path: root/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/web-token/jwt-signature')
20 files changed, 1945 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Algorithm/SignatureAlgorithm.php b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Algorithm/SignatureAlgorithm.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f982e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Algorithm/SignatureAlgorithm.php
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * The MIT License (MIT)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Spomky-Labs
+ *
+ * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
+ * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
+ */
+namespace Jose\Component\Signature\Algorithm;
+use Jose\Component\Core\Algorithm;
+use Jose\Component\Core\JWK;
+interface SignatureAlgorithm extends Algorithm
+ /**
+ * Sign the input.
+ *
+ * @param JWK $key The private key used to sign the data
+ * @param string $input The input
+ *
+ * @throws \Exception If key does not support the algorithm or if the key usage does not authorize the operation
+ */
+ public function sign(JWK $key, string $input): string;
+ /**
+ * Verify the signature of data.
+ *
+ * @param JWK $key The private key used to sign the data
+ * @param string $input The input
+ * @param string $signature The signature to verify
+ *
+ * @throws \Exception If key does not support the algorithm or if the key usage does not authorize the operation
+ */
+ public function verify(JWK $key, string $input, string $signature): bool;
diff --git a/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWS.php b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWS.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe94f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWS.php
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+ * The MIT License (MIT)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Spomky-Labs
+ *
+ * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
+ * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
+ */
+namespace Jose\Component\Signature;
+use Jose\Component\Core\JWT;
+class JWS implements JWT
+ /**
+ * @var bool
+ */
+ private $isPayloadDetached = false;
+ /**
+ * @var string|null
+ */
+ private $encodedPayload = null;
+ /**
+ * @var Signature[]
+ */
+ private $signatures = [];
+ /**
+ * @var string|null
+ */
+ private $payload = null;
+ /**
+ * JWS constructor.
+ */
+ private function __construct(?string $payload, ?string $encodedPayload = null, bool $isPayloadDetached = false)
+ {
+ $this->payload = $payload;
+ $this->encodedPayload = $encodedPayload;
+ $this->isPayloadDetached = $isPayloadDetached;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a JWS object.
+ *
+ * @return JWS
+ */
+ public static function create(?string $payload, ?string $encodedPayload = null, bool $isPayloadDetached = false): self
+ {
+ return new self($payload, $encodedPayload, $isPayloadDetached);
+ }
+ public function getPayload(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->payload;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the payload is detached.
+ */
+ public function isPayloadDetached(): bool
+ {
+ return $this->isPayloadDetached;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the Base64Url encoded payload.
+ * If the payload is detached, this method returns null.
+ */
+ public function getEncodedPayload(): ?string
+ {
+ if (true === $this->isPayloadDetached()) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return $this->encodedPayload;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the signatures associated with the JWS.
+ *
+ * @return Signature[]
+ */
+ public function getSignatures(): array
+ {
+ return $this->signatures;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the signature at the given index.
+ */
+ public function getSignature(int $id): Signature
+ {
+ if (isset($this->signatures[$id])) {
+ return $this->signatures[$id];
+ }
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The signature does not exist.');
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method adds a signature to the JWS object.
+ * Its returns a new JWS object.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ *
+ * @return JWS
+ */
+ public function addSignature(string $signature, array $protectedHeader, ?string $encodedProtectedHeader, array $header = []): self
+ {
+ $jws = clone $this;
+ $jws->signatures[] = Signature::create($signature, $protectedHeader, $encodedProtectedHeader, $header);
+ return $jws;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the number of signature associated with the JWS.
+ */
+ public function countSignatures(): int
+ {
+ return \count($this->signatures);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method splits the JWS into a list of JWSs.
+ * It is only useful when the JWS contains more than one signature (JSON General Serialization).
+ *
+ * @return JWS[]
+ */
+ public function split(): array
+ {
+ $result = [];
+ foreach ($this->signatures as $signature) {
+ $jws = self::create(
+ $this->payload,
+ $this->encodedPayload,
+ $this->isPayloadDetached
+ );
+ $jws = $jws->addSignature(
+ $signature->getSignature(),
+ $signature->getProtectedHeader(),
+ $signature->getEncodedProtectedHeader(),
+ $signature->getHeader()
+ );
+ $result[] = $jws;
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWSBuilder.php b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWSBuilder.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d8bf43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWSBuilder.php
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+ * The MIT License (MIT)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Spomky-Labs
+ *
+ * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
+ * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
+ */
+namespace Jose\Component\Signature;
+use Base64Url\Base64Url;
+use Jose\Component\Core\AlgorithmManager;
+use Jose\Component\Core\Converter\JsonConverter;
+use Jose\Component\Core\JWK;
+use Jose\Component\Core\Util\KeyChecker;
+use Jose\Component\Signature\Algorithm\SignatureAlgorithm;
+class JWSBuilder
+ /**
+ * @var JsonConverter
+ */
+ private $jsonConverter;
+ /**
+ * @var string|null
+ */
+ private $payload;
+ /**
+ * @var bool
+ */
+ private $isPayloadDetached;
+ /**
+ * @var array
+ */
+ private $signatures = [];
+ /**
+ * @var AlgorithmManager
+ */
+ private $signatureAlgorithmManager;
+ /**
+ * @var bool|null
+ */
+ private $isPayloadEncoded = null;
+ /**
+ * JWSBuilder constructor.
+ */
+ public function __construct(?JsonConverter $jsonConverter, AlgorithmManager $signatureAlgorithmManager)
+ {
+ $this->jsonConverter = $jsonConverter ?? new \Jose\Component\Core\Util\JsonConverter();
+ $this->signatureAlgorithmManager = $signatureAlgorithmManager;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the algorithm manager associated to the builder.
+ */
+ public function getSignatureAlgorithmManager(): AlgorithmManager
+ {
+ return $this->signatureAlgorithmManager;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reset the current data.
+ *
+ * @return JWSBuilder
+ */
+ public function create(): self
+ {
+ $this->payload = null;
+ $this->isPayloadDetached = false;
+ $this->signatures = [];
+ $this->isPayloadEncoded = null;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the payload.
+ * This method will return a new JWSBuilder object.
+ *
+ * @return JWSBuilder
+ */
+ public function withPayload(string $payload, bool $isPayloadDetached = false): self
+ {
+ if (false === \mb_detect_encoding($payload, 'UTF-8', true)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The payload must be encoded in UTF-8');
+ }
+ $clone = clone $this;
+ $clone->payload = $payload;
+ $clone->isPayloadDetached = $isPayloadDetached;
+ return $clone;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds the information needed to compute the signature.
+ * This method will return a new JWSBuilder object.
