path: root/private/net/svcdlls/lls/ntlsapi/ntlsapi.c
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authorAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
committerAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
commite611b132f9b8abe35b362e5870b74bce94a1e58e (patch)
treea5781d2ec0e085eeca33cf350cf878f2efea6fe5 /private/net/svcdlls/lls/ntlsapi/ntlsapi.c
Diffstat (limited to 'private/net/svcdlls/lls/ntlsapi/ntlsapi.c')
1 files changed, 1150 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/net/svcdlls/lls/ntlsapi/ntlsapi.c b/private/net/svcdlls/lls/ntlsapi/ntlsapi.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f0ae38f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/net/svcdlls/lls/ntlsapi/ntlsapi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1150 @@
+/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects
+Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ lsapi.c
+ 20-Apr-1994
+Revision History:
+ 01-Nov-1994 arth Changed from LS API set to simpler request only
+ API.
+#include <nt.h>
+#include <ntrtl.h>
+#include <nturtl.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <ntlsapi.h>
+#include <llsconst.h>
+#include <debug.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <lpcstub.h>
+// #define API_TRACE 1
+// #define TIME_TRACE 1
+#ifdef TIME_TRACE
+ DWORD TimeDelta;
+// SID is linear in memory (check if this is safe assumption). Can use
+// RtlCopySID then pass linear buffer - use RtlLengthSid for size.
+ NtLicenseRequest()
+ Request licensing resources needed to allow software to be
+ used.
+ Format
+ Status = NtLicenseRequest(
+ [in] LS_STR *ProductName,
+ [in] LS_STR *Version,
+ [in] NT_LS_DATA *NtData)
+ );
+ Arguments
+ ProductName The name of the product requesting licensing
+ resources. This string may not be null and must
+ be unique (in the first 32 characters) within the
+ PublisherName domain.
+ Version The version number of this product. This string
+ must be unique (in the first 12 characters) within
+ the ProductName domain, and cannot be NULL
+ NtData The username and/or SID identifying the person using the
+ license.
+ NOTE: The arguments ProductName, and Version may not be
+ Description
+ This function is used by the application to request licensing
+ resources to allow the identified product to execute. If a
+ valid license is found, the challenge response is computed and
+ LS_SUCCESS is returned.
+ LPSTR ProductName,
+ LPSTR Version,
+ LS_HANDLE FAR *LicenseHandle,
+ NT_LS_DATA *NtData)
+ void *tmpData = NULL;
+#ifdef API_TRACE
+ dprintf(TEXT("NtLicenseRequestA!!!\r\n"));
+ // Convert parms to Unicode and call Unicode function
+ // First make sure we have correct data
+ if ( (ProductName != NULL) && (Version != NULL) && (NtData != NULL) && (NtData->Data != NULL)) {
+ if (lstrlenA(ProductName) > MAX_PRODUCT_NAME_LENGTH) {
+#ifdef API_TRACE
+ dprintf(TEXT(" Error: ProductName too long\r\n"));
+ lstrcpy(uProductName, TEXT(""));
+ } else
+ MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ProductName, -1, uProductName, MAX_PRODUCT_NAME_LENGTH + 1);
+ if (lstrlenA(Version) > MAX_VERSION_LENGTH) {
+#ifdef API_TRACE
+ dprintf(TEXT(" Error: Version too long\r\n"));
+ lstrcpy(uVersion, TEXT(""));
+ } else
+ MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, Version, -1, uVersion, MAX_VERSION_LENGTH + 1);
+ if (NtData->DataType == NT_LS_USER_NAME) {
+ if (lstrlenA((LPSTR) NtData->Data) > MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH) {
+#ifdef API_TRACE
+ dprintf(TEXT(" Error: UserName too long\r\n"));
+ lstrcpy(uUserName, TEXT(""));
+ } else
+ MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, NtData->Data, -1, uUserName, MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH + 1);
+ // Have UserName convert to wide char format, but need to point
+ // Data structure to it...
