTEMPTY), 58 },
    { ERRNO(ENOTSOCK), 59 },
    { ENOTSUP, 60 },
    { ENOTTY, 61 },
    { ENXIO, 62 },
    { ERRNO(EOPNOTSUPP), 63 },
    { EOVERFLOW, 64 },
    { EPERM, 65 },
    { EPIPE, 66 },
    { EPROTO, 67 },
    { ERRNO(EPROTOTYPE), 69 },
    { ERANGE, 70 },
    { EROFS, 71 },
    { ESPIPE, 72 },
    { ESRCH, 73 },
    { ERRNO(ESTALE), 74 },
    { ETIME, 75 },
    { ERRNO(ETIMEDOUT), 76 }

/// Converts a network error from platform-specific to 3ds-specific
static int TranslateError(int error) {
    auto found = error_map.find(error);
    if (found != error_map.end())
        return -found->second;
    return error;

/// Holds information about a particular socket
struct SocketHolder {
    u32 socket_fd; ///< The socket descriptor
    bool blocking; ///< Whether the socket is blocking or not, it is only read on Windows.

/// Structure to represent the 3ds' pollfd structure, which is different than most implementations
struct CTRPollFD {
    u32 fd; ///< Socket handle

    union Events {
        u32 hex; ///< The complete value formed by the flags
        BitField<0, 1, u32> pollin;
        BitField<1, 1, u32> pollpri;
        BitField<2, 1, u32> pollhup;
        BitField<3, 1, u32> pollerr;
        BitField<4, 1, u32> pollout;
        BitField<5, 1, u32> pollnval;

        Events& operator=(const Events& other) {
            hex = other.hex;
            return *this;

        /// Translates the resulting events of a Poll operation from platform-specific to 3ds specific
        static Events TranslateTo3DS(u32 input_event) {
            Events ev = {};
            if (input_event & POLLIN)
                ev.pollin = 1;
            if (input_event & POLLPRI)
                ev.pollpri = 1;
            if (input_event & POLLHUP)
                ev.pollhup = 1;
            if (input_event & POLLERR)
                ev.pollerr = 1;
            if (input_event & POLLOUT)
                ev.pollout = 1;
            if (input_event & POLLNVAL)
                ev.pollnval = 1;
            return ev;

        /// Translates the resulting events of a Poll operation from 3ds specific to platform specific
        static u32 TranslateToPlatform(Events input_event) {
            u32 ret = 0;
            if (input_event.pollin)
                ret |= POLLIN;
            if (input_event.pollpri)
                ret |= POLLPRI;
            if (input_event.pollhup)
                ret |= POLLHUP;
            if (input_event.pollerr)
                ret |= POLLERR;
            if (input_event.pollout)
                ret |= POLLOUT;
            if (input_event.pollnval)
                ret |= POLLNVAL;
            return ret;
    Events events; ///< Events to poll for (input)
    Events revents; ///< Events received (output)

    /// Converts a platform-specific pollfd to a 3ds specific structure
    static CTRPollFD FromPlatform(pollfd const& fd) {
        CTRPollFD result;
        result.events.hex = Events::TranslateTo3DS(fd.events).hex;
        result.revents.hex = Events::TranslateTo3DS(fd.revents).hex;
        result.fd = static_cast<u32>(fd.fd);
        return result;

    /// Converts a 3ds specific pollfd to a platform-specific structure
    static pollfd ToPlatform(CTRPollFD const& fd) {
        pollfd result;
        result.events = Events::TranslateToPlatform(fd.events);
        result.revents = Events::TranslateToPlatform(fd.revents);
        result.fd = fd.fd;
        return result;

/// Union to represent the 3ds' sockaddr structure
union CTRSockAddr {
    /// Structure to represent a raw sockaddr
    struct {
        u8 len; ///< The length of the entire structure, only the set fields count
        u8 sa_family; ///< The address family of the sockaddr
        u8 sa_data[0x1A]; ///< The extra data, this varies, depending on the address family
    } raw;

    /// Structure to represent the 3ds' sockaddr_in structure
    struct CTRSockAddrIn {
        u8 len; ///< The length of the entire structure
        u8 sin_family; ///< The address family of the sockaddr_in
        u16 sin_port; ///< The port associated with this sockaddr_in
        u32 sin_addr; ///< The actual address of the sockaddr_in
    } in;

    /// Convert a 3DS CTRSockAddr to a platform-specific sockaddr
    static sockaddr ToPlatform(CTRSockAddr const& ctr_addr) {
        sockaddr result;
        result.sa_family = ctr_addr.raw.sa_family;
        memset(result.sa_data, 0, sizeof(result.sa_data));