+ *
+ * @return JWSBuilder
+ */
+ public function addSignature(JWK $signatureKey, array $protectedHeader, array $header = []): self
+ {
+ $this->checkB64AndCriticalHeader($protectedHeader);
+ $isPayloadEncoded = $this->checkIfPayloadIsEncoded($protectedHeader);
+ if (null === $this->isPayloadEncoded) {
+ $this->isPayloadEncoded = $isPayloadEncoded;
+ } elseif ($this->isPayloadEncoded !== $isPayloadEncoded) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Foreign payload encoding detected.');
+ }
+ $this->checkDuplicatedHeaderParameters($protectedHeader, $header);
+ KeyChecker::checkKeyUsage($signatureKey, 'signature');
+ $signatureAlgorithm = $this->findSignatureAlgorithm($signatureKey, $protectedHeader, $header);
+ KeyChecker::checkKeyAlgorithm($signatureKey, $signatureAlgorithm->name());
+ $clone = clone $this;
+ $clone->signatures[] = [
+ 'signature_algorithm' => $signatureAlgorithm,
+ 'signature_key' => $signatureKey,
+ 'protected_header' => $protectedHeader,
+ 'header' => $header,
+ ];
+ return $clone;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Computes all signatures and return the expected JWS object.
+ */
+ public function build(): JWS
+ {
+ if (null === $this->payload) {
+ throw new \RuntimeException('The payload is not set.');
+ }
+ if (0 === \count($this->signatures)) {
+ throw new \RuntimeException('At least one signature must be set.');
+ }
+ $encodedPayload = false === $this->isPayloadEncoded ? $this->payload : Base64Url::encode($this->payload);
+ $jws = JWS::create($this->payload, $encodedPayload, $this->isPayloadDetached);
+ foreach ($this->signatures as $signature) {
+ /** @var SignatureAlgorithm $signatureAlgorithm */
+ $signatureAlgorithm = $signature['signature_algorithm'];
+ /** @var JWK $signatureKey */
+ $signatureKey = $signature['signature_key'];
+ /** @var array $protectedHeader */
+ $protectedHeader = $signature['protected_header'];
+ /** @var array $header */
+ $header = $signature['header'];
+ $encodedProtectedHeader = empty($protectedHeader) ? null : Base64Url::encode($this->jsonConverter->encode($protectedHeader));
+ $input = \sprintf('%s.%s', $encodedProtectedHeader, $encodedPayload);
+ $s = $signatureAlgorithm->sign($signatureKey, $input);
+ $jws = $jws->addSignature($s, $protectedHeader, $encodedProtectedHeader, $header);
+ }
+ return $jws;
+ }
+ private function checkIfPayloadIsEncoded(array $protectedHeader): bool
+ {
+ return !\array_key_exists('b64', $protectedHeader) || true === $protectedHeader['b64'];
+ }
+ private function checkB64AndCriticalHeader(array $protectedHeader)
+ {
+ if (!\array_key_exists('b64', $protectedHeader)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!\array_key_exists('crit', $protectedHeader)) {
+ throw new \LogicException('The protected header parameter "crit" is mandatory when protected header parameter "b64" is set.');
+ }
+ if (!\is_array($protectedHeader['crit'])) {
+ throw new \LogicException('The protected header parameter "crit" must be an array.');
+ }
+ if (!\in_array('b64', $protectedHeader['crit'], true)) {
+ throw new \LogicException('The protected header parameter "crit" must contain "b64" when protected header parameter "b64" is set.');
+ }
+ }
+ private function findSignatureAlgorithm(JWK $key, array $protectedHeader, array $header): SignatureAlgorithm
+ {
+ $completeHeader = \array_merge($header, $protectedHeader);
+ if (!\array_key_exists('alg', $completeHeader)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('No "alg" parameter set in the header.');
+ }
+ if ($key->has('alg') && $key->get('alg') !== $completeHeader['alg']) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('The algorithm "%s" is not allowed with this key.', $completeHeader['alg']));
+ }
+ $signatureAlgorithm = $this->signatureAlgorithmManager->get($completeHeader['alg']);
+ if (!$signatureAlgorithm instanceof SignatureAlgorithm) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('The algorithm "%s" is not supported.', $completeHeader['alg']));
+ }
+ return $signatureAlgorithm;
+ }
+ private function checkDuplicatedHeaderParameters(array $header1, array $header2)
+ {
+ $inter = \array_intersect_key($header1, $header2);
+ if (!empty($inter)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('The header contains duplicated entries: %s.', \implode(', ', \array_keys($inter))));
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWSBuilderFactory.php b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWSBuilderFactory.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c0e6c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWSBuilderFactory.php
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * The MIT License (MIT)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Spomky-Labs
+ *
+ * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
+ * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
+ */
+namespace Jose\Component\Signature;
+use Jose\Component\Core\AlgorithmManagerFactory;
+use Jose\Component\Core\Converter\JsonConverter;
+class JWSBuilderFactory
+ /**
+ * @var JsonConverter|null
+ */
+ private $jsonConverter;
+ /**
+ * @var AlgorithmManagerFactory
+ */
+ private $signatureAlgorithmManagerFactory;
+ /**
+ * JWSBuilderFactory constructor.
+ */
+ public function __construct(?JsonConverter $jsonConverter, AlgorithmManagerFactory $signatureAlgorithmManagerFactory)
+ {
+ $this->jsonConverter = $jsonConverter;
+ $this->signatureAlgorithmManagerFactory = $signatureAlgorithmManagerFactory;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method creates a JWSBuilder using the given algorithm aliases.
+ *
+ * @param string[] $algorithms
+ */
+ public function create(array $algorithms): JWSBuilder
+ {
+ $algorithmManager = $this->signatureAlgorithmManagerFactory->create($algorithms);
+ return new JWSBuilder($this->jsonConverter, $algorithmManager);
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWSLoader.php b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWSLoader.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7eb8dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWSLoader.php
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ * The MIT License (MIT)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Spomky-Labs
+ *
+ * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
+ * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
+ */
+namespace Jose\Component\Signature;
+use Jose\Component\Checker\HeaderCheckerManager;
+use Jose\Component\Core\JWK;
+use Jose\Component\Core\JWKSet;
+use Jose\Component\Signature\Serializer\JWSSerializerManager;
+class JWSLoader
+ /**
+ * @var JWSVerifier
+ */
+ private $jwsVerifier;
+ /**
+ * @var HeaderCheckerManager|null
+ */
+ private $headerCheckerManager;
+ /**
+ * @var JWSSerializerManager
+ */
+ private $serializerManager;
+ /**
+ * JWSLoader constructor.