+ tmpData = (void *) NtData->Data;
+ NtData->Data = (void *) uUserName;
+ ret = NtLicenseRequestW(uProductName, uVersion, LicenseHandle, NtData);
+ // Nothing needs to be converted back to ANSI on return, just return
+ // data structure to the way it was
+ NtData->Data = tmpData;
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ // Gave SID so no Unicode conversion needed on name
+ ret = NtLicenseRequestW(uProductName, uVersion, LicenseHandle, NtData);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef API_TRACE
+ else
+ dprintf(TEXT(" LLS Error: <NULL> Parms passed in!\r\n"));
+ // If NULL parms or such then just return a dummy handle for right now
+ if ( LicenseHandle != NULL )
+ *LicenseHandle = 0xffffffff;
+ return(LS_SUCCESS);
+} // NtLicenseRequestA
+ LPWSTR ProductName,
+ LPWSTR Version,
+ LS_HANDLE FAR *LicenseHandle,
+ NT_LS_DATA *NtData)
+ LPWSTR dVersion = Version;
+#ifdef API_TRACE
+ NTSTATUS NtStatus;
+ //
+ // Check parms before calling down
+ //
+ if ((ProductName == NULL) || (NtData == NULL) || (NtData->DataType > NT_LS_USER_SID)) {
+#ifdef API_TRACE
+ dprintf(TEXT("NtLicenseRequestW: <Bad Parms>\r\n"));
+ if (LicenseHandle != NULL)
+ *LicenseHandle = 0xffffffffL;
+ return(LS_SUCCESS);
+ }
+ //
+ // LsaLogonUser passes in NULL version because it doesn't know what version
+ // the calling app is. So just use a blank field for this. There must
+ // be something in the version field or it messes up the lower level
+ // algorithms, so just enter a blank.
+ //
+ if ((Version == NULL) || (*Version == TEXT('\0')))
+ dVersion = TEXT("");
+#ifdef API_TRACE
+ if (NtData->DataType == NT_LS_USER_SID) {
+ NtStatus = RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString(&UString, (PSID) NtData->Data, TRUE);
+ if (NtStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS)
+ dprintf(TEXT("NtLicenseRequestW RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString: 0x%lx\n"), NtStatus);
+ else {
+ if (NtData->IsAdmin)
+ dprintf(TEXT("NtLicenseRequestW: %s, %s, <ADMIN>, SID: %s\n"), ProductName, dVersion, UString.Buffer);
+ else
+ dprintf(TEXT("NtLicenseRequestW: %s, %s, SID: %s\n"), ProductName, dVersion, UString.Buffer);
+ RtlFreeUnicodeString(&UString);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (NtData->IsAdmin)
+ dprintf(TEXT("NtLicenseRequestW: %s, %s, <ADMIN>, %s\n"), ProductName, dVersion, NtData->Data);
+ else
+ dprintf(TEXT("NtLicenseRequestW: %s, %s, %s\n"), ProductName, dVersion, NtData->Data);
+ }
+#ifdef TIME_TRACE
+ TimeDelta = GetTickCount();
+ // make the LPC call and marshal the parms.
+ Status = (LS_STATUS_CODE) LLSLicenseRequest( ProductName,
+ dVersion,
+ NtData->DataType,
+ (BOOLEAN) NtData->IsAdmin,
+ NtData->Data,
+ LicenseHandle
+ );
+#ifdef TIME_TRACE
+ TimeDelta = GetTickCount() - TimeDelta;
+ dprintf(TEXT("NtLicenseRequest LPC Call Time: %ldms\n"), TimeDelta);
+ return(Status);
+} // NtLicenseRequestW
+ NtLSFreeHandle ( )
+ Frees all licensing handle context.
+ Format
+ void NtLSFreeHandle ( [in] LS_HANDLE LicenseHandle);
+ Arguments
+ LicenseHandle Handle identifying the license context. This
+ argument must be a handle that was created with
+ NtLSRequest() or NtLicenseRequest().
+ Description
+ (NOTE: The handle is no longer valid.)
+ LS_HANDLE LicenseHandle )
+#ifdef API_TRACE
+ dprintf(TEXT("NtLSFreeHandle: %ld\r\n"), LicenseHandle);
+ //
+ // If we get an invalid License Handle (or a dummy 0xFFFFFFFF one)
+ // then don't even bother calling through LPC as it is a waste
+ // of time.