        // We can not guarantee ABI compatibility between platforms so we copy the fields manually
        switch (result.sa_family) {
        case AF_INET:
            sockaddr_in* result_in = reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in*>(&result);
            result_in->sin_port = ctr_addr.in.sin_port;
            result_in->sin_addr.s_addr = ctr_addr.in.sin_addr;
            memset(result_in->sin_zero, 0, sizeof(result_in->sin_zero));
            ASSERT_MSG(false, "Unhandled address family (sa_family) in CTRSockAddr::ToPlatform");
        return result;

    /// Convert a platform-specific sockaddr to a 3DS CTRSockAddr
    static CTRSockAddr FromPlatform(sockaddr const& addr) {
        CTRSockAddr result;
        result.raw.sa_family = static_cast<u8>(addr.sa_family);
        // We can not guarantee ABI compatibility between platforms so we copy the fields manually
        switch (result.raw.sa_family) {
        case AF_INET:
            sockaddr_in const* addr_in = reinterpret_cast<sockaddr_in const*>(&addr);
            result.raw.len = sizeof(CTRSockAddrIn);
            result.in.sin_port = addr_in->sin_port;
            result.in.sin_addr = addr_in->sin_addr.s_addr;
            ASSERT_MSG(false, "Unhandled address family (sa_family) in CTRSockAddr::ToPlatform");
        return result;

/// Holds info about the currently open sockets
static std::unordered_map<u32, SocketHolder> open_sockets;

/// Close all open sockets
static void CleanupSockets() {
    for (auto sock : open_sockets)

static void Socket(Service::Interface* self) {
    u32* cmd_buffer = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
    u32 domain = cmd_buffer[1]; // Address family
    u32 type = cmd_buffer[2];
    u32 protocol = cmd_buffer[3];

    // Only 0 is allowed according to 3dbrew, using 0 will let the OS decide which protocol to use
    if (protocol != 0) {
        cmd_buffer[1] = UnimplementedFunction(ErrorModule::SOC).raw; // TODO(Subv): Correct error code

    if (domain != AF_INET) {
        cmd_buffer[1] = UnimplementedFunction(ErrorModule::SOC).raw; // TODO(Subv): Correct error code

    if (type != SOCK_DGRAM && type != SOCK_STREAM) {
        cmd_buffer[1] = UnimplementedFunction(ErrorModule::SOC).raw; // TODO(Subv): Correct error code

    u32 socket_handle = static_cast<u32>(::socket(domain, type, protocol));

    if ((s32)socket_handle != SOCKET_ERROR_VALUE)
        open_sockets[socket_handle] = { socket_handle, true };

    int result = 0;
    if ((s32)socket_handle == SOCKET_ERROR_VALUE)
        result = TranslateError(GET_ERRNO);

    cmd_buffer[1] = result;
    cmd_buffer[2] = socket_handle;

static void Bind(Service::Interface* self) {
    u32* cmd_buffer = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
    u32 socket_handle = cmd_buffer[1];
    u32 len = cmd_buffer[2];
    CTRSockAddr* ctr_sock_addr = reinterpret_cast<CTRSockAddr*>(Memory::GetPointer(cmd_buffer[6]));

    if (ctr_sock_addr == nullptr) {
        cmd_buffer[1] = -1; // TODO(Subv): Correct code

    sockaddr sock_addr = CTRSockAddr::ToPlatform(*ctr_sock_addr);

    int res = ::bind(socket_handle, &sock_addr, std::max<u32>(sizeof(sock_addr), len));
    int result = 0;
    if (res != 0)
        result = TranslateError(GET_ERRNO);

    cmd_buffer[2] = res;
    cmd_buffer[1] = result;