+ */
+ public function __construct(JWSSerializerManager $serializerManager, JWSVerifier $jwsVerifier, ?HeaderCheckerManager $headerCheckerManager)
+ {
+ $this->serializerManager = $serializerManager;
+ $this->jwsVerifier = $jwsVerifier;
+ $this->headerCheckerManager = $headerCheckerManager;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the JWSVerifier associated to the JWSLoader.
+ */
+ public function getJwsVerifier(): JWSVerifier
+ {
+ return $this->jwsVerifier;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the Header Checker Manager associated to the JWSLoader.
+ */
+ public function getHeaderCheckerManager(): ?HeaderCheckerManager
+ {
+ return $this->headerCheckerManager;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the JWSSerializer associated to the JWSLoader.
+ */
+ public function getSerializerManager(): JWSSerializerManager
+ {
+ return $this->serializerManager;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method will try to load and verify the token using the given key.
+ * It returns a JWS and will populate the $signature variable in case of success, otherwise an exception is thrown.
+ *
+ * @throws \Exception
+ */
+ public function loadAndVerifyWithKey(string $token, JWK $key, ?int &$signature, ?string $payload = null): JWS
+ {
+ $keyset = new JWKSet([$key]);
+ return $this->loadAndVerifyWithKeySet($token, $keyset, $signature, $payload);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method will try to load and verify the token using the given key set.
+ * It returns a JWS and will populate the $signature variable in case of success, otherwise an exception is thrown.
+ *
+ * @throws \Exception
+ */
+ public function loadAndVerifyWithKeySet(string $token, JWKSet $keyset, ?int &$signature, ?string $payload = null): JWS
+ {
+ try {
+ $jws = $this->serializerManager->unserialize($token);
+ $nbSignatures = $jws->countSignatures();
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $nbSignatures; ++$i) {
+ if ($this->processSignature($jws, $keyset, $i, $payload)) {
+ $signature = $i;
+ return $jws;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ // Nothing to do. Exception thrown just after
+ }
+ throw new \Exception('Unable to load and verify the token.');
+ }
+ private function processSignature(JWS $jws, JWKSet $keyset, int $signature, ?string $payload): bool
+ {
+ try {
+ if (null !== $this->headerCheckerManager) {
+ $this->headerCheckerManager->check($jws, $signature);
+ }
+ return $this->jwsVerifier->verifyWithKeySet($jws, $keyset, $signature, $payload);
+ } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWSLoaderFactory.php b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWSLoaderFactory.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3517cd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWSLoaderFactory.php
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * The MIT License (MIT)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Spomky-Labs
+ *
+ * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
+ * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
+ */
+namespace Jose\Component\Signature;
+use Jose\Component\Checker\HeaderCheckerManagerFactory;
+use Jose\Component\Signature\Serializer\JWSSerializerManagerFactory;
+class JWSLoaderFactory
+ /**
+ * @var JWSVerifierFactory
+ */
+ private $jwsVerifierFactory;
+ /**
+ * @var JWSSerializerManagerFactory
+ */
+ private $jwsSerializerManagerFactory;
+ /**
+ * @var HeaderCheckerManagerFactory|null
+ */
+ private $headerCheckerManagerFactory = null;
+ /**
+ * JWSLoaderFactory constructor.
+ */
+ public function __construct(JWSSerializerManagerFactory $jwsSerializerManagerFactory, JWSVerifierFactory $jwsVerifierFactory, ?HeaderCheckerManagerFactory $headerCheckerManagerFactory)
+ {
+ $this->jwsSerializerManagerFactory = $jwsSerializerManagerFactory;
+ $this->jwsVerifierFactory = $jwsVerifierFactory;
+ $this->headerCheckerManagerFactory = $headerCheckerManagerFactory;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a JWSLoader using the given serializer aliases, signature algorithm aliases and (optionally)
+ * the header checker aliases.
+ */
+ public function create(array $serializers, array $algorithms, array $headerCheckers = []): JWSLoader
+ {
+ $serializerManager = $this->jwsSerializerManagerFactory->create($serializers);
+ $jwsVerifier = $this->jwsVerifierFactory->create($algorithms);
+ if (null !== $this->headerCheckerManagerFactory) {
+ $headerCheckerManager = $this->headerCheckerManagerFactory->create($headerCheckers);
+ } else {
+ $headerCheckerManager = null;
+ }
+ return new JWSLoader($serializerManager, $jwsVerifier, $headerCheckerManager);
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWSTokenSupport.php b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWSTokenSupport.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..667f3fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWSTokenSupport.php
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ * The MIT License (MIT)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Spomky-Labs
+ *
+ * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
+ * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
+ */
+namespace Jose\Component\Signature;
+use Jose\Component\Checker\TokenTypeSupport;
+use Jose\Component\Core\JWT;
+final class JWSTokenSupport implements TokenTypeSupport
+ public function supports(JWT $jwt): bool
+ {
+ return $jwt instanceof JWS;
+ }
+ public function retrieveTokenHeaders(JWT $jwt, int $index, array &$protectedHeader, array &$unprotectedHeader): void
+ {
+ if (!$jwt instanceof JWS) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($index > $jwt->countSignatures()) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unknown signature index.');
+ }
+ $protectedHeader = $jwt->getSignature($index)->getProtectedHeader();
+ $unprotectedHeader = $jwt->getSignature($index)->getHeader();
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWSVerifier.php b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWSVerifier.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf49150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWSVerifier.php
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ * The MIT License (MIT)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Spomky-Labs
+ *
+ * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
+ * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
+ */
+namespace Jose\Component\Signature;
+use Base64Url\Base64Url;
+use Jose\Component\Core\AlgorithmManager;
+use Jose\Component\Core\JWK;
+use Jose\Component\Core\JWKSet;
+use Jose\Component\Core\Util\KeyChecker;
+use Jose\Component\Signature\Algorithm\SignatureAlgorithm;
+class JWSVerifier
+ /**
+ * @var AlgorithmManager
+ */
+ private $signatureAlgorithmManager;
+ /**
+ * JWSVerifier constructor.
+ */
+ public function __construct(AlgorithmManager $signatureAlgorithmManager)
+ {
+ $this->signatureAlgorithmManager = $signatureAlgorithmManager;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the algorithm manager associated to the JWSVerifier.
+ */
+ public function getSignatureAlgorithmManager(): AlgorithmManager
+ {
+ return $this->signatureAlgorithmManager;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method will try to verify the JWS object using the given key and for the given signature.
+ * It returns true if the signature is verified, otherwise false.