+ //
+ if (LicenseHandle == (ULONG) 0xFFFFFFFFL)
+ return( LS_SUCCESS );
+ //
+ // Make the LPC call
+ //
+ LLSLicenseFree( LicenseHandle );
+ return( LS_SUCCESS );
+} // NtLSFreeHandle
+// **************************************************************************
+// OLD API's Don't Use
+// **************************************************************************
+ LSRequest()
+ Request licensing resources needed to allow software to be
+ used.
+ Format
+ Status = LSRequest( [in] LicenseSystem, [in] PublisherName,
+ [in] ProductName,
+ [in] Version, [in] TotUnitsReserved, [in]
+ LogComment,
+ [in/out] Challenge, [out] TotUnitsGranted, [out]
+ hLicenseHandle );
+ LS_STR * LicenseSystem;
+ LS_STR * PublisherName;
+ LS_STR * ProductName;
+ LS_STR * Version;
+ LS_ULONG TotUnitsReserved;
+ LS_STR * LogComment;
+ LS_CHALLENGE *Challenge;
+ LS_ULONG * TotUnitsGranted;
+ LS_HANDLE * hLicenseHandle;
+ Arguments
+ LicenseSystem Pointer to a string which uniquely identifies
+ the particular license system. This may be
+ obtained through the LSEnumProviders() API.
+ Normally, the constant LS_ANY is specified to
+ indicate a match against all installed license
+ systems (indicates that all license providers
+ should be searched for a license match).
+ PublisherName The name of the publisher (manufacturer) of
+ this product. This string may not be null and
+ must be unique in the first 32 characters. It is
+ recommended that a company name and trademark be
+ used.
+ ProductName The name of the product requesting licensing
+ resources. This string may not be null and must
+ be unique (in the first 32 characters) within the
+ PublisherName domain.
+ Version The version number of this product. This string
+ must be unique (in the first 12 characters) within
+ the ProductName domain, and cannot be NULL
+ NOTE: The arguments PublisherName, ProductName,
+ and Version may not be NULL, or may not be
+ TotUnitsReserved Specifies the number of units required to run
+ the application. The software publisher may
+ choose to specify this policy attribute within the
+ application. The recommended value of
+ LS_DEFAULT_UNITS allows the licensing system to
+ determine the proper value using information
+ provided by the license system or license itself.
+ The license system verifies that the requested
+ number of units exist and may reserve those units,
+ but no units are actually consumed at this time.
+ The number of units available is returned in
+ TotUnitsGranted.
+ LogComment An optional string indicating a comment to be
+ associated with the request and logged (if logging
+ is enabled and supported) by the underlying
+ licensing system. The underlying license system
+ may choose to log the comment even if an error is
+ returned (i.e., logged with the error), but this
+ is not guaranteed. If a string is not specified,
+ the value must be LS_NULL.
+ Challenge Pointer to a challenge structure. The challenge
+ response will also be returned in this structure.
+ Refer to Challenge Mechanism on page 25 for more
+ information.
+ TotUnitsGrantedA pointer to an LS_ULONG in which the total
+ number of units granted is returned. The following
+ table describes the TotUnitsGranted return value,
+ given the TotUnitsReserved input value, and the
+ Status returned:
+ TotUnitsReserv LS_SUCCES NITS Other
+ ed S errors
+ TS
+ Other (C) (D) (E)
+ (specific
+ count)
+ (A) The default umber of units commensurate
+ with the license granted.(B) The maximum
+ number of units available to the requesting
+ software. This may be less than the normal
+ default.
+ (C) The number of units used to grant the
+ request. Note that this value may be greater
+ than or equal to the actual units requested
+ (i.e., the policy may allow only in increments
+ of 5 units, thus a request of 7 units would
+ result in 10 units being granted).
+ (D) The maximum number of units available to
+ the requesting software. This may be more or
+ less than the units requested.
+ (E) Zero is returned.
+ LicenseHandle Pointer to a LS_HANDLE in which a handle to the
+ license context is to be returned.
+ Status Detailed error code that can be directly processed
+ by the caller, or that can be converted into a
+ localized message string by the LSGetMessage()
+ function.