static void Fcntl(Service::Interface* self) {
    u32* cmd_buffer = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
    u32 socket_handle = cmd_buffer[1];
    u32 ctr_cmd = cmd_buffer[2];
    u32 ctr_arg = cmd_buffer[3];
    int result = 0;
    u32 posix_ret = 0; // TODO: Check what hardware returns for F_SETFL (unspecified by POSIX)
            cmd_buffer[1] = result;
            cmd_buffer[2] = posix_ret;
    if (ctr_cmd == 3) { // F_GETFL
        posix_ret = 0;
        auto iter = open_sockets.find(socket_handle);
        if (iter != open_sockets.end() && iter->second.blocking == false)
            posix_ret |= 4; // O_NONBLOCK
        int ret = ::fcntl(socket_handle, F_GETFL, 0);
        if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR_VALUE) {
            result = TranslateError(GET_ERRNO);
            posix_ret = -1;
        posix_ret = 0;
        if (ret & O_NONBLOCK)
            posix_ret |= 4; // O_NONBLOCK
    } else if (ctr_cmd == 4) { // F_SETFL
        unsigned long tmp = (ctr_arg & 4 /* O_NONBLOCK */) ? 1 : 0;
        int ret = ioctlsocket(socket_handle, FIONBIO, &tmp);
        if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR_VALUE) {
            result = TranslateError(GET_ERRNO);
            posix_ret = -1;
        auto iter = open_sockets.find(socket_handle);
        if (iter != open_sockets.end())
            iter->second.blocking = (tmp == 0);
        int flags = ::fcntl(socket_handle, F_GETFL, 0);
        if (flags == SOCKET_ERROR_VALUE) {
            result = TranslateError(GET_ERRNO);
            posix_ret = -1;
        flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK;
        if (ctr_arg & 4) // O_NONBLOCK
            flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
        int ret = ::fcntl(socket_handle, F_SETFL, flags);
        if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR_VALUE) {
            result = TranslateError(GET_ERRNO);
            posix_ret = -1;
    } else {
        LOG_ERROR(Service_SOC, "Unsupported command (%d) in fcntl call", ctr_cmd);
        result = TranslateError(EINVAL); // TODO: Find the correct error
        posix_ret = -1;

static void Listen(Service::Interface* self) {
    u32* cmd_buffer = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
    u32 socket_handle = cmd_buffer[1];
    u32 backlog = cmd_buffer[2];

    int ret = ::listen(socket_handle, backlog);
    int result = 0;
    if (ret != 0)
        result = TranslateError(GET_ERRNO);

    cmd_buffer[2] = ret;
    cmd_buffer[1] = result;

static void Accept(Service::Interface* self) {
    // TODO(Subv): Calling this function on a blocking socket will block the emu thread, 
    // preventing graceful shutdown when closing the emulator, this can be fixed by always 
    // performing nonblocking operations and spinlock until the data is available
    u32* cmd_buffer = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
    u32 socket_handle = cmd_buffer[1];
    socklen_t max_addr_len = static_cast<socklen_t>(cmd_buffer[2]);
    sockaddr addr;
    socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(addr);
    u32 ret = static_cast<u32>(::accept(socket_handle, &addr, &addr_len));
    if ((s32)ret != SOCKET_ERROR_VALUE)
        open_sockets[ret] = { ret, true };

    int result = 0;
    if ((s32)ret == SOCKET_ERROR_VALUE) {
        result = TranslateError(GET_ERRNO);
    } else {
        CTRSockAddr ctr_addr = CTRSockAddr::FromPlatform(addr);
        Memory::WriteBlock(cmd_buffer[0x104 >> 2], (const u8*)&ctr_addr, max_addr_len);

    cmd_buffer[2] = ret;
    cmd_buffer[1] = result;

static void GetHostId(Service::Interface* self) {
    u32* cmd_buffer = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();

    char name[128];
    gethostname(name, sizeof(name));
    hostent* host = gethostbyname(name);
    in_addr* addr = reinterpret_cast<in_addr*>(host->h_addr);

    cmd_buffer[2] = addr->s_addr;
    cmd_buffer[1] = 0;

static void Close(Service::Interface* self) {
    u32* cmd_buffer = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
    u32 socket_handle = cmd_buffer[1];

    int ret = 0;

    ret = closesocket(socket_handle);

    int result = 0;
    if (ret != 0)
        result = TranslateError(GET_ERRNO);

    cmd_buffer[2] = ret;
    cmd_buffer[1] = result;

static void SendTo(Service::Interface* self) {
    u32* cmd_buffer = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
    u32 socket_handle = cmd_buffer[1];
    u32 len = cmd_buffer[2];
    u32 flags = cmd_buffer[3];
    u32 addr_len = cmd_buffer[4];

    u8* input_buff = Memory::GetPointer(cmd_buffer[8]);
    CTRSockAddr* ctr_dest_addr = reinterpret_cast<CTRSockAddr*>(Memory::GetPointer(cmd_buffer[10]));

    if (ctr_dest_addr == nullptr) {
        cmd_buffer[1] = -1; // TODO(Subv): Find the right error code