+ *
+ * @return bool true if the verification of the signature succeeded, else false
+ */
+ public function verifyWithKey(JWS $jws, JWK $jwk, int $signature, ?string $detachedPayload = null): bool
+ {
+ $jwkset = new JWKSet([$jwk]);
+ return $this->verifyWithKeySet($jws, $jwkset, $signature, $detachedPayload);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method will try to verify the JWS object using the given key set and for the given signature.
+ * It returns true if the signature is verified, otherwise false.
+ *
+ * @param JWS $jws A JWS object
+ * @param JWKSet $jwkset The signature will be verified using keys in the key set
+ * @param string|null $detachedPayload If not null, the value must be the detached payload encoded in Base64 URL safe. If the input contains a payload, throws an exception.
+ *
+ * @return bool true if the verification of the signature succeeded, else false
+ */
+ public function verifyWithKeySet(JWS $jws, JWKSet $jwkset, int $signature, ?string $detachedPayload = null): bool
+ {
+ $this->checkJWKSet($jwkset);
+ $this->checkSignatures($jws);
+ $this->checkPayload($jws, $detachedPayload);
+ $signature = $jws->getSignature($signature);
+ return $this->verifySignature($jws, $jwkset, $signature, $detachedPayload);
+ }
+ private function verifySignature(JWS $jws, JWKSet $jwkset, Signature $signature, ?string $detachedPayload = null): bool
+ {
+ $input = $this->getInputToVerify($jws, $signature, $detachedPayload);
+ foreach ($jwkset->all() as $jwk) {
+ $algorithm = $this->getAlgorithm($signature);
+ try {
+ KeyChecker::checkKeyUsage($jwk, 'verification');
+ KeyChecker::checkKeyAlgorithm($jwk, $algorithm->name());
+ if (!\in_array($jwk->get('kty'), $algorithm->allowedKeyTypes(), true)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Wrong key type.');
+ }
+ if (true === $algorithm->verify($jwk, $input, $signature->getSignature())) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ //We do nothing, we continue with other keys
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private function getInputToVerify(JWS $jws, Signature $signature, ?string $detachedPayload): string
+ {
+ $encodedProtectedHeader = $signature->getEncodedProtectedHeader();
+ if (!$signature->hasProtectedHeaderParameter('b64') || true === $signature->getProtectedHeaderParameter('b64')) {
+ if (null !== $jws->getEncodedPayload()) {
+ return \sprintf('%s.%s', $encodedProtectedHeader, $jws->getEncodedPayload());
+ }
+ $payload = empty($jws->getPayload()) ? $detachedPayload : $jws->getPayload();
+ return \sprintf('%s.%s', $encodedProtectedHeader, Base64Url::encode($payload));
+ }
+ $payload = empty($jws->getPayload()) ? $detachedPayload : $jws->getPayload();
+ return \sprintf('%s.%s', $encodedProtectedHeader, $payload);
+ }
+ private function checkSignatures(JWS $jws)
+ {
+ if (0 === $jws->countSignatures()) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The JWS does not contain any signature.');
+ }
+ }
+ private function checkJWKSet(JWKSet $jwkset)
+ {
+ if (0 === \count($jwkset)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('There is no key in the key set.');
+ }
+ }
+ private function checkPayload(JWS $jws, ?string $detachedPayload = null)
+ {
+ if (null !== $detachedPayload && !empty($jws->getPayload())) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('A detached payload is set, but the JWS already has a payload.');
+ }
+ if (empty($jws->getPayload()) && null === $detachedPayload) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The JWS has a detached payload, but no payload is provided.');
+ }
+ }
+ private function getAlgorithm(Signature $signature): SignatureAlgorithm
+ {
+ $completeHeader = \array_merge($signature->getProtectedHeader(), $signature->getHeader());
+ if (!\array_key_exists('alg', $completeHeader)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('No "alg" parameter set in the header.');
+ }
+ $algorithm = $this->signatureAlgorithmManager->get($completeHeader['alg']);
+ if (!$algorithm instanceof SignatureAlgorithm) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('The algorithm "%s" is not supported or is not a signature algorithm.', $completeHeader['alg']));
+ }
+ return $algorithm;
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWSVerifierFactory.php b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWSVerifierFactory.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49bb868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/JWSVerifierFactory.php
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * The MIT License (MIT)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Spomky-Labs
+ *
+ * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
+ * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
+ */
+namespace Jose\Component\Signature;
+use Jose\Component\Core\AlgorithmManagerFactory;
+class JWSVerifierFactory
+ /**
+ * @var AlgorithmManagerFactory
+ */
+ private $algorithmManagerFactory;
+ /**
+ * JWSVerifierFactory constructor.
+ */
+ public function __construct(AlgorithmManagerFactory $algorithmManagerFactory)
+ {
+ $this->algorithmManagerFactory = $algorithmManagerFactory;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a JWSVerifier using the given signature algorithm aliases.
+ *
+ * @param string[] $algorithms
+ */
+ public function create(array $algorithms): JWSVerifier
+ {
+ $algorithmManager = $this->algorithmManagerFactory->create($algorithms);
+ return new JWSVerifier($algorithmManager);
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/LICENSE b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a098645
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Spomky-Labs
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Serializer/CompactSerializer.php b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Serializer/CompactSerializer.php
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Serializer/CompactSerializer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ * The MIT License (MIT)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Spomky-Labs
+ *
+ * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
+ * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
+ */
+namespace Jose\Component\Signature\Serializer;
+use Base64Url\Base64Url;
+use Jose\Component\Core\Converter\JsonConverter;
+use Jose\Component\Signature\JWS;
+final class CompactSerializer extends Serializer
+ public const NAME = 'jws_compact';
+ /**
+ * @var JsonConverter
+ */
+ private $jsonConverter;
+ /**
+ * JSONFlattenedSerializer constructor.