+ Description
+ This function is used by the application to request licensing
+ resources to allow the identified product to execute. If a
+ valid license is found, the challenge response is computed and
+ LS_SUCCESS is returned. At minimum, the PublisherName,
+ ProductName, and Version strings are used to identify matching
+ license(s). Note that an underlying license system service
+ provider may ascertain additional information for the license
+ request (e.g., the current username, machine name, etc.).
+ A valid license handle is always returned by this function
+ whether valid license resources are granted or not. This
+ handle must always be released with LSFreeHandle() when the
+ application has completed execution.
+ If license resources were granted, it must call LSRelease() to
+ free the license resource, prior to calling LSFreeHandle().
+ A challenge response is NOT returned unless the license
+ request completed successfully (i.e., a status code of
+ LS_SUCCESS is returned).
+ If the number of units requested is greater than the number of
+ units available, then the license request is not granted. Upon
+ successful completion, the value returned in TotUnitsReserved
+ indicates the number of units granted. This is greater than or
+ equal to the number of units requested unless LS_DEFAULT_UNITS
+ was specified. In the case of failure, the value returned in
+ TotUnitsGranted is zero.
+ LS_STR FAR *LicenseSystem,
+ LS_STR FAR *PublisherName,
+ LS_STR FAR *ProductName,
+ LS_STR FAR *Version,
+ LS_ULONG TotUnitsReserved,
+ LS_STR FAR *LogComment,
+ LS_CHALLENGE FAR *Challenge,
+ LS_ULONG FAR *TotUnitsGranted,
+ LS_HANDLE FAR *LicenseHandle,
+ NT_LS_DATA tmpNtData;
+#ifdef API_TRACE
+ dprintf(TEXT("NtLSRequest:\r\n"));
+ if (ProductName == NULL)
+ dprintf(TEXT(" Product Name: <NULL>\r\n"));
+ if (Version == NULL)
+ dprintf(TEXT(" Version: <NULL>\r\n"));
+ if (LicenseHandle == NULL)
+ dprintf(TEXT(" LicenseHandle: <NULL>\r\n"));
+ if (NtData != NULL) {
+ if (NtData->Data == NULL)
+ dprintf(TEXT(" NtData->Data: <NULL>\r\n"));
+ } else
+ dprintf(TEXT("NtData: <NULL>\r\n"));
+ dprintf(TEXT("\r\n"));
+ // Do some fudging to follow old API spec...
+ if ( TotUnitsGranted != NULL )
+ *TotUnitsGranted = TotUnitsReserved;
+ // Need to do a couple things:
+ // 1. Convert used parms to Unicode
+ // 2. Set up new NtData structure (extra IsAdmin field)
+ // 3. Make call to new NtLicenseRequest API and use it's return code.
+ //
+ // Note: No conversion back to ANSI needed upon return from API
+ //
+ // First make sure we have correct data
+ if ( (ProductName != NULL) && (Version != NULL) && (NtData != NULL) && (NtData->Data != NULL)) {
+ // 1. Convert parms to Unicode
+ if (lstrlenA(ProductName) > MAX_PRODUCT_NAME_LENGTH) {
+#ifdef API_TRACE
+ dprintf(TEXT(" Error: ProductName too long\r\n"));
+ MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ProductName, MAX_PRODUCT_NAME_LENGTH, uProductName, MAX_PRODUCT_NAME_LENGTH + 1);
+ uProductName[MAX_PRODUCT_NAME_LENGTH] = TEXT('\0');
+ } else
+ MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ProductName, -1, uProductName, MAX_PRODUCT_NAME_LENGTH + 1);
+ if (lstrlenA(Version) > MAX_VERSION_LENGTH) {
+#ifdef API_TRACE
+ dprintf(TEXT(" Error: Version too long\r\n"));
+ MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, Version, MAX_VERSION_LENGTH, uVersion, MAX_VERSION_LENGTH + 1);
+ uVersion[MAX_VERSION_LENGTH] = TEXT('\0');
+ } else
+ MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, Version, -1, uVersion, MAX_VERSION_LENGTH + 1);
+ // 2. Set up new NtData structure
+ tmpNtData.DataType = NtData->DataType;
+ // just use FALSE for IsAdmin as none of the old Apps need it.