    int ret = -1;
    if (addr_len > 0) {
        sockaddr dest_addr = CTRSockAddr::ToPlatform(*ctr_dest_addr);
        ret = ::sendto(socket_handle, (const char*)input_buff, len, flags, &dest_addr, sizeof(dest_addr));
    } else {
        ret = ::sendto(socket_handle, (const char*)input_buff, len, flags, nullptr, 0);

    int result = 0;
    if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR_VALUE)
        result = TranslateError(GET_ERRNO);

    cmd_buffer[2] = ret;
    cmd_buffer[1] = result;

static void RecvFrom(Service::Interface* self) {
    // TODO(Subv): Calling this function on a blocking socket will block the emu thread, 
    // preventing graceful shutdown when closing the emulator, this can be fixed by always 
    // performing nonblocking operations and spinlock until the data is available
    u32* cmd_buffer = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
    u32 socket_handle = cmd_buffer[1];
    u32 len = cmd_buffer[2];
    u32 flags = cmd_buffer[3];
    socklen_t addr_len = static_cast<socklen_t>(cmd_buffer[4]);

    u8* output_buff = Memory::GetPointer(cmd_buffer[0x104 >> 2]);
    sockaddr src_addr;
    socklen_t src_addr_len = sizeof(src_addr);
    int ret = ::recvfrom(socket_handle, (char*)output_buff, len, flags, &src_addr, &src_addr_len);

    if (cmd_buffer[0x1A0 >> 2] != 0) {
        CTRSockAddr* ctr_src_addr = reinterpret_cast<CTRSockAddr*>(Memory::GetPointer(cmd_buffer[0x1A0 >> 2]));
        *ctr_src_addr = CTRSockAddr::FromPlatform(src_addr);

    int result = 0;
    int total_received = ret;
    if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR_VALUE) {
        result = TranslateError(GET_ERRNO);
        total_received = 0;

    cmd_buffer[1] = result;
    cmd_buffer[2] = ret;
    cmd_buffer[3] = total_received;

static void Poll(Service::Interface* self) {
    u32* cmd_buffer = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
    u32 nfds = cmd_buffer[1];
    int timeout = cmd_buffer[2];
    CTRPollFD* input_fds = reinterpret_cast<CTRPollFD*>(Memory::GetPointer(cmd_buffer[6]));
    CTRPollFD* output_fds = reinterpret_cast<CTRPollFD*>(Memory::GetPointer(cmd_buffer[0x104 >> 2]));

    // The 3ds_pollfd and the pollfd structures may be different (Windows/Linux have different sizes)
    // so we have to copy the data
    pollfd* platform_pollfd = new pollfd[nfds];
    for (unsigned current_fds = 0; current_fds < nfds; ++current_fds)
        platform_pollfd[current_fds] = CTRPollFD::ToPlatform(input_fds[current_fds]);
    int ret = ::poll(platform_pollfd, nfds, timeout);

    // Now update the output pollfd structure
    for (unsigned current_fds = 0; current_fds < nfds; ++current_fds)
        output_fds[current_fds] = CTRPollFD::FromPlatform(platform_pollfd[current_fds]);

    delete[] platform_pollfd;

    int result = 0;
    if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR_VALUE)
        result = TranslateError(GET_ERRNO);

    cmd_buffer[1] = result;
    cmd_buffer[2] = ret;

static void GetSockName(Service::Interface* self) {
    u32* cmd_buffer = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
    u32 socket_handle = cmd_buffer[1];
    socklen_t ctr_len = cmd_buffer[2];

    CTRSockAddr* ctr_dest_addr = reinterpret_cast<CTRSockAddr*>(Memory::GetPointer(cmd_buffer[0x104 >> 2]));

    sockaddr dest_addr;
    socklen_t dest_addr_len = sizeof(dest_addr);
    int ret = ::getsockname(socket_handle, &dest_addr, &dest_addr_len);

    if (ctr_dest_addr != nullptr) {
        *ctr_dest_addr = CTRSockAddr::FromPlatform(dest_addr);
    } else {
        cmd_buffer[1] = -1; // TODO(Subv): Verify error

    int result = 0;
    if (ret != 0)
        result = TranslateError(GET_ERRNO);

    cmd_buffer[2] = ret;
    cmd_buffer[1] = result;

static void Shutdown(Service::Interface* self) {
    u32* cmd_buffer = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
    u32 socket_handle = cmd_buffer[1];
    int how = cmd_buffer[2];

    int ret = ::shutdown(socket_handle, how);
    int result = 0;
    if (ret != 0)
        result = TranslateError(GET_ERRNO);
    cmd_buffer[2] = ret;
    cmd_buffer[1] = result;

static void GetPeerName(Service::Interface* self) {
    u32* cmd_buffer = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
    u32 socket_handle = cmd_buffer[1];
    socklen_t len = cmd_buffer[2];