+ */
+ public function __construct(?JsonConverter $jsonConverter = null)
+ {
+ $this->jsonConverter = $jsonConverter ?? new \Jose\Component\Core\Util\JsonConverter();
+ }
+ public function displayName(): string
+ {
+ return 'JWS Compact';
+ }
+ public function name(): string
+ {
+ return self::NAME;
+ }
+ public function serialize(JWS $jws, ?int $signatureIndex = null): string
+ {
+ if (null === $signatureIndex) {
+ $signatureIndex = 0;
+ }
+ $signature = $jws->getSignature($signatureIndex);
+ if (!empty($signature->getHeader())) {
+ throw new \LogicException('The signature contains unprotected header parameters and cannot be converted into compact JSON.');
+ }
+ if (!$this->isPayloadEncoded($signature->getProtectedHeader()) && !empty($jws->getEncodedPayload())) {
+ if (1 !== \preg_match('/^[\x{20}-\x{2d}|\x{2f}-\x{7e}]*$/u', $jws->getPayload())) {
+ throw new \LogicException('Unable to convert the JWS with non-encoded payload.');
+ }
+ }
+ return \sprintf(
+ '%s.%s.%s',
+ $signature->getEncodedProtectedHeader(),
+ $jws->getEncodedPayload(),
+ Base64Url::encode($signature->getSignature())
+ );
+ }
+ public function unserialize(string $input): JWS
+ {
+ $parts = \explode('.', $input);
+ if (3 !== \count($parts)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported input');
+ }
+ try {
+ $encodedProtectedHeader = $parts[0];
+ $protectedHeader = $this->jsonConverter->decode(Base64Url::decode($parts[0]));
+ if (empty($parts[1])) {
+ $payload = null;
+ $encodedPayload = null;
+ } else {
+ $encodedPayload = $parts[1];
+ $payload = $this->isPayloadEncoded($protectedHeader) ? Base64Url::decode($encodedPayload) : $encodedPayload;
+ }
+ $signature = Base64Url::decode($parts[2]);
+ $jws = JWS::create($payload, $encodedPayload, empty($parts[1]));
+ $jws = $jws->addSignature($signature, $protectedHeader, $encodedProtectedHeader);
+ return $jws;
+ } catch (\Error | \Exception $e) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported input');
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Serializer/JSONFlattenedSerializer.php b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Serializer/JSONFlattenedSerializer.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82b79ab
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+++ b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Serializer/JSONFlattenedSerializer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ * The MIT License (MIT)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Spomky-Labs
+ *
+ * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
+ * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
+ */
+namespace Jose\Component\Signature\Serializer;
+use Base64Url\Base64Url;
+use Jose\Component\Core\Converter\JsonConverter;
+use Jose\Component\Signature\JWS;
+final class JSONFlattenedSerializer extends Serializer
+ public const NAME = 'jws_json_flattened';
+ /**
+ * @var JsonConverter|\Jose\Component\Core\Util\JsonConverter|null
+ */
+ private $jsonConverter;
+ /**
+ * JSONFlattenedSerializer constructor.
+ */
+ public function __construct(?JsonConverter $jsonConverter = null)
+ {
+ $this->jsonConverter = $jsonConverter ?? new \Jose\Component\Core\Util\JsonConverter();
+ }
+ public function displayName(): string
+ {
+ return 'JWS JSON Flattened';
+ }
+ public function name(): string
+ {
+ return self::NAME;
+ }
+ public function serialize(JWS $jws, ?int $signatureIndex = null): string
+ {
+ if (null === $signatureIndex) {
+ $signatureIndex = 0;
+ }
+ $signature = $jws->getSignature($signatureIndex);
+ $data = [];
+ $values = [
+ 'payload' => $jws->getEncodedPayload(),
+ 'protected' => $signature->getEncodedProtectedHeader(),
+ 'header' => $signature->getHeader(),
+ ];
+ foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
+ if (!empty($value)) {
+ $data[$key] = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ $data['signature'] = Base64Url::encode($signature->getSignature());
+ return $this->jsonConverter->encode($data);
+ }
+ public function unserialize(string $input): JWS
+ {
+ $data = $this->jsonConverter->decode($input);
+ if (!\is_array($data) || !\array_key_exists('signature', $data)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported input.');
+ }
+ $signature = Base64Url::decode($data['signature']);
+ if (\array_key_exists('protected', $data)) {
+ $encodedProtectedHeader = $data['protected'];
+ $protectedHeader = $this->jsonConverter->decode(Base64Url::decode($data['protected']));
+ } else {
+ $encodedProtectedHeader = null;
+ $protectedHeader = [];
+ }
+ if (\array_key_exists('header', $data)) {
+ if (!\is_array($data['header'])) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Bad header.');
+ }
+ $header = $data['header'];
+ } else {
+ $header = [];
+ }
+ if (\array_key_exists('payload', $data)) {
+ $encodedPayload = $data['payload'];
+ $payload = $this->isPayloadEncoded($protectedHeader) ? Base64Url::decode($encodedPayload) : $encodedPayload;
+ } else {
+ $payload = null;
+ $encodedPayload = null;
+ }
+ $jws = JWS::create($payload, $encodedPayload, null === $encodedPayload);
+ $jws = $jws->addSignature($signature, $protectedHeader, $encodedProtectedHeader, $header);
+ return $jws;
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Serializer/JSONGeneralSerializer.php b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Serializer/JSONGeneralSerializer.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35958c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Serializer/JSONGeneralSerializer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+ * The MIT License (MIT)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Spomky-Labs
+ *
+ * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
+ * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
+ */
+namespace Jose\Component\Signature\Serializer;
+use Base64Url\Base64Url;
+use Jose\Component\Core\Converter\JsonConverter;
+use Jose\Component\Signature\JWS;
+final class JSONGeneralSerializer extends Serializer
+ public const NAME = 'jws_json_general';
+ /**
+ * @var \Jose\Component\Core\Util\JsonConverter
+ */
+ private $jsonConverter;
+ /**
+ * JSONFlattenedSerializer constructor.