+ tmpNtData.IsAdmin = FALSE;
+ if (NtData->DataType == NT_LS_USER_NAME) {
+ if (lstrlenA((LPSTR) NtData->Data) > MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH) {
+#ifdef API_TRACE
+ dprintf(TEXT(" Error: UserName too long\r\n"));
+ MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, NtData->Data, MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH, uUserName, MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH + 1);
+ uUserName[MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH] = TEXT('\0');
+ } else {
+ MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, NtData->Data, -1, uUserName, MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH + 1);
+ }
+ tmpNtData.Data = (void *) uUserName;
+ // Have UserName convert to wide char format, but need to point
+ // Data structure to it...
+ ret = NtLicenseRequestW(uProductName, uVersion, LicenseHandle, &tmpNtData);
+ // Nothing needs to be converted back to ANSI on return, just return
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ // Gave SID so no Unicode convesion needed on name
+ tmpNtData.Data = NtData->Data;
+ ret = NtLicenseRequestW(uProductName, uVersion, LicenseHandle, &tmpNtData);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ // If NULL parms or such then just return a dummy handle for right now
+ if ( LicenseHandle != NULL )
+ *LicenseHandle = 0xffffffffL;
+ return(LS_SUCCESS);
+} // NtLSRequest
+ LSRelease()
+ Release licensing resources associated with the specified
+ context.
+ Format
+ Status = LSRelease( [in] LicenseHandle, [in] TotUnitsConsumed,
+ [in] LogComment );
+ LS_HANDLE LicenseHandle;
+ LS_ULONG TotUnitsConsumed;
+ LS_STR * LogComment;
+ Arguments
+ LicenseHandle Handle identifying the license context. This
+ argument must be a handle that was created with
+ LSRequest().
+ TotUnitsConsumedThe TOTAL number of units consumed in this
+ handle context since the initial LSRequest() call.
+ The software publisher may choose to specify this
+ policy attribute within the application. A value
+ of LS_DEFAULT_UNITS indicates that the licensing
+ system should determine the appropriate value
+ using its own licensing policy mechanisms.
+ LogComment An optional string indicating a comment to be
+ associated with the request and logged (if logging
+ is enabled and supported) by the underlying
+ licensing system. The underlying license system
+ may choose to log the comment even if an error is
+ returned (i.e., logged with the error), but this
+ is not guaranteed. If a string is not specified,
+ the value must be LS_NULL.
+ Status Detailed error code that can be directly processed
+ by the caller, or that can be converted into a
+ localized message string by the LSGetMessage()
+ function.
+ Description
+ This function is used to release licensing resources
+ associated with the license context identified by
+ LicenseHandle. If a consumptive style licensing policy is in
+ effect, and if the software publisher chooses to implement
+ such license policy in the application, then the license units
+ to be consumed may be passed as part of this call.
+ NOTE: The license handle context is NOT freed. See
+ LSFreeHandle().
+ LS_HANDLE LicenseHandle,
+ LS_ULONG TotUnitsConsumed,
+ LS_STR FAR *LogComment)
+ return(LS_SUCCESS);
+ LSUpdate()
+ Update the synchronization between licensed software and the
+ licensing system.
+ Format
+ Status = LSUpdate( [in] LicenseHandle, [in] TotUnitsConsumed,
+ [in] TotUnitsReserved,
+ [in] LogComment, [in/out] Challenge, [out]
+ TotUnitsGranted );
+ LS_HANDLE LicenseHandle;
+ LS_ULONG TotUnitsConsumed;
+ LS_ULONG TotUnitsReserved;
+ LS_STR * LogComment;
+ LS_CHALLENGE *Challenge;
+ LS_ULONG * TotUnitsGranted;
+ Arguments
+ LicenseHandle Handle identifying the license context. This
+ argument must be a handle that was created with
+ LSRequest().
+ TotUnitsConsumedThe TOTAL number of units consumed so far in
+ this handle context. The software publisher may
+ choose to specify this policy attribute within the
+ application. A value of LS_DEFAULT_UNITS
+ indicates that the licensing system should
+ determine the appropriate value using its own
+ licensing policy mechanisms. If an error is
+ returned, then no units are consumed.