    CTRSockAddr* ctr_dest_addr = reinterpret_cast<CTRSockAddr*>(Memory::GetPointer(cmd_buffer[0x104 >> 2]));
    sockaddr dest_addr;
    socklen_t dest_addr_len = sizeof(dest_addr);
    int ret = ::getpeername(socket_handle, &dest_addr, &dest_addr_len);

    if (ctr_dest_addr != nullptr) {
        *ctr_dest_addr = CTRSockAddr::FromPlatform(dest_addr);
    } else {
        cmd_buffer[1] = -1;

    int result = 0;
    if (ret != 0)
        result = TranslateError(GET_ERRNO);

    cmd_buffer[2] = ret;
    cmd_buffer[1] = result;

static void Connect(Service::Interface* self) {
    // TODO(Subv): Calling this function on a blocking socket will block the emu thread, 
    // preventing graceful shutdown when closing the emulator, this can be fixed by always 
    // performing nonblocking operations and spinlock until the data is available
    u32* cmd_buffer = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
    u32 socket_handle = cmd_buffer[1];
    socklen_t len = cmd_buffer[2];

    CTRSockAddr* ctr_input_addr = reinterpret_cast<CTRSockAddr*>(Memory::GetPointer(cmd_buffer[6]));
    if (ctr_input_addr == nullptr) {
        cmd_buffer[1] = -1; // TODO(Subv): Verify error

    sockaddr input_addr = CTRSockAddr::ToPlatform(*ctr_input_addr);
    int ret = ::connect(socket_handle, &input_addr, sizeof(input_addr));
    int result = 0;
    if (ret != 0)
        result = TranslateError(GET_ERRNO);
    cmd_buffer[2] = ret;
    cmd_buffer[1] = result;

static void InitializeSockets(Service::Interface* self) {
    // TODO(Subv): Implement
    WSADATA data;
    WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &data);

    u32* cmd_buffer = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
    cmd_buffer[1] = 0;

static void ShutdownSockets(Service::Interface* self) {
    // TODO(Subv): Implement


    u32* cmd_buffer = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
    cmd_buffer[1] = 0;

const Interface::FunctionInfo FunctionTable[] = {
    {0x00010044, InitializeSockets,             "InitializeSockets"},
    {0x000200C2, Socket,                        "Socket"},
    {0x00030082, Listen,                        "Listen"},
    {0x00040082, Accept,                        "Accept"},
    {0x00050084, Bind,                          "Bind"},
    {0x00060084, Connect,                       "Connect"},
    {0x00070104, nullptr,                       "recvfrom_other"},
    {0x00080102, RecvFrom,                      "RecvFrom"},
    {0x00090106, nullptr,                       "sendto_other"},
    {0x000A0106, SendTo,                        "SendTo"},
    {0x000B0042, Close,                         "Close"},
    {0x000C0082, Shutdown,                      "Shutdown"},
    {0x000D0082, nullptr,                       "GetHostByName"},
    {0x000E00C2, nullptr,                       "GetHostByAddr"},
    {0x000F0106, nullptr,                       "unknown_resolve_ip"},
    {0x00110102, nullptr,                       "GetSockOpt"},
    {0x00120104, nullptr,                       "SetSockOpt"},
    {0x001300C2, Fcntl,                         "Fcntl"},
    {0x00140084, Poll,                          "Poll"},
    {0x00150042, nullptr,                       "SockAtMark"},
    {0x00160000, GetHostId,                     "GetHostId"},
    {0x00170082, GetSockName,                   "GetSockName"},
    {0x00180082, GetPeerName,                   "GetPeerName"},
    {0x00190000, ShutdownSockets,               "ShutdownSockets"},
    {0x001A00C0, nullptr,                       "GetNetworkOpt"},
    {0x001B0040, nullptr,                       "ICMPSocket"},
    {0x001C0104, nullptr,                       "ICMPPing"},
    {0x001D0040, nullptr,                       "ICMPCancel"},
    {0x001E0040, nullptr,                       "ICMPClose"},
    {0x001F0040, nullptr,                       "GetResolverInfo"},
    {0x00210002, nullptr,                       "CloseSockets"},

// Interface class

Interface::Interface() {

Interface::~Interface() {

} // namespace