+ */
+ public function __construct(?JsonConverter $jsonConverter = null)
+ {
+ $this->jsonConverter = $jsonConverter ?? new \Jose\Component\Core\Util\JsonConverter();
+ }
+ public function displayName(): string
+ {
+ return 'JWS JSON General';
+ }
+ public function name(): string
+ {
+ return self::NAME;
+ }
+ public function serialize(JWS $jws, ?int $signatureIndex = null): string
+ {
+ if (0 === $jws->countSignatures()) {
+ throw new \LogicException('No signature.');
+ }
+ $data = [];
+ $this->checkPayloadEncoding($jws);
+ if (false === $jws->isPayloadDetached()) {
+ $data['payload'] = $jws->getEncodedPayload();
+ }
+ $data['signatures'] = [];
+ foreach ($jws->getSignatures() as $signature) {
+ $tmp = ['signature' => Base64Url::encode($signature->getSignature())];
+ $values = [
+ 'protected' => $signature->getEncodedProtectedHeader(),
+ 'header' => $signature->getHeader(),
+ ];
+ foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
+ if (!empty($value)) {
+ $tmp[$key] = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ $data['signatures'][] = $tmp;
+ }
+ return $this->jsonConverter->encode($data);
+ }
+ private function checkData($data)
+ {
+ if (!\is_array($data) || !\array_key_exists('signatures', $data)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported input.');
+ }
+ }
+ private function checkSignature($signature)
+ {
+ if (!\is_array($signature) || !\array_key_exists('signature', $signature)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported input.');
+ }
+ }
+ public function unserialize(string $input): JWS
+ {
+ $data = $this->jsonConverter->decode($input);
+ $this->checkData($data);
+ $isPayloadEncoded = null;
+ $rawPayload = \array_key_exists('payload', $data) ? $data['payload'] : null;
+ $signatures = [];
+ foreach ($data['signatures'] as $signature) {
+ $this->checkSignature($signature);
+ list($encodedProtectedHeader, $protectedHeader, $header) = $this->processHeaders($signature);
+ $signatures[] = [
+ 'signature' => Base64Url::decode($signature['signature']),
+ 'protected' => $protectedHeader,
+ 'encoded_protected' => $encodedProtectedHeader,
+ 'header' => $header,
+ ];
+ $isPayloadEncoded = $this->processIsPayloadEncoded($isPayloadEncoded, $protectedHeader);
+ }
+ $payload = $this->processPayload($rawPayload, $isPayloadEncoded);
+ $jws = JWS::create($payload, $rawPayload);
+ foreach ($signatures as $signature) {
+ $jws = $jws->addSignature(
+ $signature['signature'],
+ $signature['protected'],
+ $signature['encoded_protected'],
+ $signature['header']
+ );
+ }
+ return $jws;
+ }
+ private function processIsPayloadEncoded(?bool $isPayloadEncoded, array $protectedHeader): bool
+ {
+ if (null === $isPayloadEncoded) {
+ return self::isPayloadEncoded($protectedHeader);
+ }
+ if ($this->isPayloadEncoded($protectedHeader) !== $isPayloadEncoded) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Foreign payload encoding detected.');
+ }
+ return $isPayloadEncoded;
+ }
+ private function processHeaders(array $signature): array
+ {
+ $encodedProtectedHeader = \array_key_exists('protected', $signature) ? $signature['protected'] : null;
+ $protectedHeader = null !== $encodedProtectedHeader ? $this->jsonConverter->decode(Base64Url::decode($encodedProtectedHeader)) : [];
+ $header = \array_key_exists('header', $signature) ? $signature['header'] : [];
+ return [$encodedProtectedHeader, $protectedHeader, $header];
+ }
+ private function processPayload(?string $rawPayload, ?bool $isPayloadEncoded): ?string
+ {
+ if (null === $rawPayload) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return false === $isPayloadEncoded ? $rawPayload : Base64Url::decode($rawPayload);
+ }
+ private function checkPayloadEncoding(JWS $jws)
+ {
+ if ($jws->isPayloadDetached()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $is_encoded = null;
+ foreach ($jws->getSignatures() as $signature) {
+ if (null === $is_encoded) {
+ $is_encoded = $this->isPayloadEncoded($signature->getProtectedHeader());
+ }
+ if (false === $jws->isPayloadDetached()) {
+ if ($is_encoded !== $this->isPayloadEncoded($signature->getProtectedHeader())) {
+ throw new \LogicException('Foreign payload encoding detected.');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Serializer/JWSSerializer.php b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Serializer/JWSSerializer.php
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index 0000000..285aef4
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+++ b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Serializer/JWSSerializer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * The MIT License (MIT)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Spomky-Labs
+ *
+ * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
+ * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
+ */
+namespace Jose\Component\Signature\Serializer;
+use Jose\Component\Signature\JWS;
+interface JWSSerializer
+ /**
+ * The name of the serialization.
+ */
+ public function name(): string;
+ public function displayName(): string;
+ /**
+ * Converts a JWS into a string.
+ *
+ * @throws \Exception
+ */
+ public function serialize(JWS $jws, ?int $signatureIndex = null): string;
+ /**
+ * Loads data and return a JWS object.
+ *
+ * @param string $input A string that represents a JWS
+ *
+ * @throws \Exception
+ */
+ public function unserialize(string $input): JWS;
diff --git a/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Serializer/JWSSerializerManager.php b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Serializer/JWSSerializerManager.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..198dfd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Serializer/JWSSerializerManager.php
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ * The MIT License (MIT)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Spomky-Labs
+ *
+ * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
+ * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
+ */
+namespace Jose\Component\Signature\Serializer;
+use Jose\Component\Signature\JWS;
+class JWSSerializerManager
+ /**
+ * @var JWSSerializer[]
+ */
+ private $serializers = [];
+ /**
+ * JWSSerializerManager constructor.
+ *
+ * @param JWSSerializer[] $serializers
+ */
+ public function __construct(array $serializers)
+ {
+ foreach ($serializers as $serializer) {
+ $this->add($serializer);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @deprecated Will be removed in v2.0. Please use constructor instead
+ *
+ * @param JWSSerializer[] $serializers
+ *
+ * @return JWSSerializerManager
+ */
+ public static function create(array $serializers): self
+ {
+ return new self($serializers);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return JWSSerializerManager
+ */
+ private function add(JWSSerializer $serializer): self
+ {
+ $this->serializers[$serializer->name()] = $serializer;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string[]
+ */
+ public function list(): array
+ {
+ return \array_keys($this->serializers);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Converts a JWS into a string.
+ *
+ * @throws \Exception
+ */
+ public function serialize(string $name, JWS $jws, ?int $signatureIndex = null): string
+ {
+ if (!\array_key_exists($name, $this->serializers)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('Unsupported serializer "%s".', $name));
+ }
+ return ($this->serializers[$name])->serialize($jws, $signatureIndex);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Loads data and return a JWS object.