+ TotUnitsReserved Specifies the total number of units to be
+ reserved. If no additional units are required
+ since the initial LSRequest() or last LSUpdate(),
+ then this parameter should be the current total
+ (as returned in TotUnitsGranted). The total
+ reserved is inclusive of units consumed. That is,
+ if an application requests 100 units be reserved,
+ then consumes 20 units, there are still 100 units
+ reserved (but only 80 available for consumption).
+ If additional units are required, the application
+ must calculate a new total for TotUnitsReserved.
+ LS_DEFAULT_UNITS may be specified, but this will
+ not allocate any additional units.
+ The license system verifies that the requested
+ number of units exist and may reserve those units,
+ but these units are not consumed at this time.
+ This value may be smaller than the original
+ request to indicate that fewer units are needed
+ than originally anticipated.
+ LogComment An optional string indicating a comment to be
+ associated with the request and logged (if logging
+ is enabled and supported) by the underlying
+ licensing system. The underlying license system
+ may choose to log the comment even if an error is
+ returned (i.e., logged with the error), but this
+ is not guaranteed. If a string is not specified,
+ the value must be LS_NULL.
+ Challenge Pointer to a challenge structure. The challenge
+ response will also be returned in this structure.
+ Refer to Challenge Mechanism on page 25 for more
+ information.
+ TotUnitsGrantedA pointer to an LS_ULONG in which the total
+ number of units granted since the initial license
+ request is returned. The following table describes
+ the TotUnitsGranted return value, given the
+ TotUnitsReserved input value, and the Status
+ returned:
+ TotUnitsReserv LS_SUCCES NITS Other
+ ed S errors
+ TS
+ Other (C) (D) (E)
+ (specific
+ count)
+ (A) The default umber of units commensurate
+ with the license granted. (B) The maximum
+ number of units available to the requesting
+ software. This may be less than the normal
+ default.
+ (C) The number of units used to grant the
+ request. Note that this value may differ from
+ the actual units requested (i.e., the policy
+ may allow only in increments of 5 units, thus a
+ request of 7 units would result in 10 units
+ being granted).
+ (D) The maximum number of units available to
+ the requesting software. This may be more or
+ less than the units requested.
+ (E) Zero is returned.
+ Status Detailed error code that can be directly processed
+ by the caller, or that can be converted into a
+ localized message string by the LSGetMessage()
+ function.
+ Description
+ The client application periodically issues this call to re-
+ verify that the current license is still valid. The LSQuery()
+ API may be used to determine the proper interval for the
+ current licensing context. A guideline of once an hour may be
+ appropriate, with a minimum interval of 15 minutes. Consult
+ your licensing system vendor for more information.
+ If the number of new units requested (in TotUnitsReserved) is
+ greater than the number available, then the update request
+ fails with an LS_INSUFFICIENT_UNITS error. Upon successful
+ completion, the value returned in TotUnitsGranted indicates
+ the current total of units granted.
+ If the TotUnitsConsumed exceeds the number of units reserved,
+ then the error LS_INSUFFICIENT_UNITS is returned. The
+ remaining units are consumed.
+ A challenge response is NOT returned if an error is returned.
+ The LSUpdate() call verifies that the licensing system context
+ has not changed from that expected by the licensed software.
+ In this way the LSUpdate() call can:
+ 1.Determine if the licensing system can verify that the
+ licensing resources granted to the specified handle are
+ still reserved for this application by the licensing system.
+ Note that in distributed license system, an error here might
+ indicate a temporary network interruption, among other
+ things.
+ 2.Determine when the licensing system has released the
+ licensing resources that had been granted to the specified
+ handle, indicating the software requiring that grant no
+ longer has authorization to execute normally.
+ Application Software should be prepared to handle vendor
+ specific error conditions, should they arise. However, a best
+ effort will be used by license systems to map error conditions
+ to the common error set.
+ The LSUpdate() call may indicate if that the current licensing
+ context has expired (for example, in the case of a time-
+ restricted license policy). In such a case, the warning status
+ LS_LICENSE_EXPIRED is returned. If any error is returned, a
+ call to LSRelease() is still required.