+ *
+ * @param string $input A string that represents a JWS
+ * @param string|null $name the name of the serializer if the input is unserialized
+ *
+ * @throws \Exception
+ */
+ public function unserialize(string $input, ?string &$name = null): JWS
+ {
+ foreach ($this->serializers as $serializer) {
+ try {
+ $jws = $serializer->unserialize($input);
+ $name = $serializer->name();
+ return $jws;
+ } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported input.');
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Serializer/JWSSerializerManagerFactory.php b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Serializer/JWSSerializerManagerFactory.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b2c234
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Serializer/JWSSerializerManagerFactory.php
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ * The MIT License (MIT)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Spomky-Labs
+ *
+ * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
+ * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
+ */
+namespace Jose\Component\Signature\Serializer;
+class JWSSerializerManagerFactory
+ /**
+ * @var JWSSerializer[]
+ */
+ private $serializers = [];
+ /**
+ * @param string[] $names
+ */
+ public function create(array $names): JWSSerializerManager
+ {
+ $serializers = [];
+ foreach ($names as $name) {
+ if (!\array_key_exists($name, $this->serializers)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('Unsupported serialiser "%s".', $name));
+ }
+ $serializers[] = $this->serializers[$name];
+ }
+ return JWSSerializerManager::create($serializers);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string[]
+ */
+ public function names(): array
+ {
+ return \array_keys($this->serializers);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return JWSSerializer[]
+ */
+ public function all(): array
+ {
+ return $this->serializers;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return JWSSerializerManagerFactory
+ */
+ public function add(JWSSerializer $serializer): self
+ {
+ $this->serializers[$serializer->name()] = $serializer;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Serializer/Serializer.php b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Serializer/Serializer.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85636b6
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+++ b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Serializer/Serializer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * The MIT License (MIT)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Spomky-Labs
+ *
+ * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
+ * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
+ */
+namespace Jose\Component\Signature\Serializer;
+abstract class Serializer implements JWSSerializer
+ protected function isPayloadEncoded(array $protectedHeader): bool
+ {
+ return !\array_key_exists('b64', $protectedHeader) || true === $protectedHeader['b64'];
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Signature.php b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Signature.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b2ef20
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+++ b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Signature.php
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+ * The MIT License (MIT)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Spomky-Labs
+ *
+ * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
+ * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
+ */
+namespace Jose\Component\Signature;
+class Signature
+ /**
+ * @var string|null
+ */
+ private $encodedProtectedHeader;
+ /**
+ * @var array
+ */
+ private $protectedHeader;
+ /**
+ * @var array
+ */
+ private $header;
+ /**
+ * @var string
+ */
+ private $signature;
+ /**
+ * Signature constructor.
+ */
+ private function __construct(string $signature, array $protectedHeader, ?string $encodedProtectedHeader, array $header)
+ {
+ $this->protectedHeader = null === $encodedProtectedHeader ? [] : $protectedHeader;
+ $this->encodedProtectedHeader = $encodedProtectedHeader;
+ $this->signature = $signature;
+ $this->header = $header;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new signature.
+ *
+ * @internal
+ *
+ * @return Signature
+ */
+ public static function create(string $signature, array $protectedHeader, ?string $encodedProtectedHeader, array $header = []): self
+ {
+ return new self($signature, $protectedHeader, $encodedProtectedHeader, $header);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The protected header associated with the signature.
+ */
+ public function getProtectedHeader(): array
+ {
+ return $this->protectedHeader;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The unprotected header associated with the signature.
+ */
+ public function getHeader(): array
+ {
+ return $this->header;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The protected header associated with the signature.
+ */
+ public function getEncodedProtectedHeader(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->encodedProtectedHeader;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the value of the protected header of the specified key.
+ *
+ * @param string $key The key
+ *
+ * @return mixed|null Header value
+ */
+ public function getProtectedHeaderParameter(string $key)
+ {
+ if ($this->hasProtectedHeaderParameter($key)) {
+ return $this->getProtectedHeader()[$key];
+ }
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('The protected header "%s" does not exist', $key));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the protected header has the given parameter.
+ *
+ * @param string $key The key
+ */
+ public function hasProtectedHeaderParameter(string $key): bool
+ {
+ return \array_key_exists($key, $this->getProtectedHeader());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the value of the unprotected header of the specified key.
+ *
+ * @param string $key The key
+ *
+ * @return mixed|null Header value
+ */
+ public function getHeaderParameter(string $key)
+ {
+ if ($this->hasHeaderParameter($key)) {
+ return $this->header[$key];
+ }
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('The header "%s" does not exist', $key));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the unprotected header has the given parameter.
+ *
+ * @param string $key The key
+ */
+ public function hasHeaderParameter(string $key): bool
+ {
+ return \array_key_exists($key, $this->header);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the value of the signature.
+ */
+ public function getSignature(): string
+ {
+ return $this->signature;
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Util/RSA.php b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/Util/RSA.php
new file mode 100644
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+ * The MIT License (MIT)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Spomky-Labs
+ *
+ * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
+ * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.
+ */
+namespace Jose\Component\Signature\Util;
+use Jose\Component\Core\Util\BigInteger;
+use Jose\Component\Core\Util\Hash;
+use Jose\Component\Core\Util\RSAKey;
+ * @internal
+ */
+class RSA
+ /**
+ * Probabilistic Signature Scheme.
+ */
+ public const SIGNATURE_PSS = 1;
+ /**
+ * Use the PKCS#1.
+ */
+ public const SIGNATURE_PKCS1 = 2;
+ private static function convertIntegerToOctetString(BigInteger $x, int $xLen): string
+ {
+ $x = $x->toBytes();
+ if (\mb_strlen($x, '8bit') > $xLen) {
+ throw new \RuntimeException();
+ }
+ return \str_pad($x, $xLen, \chr(0), STR_PAD_LEFT);
+ }
+ /**
+ * MGF1.
+ */
+ private static function getMGF1(string $mgfSeed, int $maskLen, Hash $mgfHash): string
+ {
+ $t = '';
+ $count = \ceil($maskLen / $mgfHash->getLength());
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
+ $c = \pack('N', $i);
+ $t .= $mgfHash->hash($mgfSeed.$c);
+ }
+ return \mb_substr($t, 0, $maskLen, '8bit');
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ private static function encodeEMSAPSS(string $message, int $modulusLength, Hash $hash): string
+ {
+ $emLen = ($modulusLength + 1) >> 3;
+ $sLen = $hash->getLength();
+ $mHash = $hash->hash($message);
+ if ($emLen <= $hash->getLength() + $sLen + 2) {
+ throw new \RuntimeException();
+ }
+ $salt = \random_bytes($sLen);
+ $m2 = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0".$mHash.$salt;
+ $h = $hash->hash($m2);
+ $ps = \str_repeat(\chr(0), $emLen - $sLen - $hash->getLength() - 2);
+ $db = $ps.\chr(1).$salt;
+ $dbMask = self::getMGF1($h, $emLen - $hash->getLength() - 1, $hash);
+ $maskedDB = $db ^ $dbMask;
+ $maskedDB[0] = ~\chr(0xFF << ($modulusLength & 7)) & $maskedDB[0];
+ $em = $maskedDB.$h.\chr(0xBC);
+ return $em;
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ private static function verifyEMSAPSS(string $m, string $em, int $emBits, Hash $hash): bool
+ {
+ $emLen = ($emBits + 1) >> 3;
+ $sLen = $hash->getLength();
+ $mHash = $hash->hash($m);
+ if ($emLen < $hash->getLength() + $sLen + 2) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
+ }
+ if ($em[\mb_strlen($em, '8bit') - 1] !== \chr(0xBC)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
+ }
+ $maskedDB = \mb_substr($em, 0, -$hash->getLength() - 1, '8bit');
+ $h = \mb_substr($em, -$hash->getLength() - 1, $hash->getLength(), '8bit');
+ $temp = \chr(0xFF << ($emBits & 7));
+ if ((~$maskedDB[0] & $temp) !== $temp) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
+ }
+ $dbMask = self::getMGF1($h, $emLen - $hash->getLength() - 1, $hash/*MGF*/);
+ $db = $maskedDB ^ $dbMask;
+ $db[0] = ~\chr(0xFF << ($emBits & 7)) & $db[0];
+ $temp = $emLen - $hash->getLength() - $sLen - 2;
+ if (\mb_substr($db, 0, $temp, '8bit') !== \str_repeat(\chr(0), $temp)) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
+ }
+ if (1 !== \ord($db[$temp])) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
+ }
+ $salt = \mb_substr($db, $temp + 1, null, '8bit'); // should be $sLen long
+ $m2 = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0".$mHash.$salt;
+ $h2 = $hash->hash($m2);
+ return \hash_equals($h, $h2);
+ }
+ private static function encodeEMSA15(string $m, int $emBits, Hash $hash): string
+ {
+ $h = $hash->hash($m);
+ switch ($hash->name()) {
+ case 'sha256':
+ $t = "\x30\x31\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x01\x05\x00\x04\x20";
+ break;
+ case 'sha384':
+ $t = "\x30\x41\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x02\x05\x00\x04\x30";
+ break;
+ case 'sha512':
+ $t = "\x30\x51\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x65\x03\x04\x02\x03\x05\x00\x04\x40";
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
+ }
+ $t .= $h;
+ $tLen = \mb_strlen($t, '8bit');
+ if ($emBits < $tLen + 11) {
+ throw new \RuntimeException();
+ }
+ $ps = \str_repeat(\chr(0xFF), $emBits - $tLen - 3);
+ $em2 = "\0\1$ps\0$t";
+ return $em2;
+ }
+ public static function sign(RSAKey $key, string $message, string $hash, int $mode): string
+ {
+ switch ($mode) {
+ case self::SIGNATURE_PSS:
+ return self::signWithPSS($key, $message, $hash);
+ case self::SIGNATURE_PKCS1:
+ return self::signWithPKCS15($key, $message, $hash);
+ default:
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported mode.');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a signature.
+ */
+ public static function signWithPSS(RSAKey $key, string $message, string $hash): string
+ {
+ $em = self::encodeEMSAPSS($message, 8 * $key->getModulusLength() - 1, Hash::$hash());
+ $message = BigInteger::createFromBinaryString($em);
+ $signature = RSAKey::exponentiate($key, $message);
+ return self::convertIntegerToOctetString($signature, $key->getModulusLength());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a signature.
+ */
+ public static function signWithPKCS15(RSAKey $key, string $message, string $hash): string
+ {
+ $em = self::encodeEMSA15($message, $key->getModulusLength(), Hash::$hash());
+ $message = BigInteger::createFromBinaryString($em);
+ $signature = RSAKey::exponentiate($key, $message);
+ return self::convertIntegerToOctetString($signature, $key->getModulusLength());
+ }
+ public static function verify(RSAKey $key, string $message, string $signature, string $hash, int $mode): bool
+ {
+ switch ($mode) {
+ case self::SIGNATURE_PSS:
+ return self::verifyWithPSS($key, $message, $signature, $hash);
+ case self::SIGNATURE_PKCS1:
+ return self::verifyWithPKCS15($key, $message, $signature, $hash);
+ default:
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported mode.');
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Verifies a signature.
+ */
+ public static function verifyWithPSS(RSAKey $key, string $message, string $signature, string $hash): bool
+ {
+ if (\mb_strlen($signature, '8bit') !== $key->getModulusLength()) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
+ }
+ $s2 = BigInteger::createFromBinaryString($signature);
+ $m2 = RSAKey::exponentiate($key, $s2);
+ $em = self::convertIntegerToOctetString($m2, $key->getModulusLength());
+ $modBits = 8 * $key->getModulusLength();
+ return self::verifyEMSAPSS($message, $em, $modBits - 1, Hash::$hash());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Verifies a signature.
+ */
+ public static function verifyWithPKCS15(RSAKey $key, string $message, string $signature, string $hash): bool
+ {
+ if (\mb_strlen($signature, '8bit') !== $key->getModulusLength()) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
+ }
+ $signature = BigInteger::createFromBinaryString($signature);
+ $m2 = RSAKey::exponentiate($key, $signature);
+ $em = self::convertIntegerToOctetString($m2, $key->getModulusLength());
+ return \hash_equals($em, self::encodeEMSA15($message, $key->getModulusLength(), Hash::$hash()));
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/composer.json b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/composer.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0ceab9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/web-token/jwt-signature/composer.json
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ "name": "web-token/jwt-signature",
+ "description": "Signature component of the JWT Framework.",
+ "type": "library",
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "keywords": ["JWS", "JWT", "JWE", "JWA", "JWK", "JWKSet", "Jot", "Jose", "RFC7515", "RFC7516", "RFC7517", "RFC7518", "RFC7519", "RFC7520", "Bundle", "Symfony"],
+ "homepage": "",
+ "authors": [
+ {
+ "name": "Florent Morselli",
+ "homepage": ""
+ },{
+ "name": "All contributors",
+ "homepage": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "autoload": {
+ "psr-4": {
+ "Jose\\Component\\Signature\\": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "require": {
+ "web-token/jwt-core": "^1.3",
+ "web-token/jwt-signature-algorithm-ecdsa": "^1.3",
+ "web-token/jwt-signature-algorithm-eddsa": "^1.3",
+ "web-token/jwt-signature-algorithm-hmac": "^1.3",
+ "web-token/jwt-signature-algorithm-none": "^1.3",
+ "web-token/jwt-signature-algorithm-rsa": "^1.3"
+ },
+ "require-dev": {
+ "phpunit/phpunit": "^6.0|^7.0"
+ },
+ "suggest": {
+ "web-token/jwt-signature-algorithm-ecdsa": "ECDSA Based Signature Algorithms",
+ "web-token/jwt-signature-algorithm-eddsa": "EdDSA Based Signature Algorithms",
+ "web-token/jwt-signature-algorithm-hmac": "HMAC Based Signature Algorithms",
+ "web-token/jwt-signature-algorithm-none": "None Signature Algorithm",
+ "web-token/jwt-signature-algorithm-rsa": "RSA Based Signature Algorithms",
+ "web-token/jwt-signature-algorithm-experimental": "Experimental Signature Algorithms"
+ },
+ "extra": {
+ "branch-alias": {
+ "dev-master": "1.3.x-dev"
+ }
+ },
+ "config": {
+ "sort-packages": true
+ }