+ LS_HANDLE LicenseHandle,
+ LS_ULONG TotUnitsConsumed,
+ LS_ULONG TotUnitsReserved,
+ LS_STR FAR *LogComment,
+ LS_CHALLENGE FAR *Challenge,
+ LS_ULONG FAR *TotUnitsGranted)
+ // set the return buffer to NULL
+ if ( TotUnitsGranted != NULL )
+ *TotUnitsGranted = TotUnitsReserved;
+ return(LS_SUCCESS);
+ LSGetMessage()
+ Return the message associated with a License Service API
+ status code.
+ Format
+ Status = LSGetMessage( [in] LicenseHandle, [in] Value, [out]
+ Buffer, [in] BufferSize );
+ LS_HANDLE LicenseHandle;
+ LS_STR * Buffer;
+ LS_ULONG BufferSize;
+ Arguments
+ LicenseHandle Handle identifying the license context. This
+ argument must be a handle that was created with
+ LSRequest().
+ Value Any status code returned by a License Service API
+ function.
+ Buffer Pointer to a buffer in which a localized error
+ message string is to be placed.
+ BufferSize Maximum size of the string that may be returned in
+ Buffer.
+ Status Resulting status of LSGetMessage() call.
+ Description
+ For a given error, this function returns an error code and a string
+ describing the error, and a suggested action to be taken in
+ response to the specific error. If the value of Value is
+ LS_USE_LAST, then the last error associated with the supplied
+ licensing handle, and its associated data, is returned. Otherwise,
+ the supplied error code is used.
+ Possible status codes returned by LSGetMessage() include:
+ LS_HANDLE LicenseHandle,
+ LS_STR FAR *Buffer,
+ LS_ULONG BufferSize)
+ LSQuery()
+ Return information about the license system context associated
+ with the specified handle.
+ Format
+ Status = LSQuery( [in] LicenseHandle, [in] Information, [out]
+ InfoBuffer, [in] BufferSize,
+ [out] ActualBufferSize);
+ LS_HANDLE LicenseHandle;
+ LS_ULONG Information;
+ LS_VOID * InfoBuffer;
+ LS_ULONG BufferSize;
+ LS_ULONG * ActualBufferSize;
+ Arguments
+ LicenseHandle Handle identifying the license context. This
+ argument must be a handle that was created with
+ LSRequest().
+ Information Index which identifies the information to be
+ returned.
+ InfoBuffer Points to a buffer in which the resulting
+ information is to be placed.
+ BufferSize Maximum size of the buffer pointed to by
+ InfoBuffer.
+ ActualBufferSize On entry, points to a LS_ULONG whose value on
+ exit indicates the actual count of characters
+ returned in the buffer (not including the trailing
+ NULL byte).
+ Status Detailed error code that can be directly processed
+ by the caller, or which can be converted into a
+ localized message string by the LSGetMessage
+ function.
+ Description
+ This function is used to obtain information about the license
+ obtained from the LSRequest() call. For example, an application may
+ determine the license type (demo, concurrent, personal, etc.); time
+ restrictions; etc.
+ The buffer should be large enough to accommodate the expected data.
+ If the buffer is too small, then the status code
+ LS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is returned and only BufferSize bytes of data
+ are returned.
+ The following Information constants are defined:
+ Information Valu Meaning
+ Constant e
+ LS_INFO_NONE 0 Reserved.
+ LS_INFO_SYSTEM 1 Return the unique identification
+ of the license system supplying
+ the current license context.
+ This is returned as a null-
+ terminated string.
+ This value is the same as an
+ appropriate call to
+ LSEnumProviders() provides.
+ LS_INFO_DATA 2 Return the block of
+ miscellaneous application data
+ contained on the license. This
+ data is completely vendor-
+ defined. The amount of space
+ allocated for such data will
+ vary from license system to
+ license system, or may not be
+ available at all.
+ The first ULONG in the data
+ buffer indicates the size (in
+ bytes) of the actual data which
+ follows:
+ +------------------------------
+ --+
+ |
+ | (count of bytes that follow)
+ |
+ +------------------------------
+ --+
+ | Vendor data bytes from license
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ +------------------------------
+ --+
+ LS_UPDATE_PERIO 3 Return the recommended interval
+ D (in minutes) at which LSUpdate()
+ should be called.
+ +------------------------------
+ --+
+ |
+ | Recommended Interval
+ |
+ | (in minutes)
+ |
+ +------------------------------
+ --+
+ |
+ | Recommended Minutes until
+ |
+ | next LSUpdate()call
+ |
+ +------------------------------
+ --+
+ If a value of 0xFFFFFFFF is
+ returned for the recommended
+ interval, then no recommendation
+ is being made.
+ LS_LICENSE_CONT 4 Return a value which uniquely
+ EXT identifies the licensing context
+ within the specific license
+ service provider identified by
+ the LicenseHandle.
+ +------------------------------
+ --+
+ |
+ | Count of Bytes that follow
+ |
+ +------------------------------
+ --+
+ |
+ ...
+ |
+ |
+ +------------------------------
+ --+
+ The contents of the bytes
+ returned is license system
+ specific. In circumstances where
+ license system specific
+ functionality is being used,
+ this sequence of bytes may be
+ used to identify the current
+ license context.
+ LS_HANDLE LicenseHandle,
+ LS_ULONG Information,
+ LS_VOID FAR *InfoBuffer,
+ LS_ULONG BufferSize,
+ LS_ULONG FAR *ActualBufferSize)
+ switch ( Information )
+ {
+ case LS_INFO_DATA:
+ // set the return buffer to NULL
+ if ( InfoBuffer != NULL )
+ *((LS_ULONG *)InfoBuffer) = 0;
+ if ( ActualBufferSize != NULL )
+ *ActualBufferSize = sizeof( LS_ULONG );
+ break;
+ if (( InfoBuffer != NULL ) && ( BufferSize >= sizeof(LS_ULONG)*2 ))
+ {
+ // set the return balue to no recommendation
+ LS_ULONG * uLong = (LS_ULONG*)InfoBuffer;
+ *uLong = 0xffffffff;
+ uLong++;
+ *uLong = 0xffffffff;
+ *ActualBufferSize = sizeof(LS_ULONG) * 2;
+ }
+ break;
+ case LS_INFO_NONE:
+ default:
+ // set return buffer to NULL
+ if ( InfoBuffer != NULL )
+ strcpy( InfoBuffer, (LS_STR*)"");
+ if ( ActualBufferSize != NULL )
+ *ActualBufferSize = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ return(LS_SUCCESS);
+ LSEnumProviders()
+ This call is used to enumerate the installed license system
+ service providers.
+ Format
+ Status = LSEnumProviders( [in] Index, [out] Buffer);
+ LS_ULONG Index
+ LS_STR * Buffer
+ Arguments
+ Index Index of the service provider. The first provider
+ has an index of zero, the second has an index of
+ one, etc. This index should be incremented by the
+ caller for each successive call to
+ LSEnumProviders() until the status LS_BAD_INDEX is
+ returned.
+ Buffer Points to a buffer in which the unique null-
+ terminated string identifying the license system
+ service provider is to be placed. The buffer
+ pointed to by Buffer must be at least 255 bytes
+ long. The value of LS_ANY indicates that the
+ current index is not in use, but is not the last
+ index to obtain.
+ Status Detailed error code that can be directly processed
+ by the caller, or which can be converted into a
+ localized message string by the LSGetMessage()
+ function.
+ Description
+ For each installed provider, a unique string is returned. The
+ unique null-terminated string typically identifies the vendor,
+ product, and version of the license system. This value is the same
+ as an appropriate call to LSQuery(). An Error of LS_BAD_INDEX is
+ returned when the value of Index is higher than the number of
+ providers currently installed. In a networked environment, the
+ version returned is that of the client, not the server.
+ An application may enumerate the installed license system service
+ providers by calling LSEnumProviders() successively. The Index is
+ passed in and should be incremented by the caller for each call
+ until the status LS_BAD_INDEX is returned.
+ LS_ULONG Index,
+ LS_STR FAR *Buffer)
+ // set return buffer to NULL
+ if ( Buffer != NULL )
+ strcpy( Buffer, (LS_STR*)"" );
+ return(LS_SUCCESS);