path: root/private/net/svcdlls/rpl/convert/config.c
diff options
authorAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
committerAdam <>2020-05-17 05:51:50 +0200
commite611b132f9b8abe35b362e5870b74bce94a1e58e (patch)
treea5781d2ec0e085eeca33cf350cf878f2efea6fe5 /private/net/svcdlls/rpl/convert/config.c
Diffstat (limited to 'private/net/svcdlls/rpl/convert/config.c')
1 files changed, 527 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/net/svcdlls/rpl/convert/config.c b/private/net/svcdlls/rpl/convert/config.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99215c4f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/net/svcdlls/rpl/convert/config.c
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+Copyright (c) 1987-1993 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ config.c
+ Creates config table. Parses old style RPLMGR.INI config records
+ and creates corresponding entries in jet database table.
+ Vladimir Z. Vulovic (vladimv) 19 - November - 1993
+Revision History:
+#include "local.h"
+#include "config.h"
+PWCHAR RplmgrIniFile = L"rplmgr.ini";
+#define MAX_RPLMGR_INI_FILE_SIZE 0xFFFF // BUGBUG some arbitrary value
+#define NO_SCRIPT_FIELDS 13
+#define CONFIG_BEGIN L"[configuration]"
+#define CARRIAGE_RETURN_CHAR L'\r' // 0xD or \015
+// #define RPL_DEBUG_ALL
+BOOL GetConfigFieldValue(
+ IN PWCHAR Cursor,
+ IN DWORD Index
+ )
+ Fields with multiple field values, such as AdapterName, are
+ not properly parsed here. Howerever, we do not care about
+ the values of these fields.
+ DWORD Length;
+ //
+ // By default the field is empty.
+ //
+ ConfigParseTable[ Index].Value = NULL;
+ ConfigParseTable[ Index].Size = 0;
+ //
+ // Read to EQUALS_CHAR
+ //
+ while ( *Cursor != EQUALS_CHAR && *Cursor != COMMENT_CHAR &&
+ Cursor++;
+ }
+ if ( *Cursor == COMMENT_CHAR || *Cursor == CARRIAGE_RETURN_CHAR) {
+ return( TRUE);
+ }
+ Cursor++; // Skip EQUALS_CHAR
+ //
+ // Read to the beginning of field value.
+ //
+ while( *Cursor != CARRIAGE_RETURN_CHAR && iswspace(*Cursor) &&
+ *Cursor != COMMENT_CHAR) {
+ Cursor++;
+ }
+ if ( *Cursor == COMMENT_CHAR || *Cursor == CARRIAGE_RETURN_CHAR) {
+ return( TRUE);
+ }
+ //
+ // Make sure that boot block reference is enabled.
+ //
+ if ( Index == CONFIG_BootName) {
+ if ( *Cursor != L'R') {
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("Bad boot block id: %.40ws", Cursor));
+ return( FALSE);
+ }
+ Cursor++; // skip leading 'R' in boot block name
+ }
+ //
+ // Find the end point of this field. Since comments may contain spaces,
+ // space is not used as a separator for CONFIG_ConfigComment field.
+ //
+ End = wcspbrk( Cursor, Index == CONFIG_ConfigComment ? L"\f\n\r\t\v" : L" \f\n\r\t\v");
+ if ( End != NULL) {
+ Length = End - Cursor;
+ } else {
+ Length = wcslen( Cursor);
+ }
+ ConfigParseTable[ Index].Value = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED, (Length+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
+ if ( ConfigParseTable[ Index].Value == NULL) {
+ DWORD Error = GetLastError();
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("GlobalAlloc: Error = %d", Error));
+ return( FALSE);
+ }
+ ConfigParseTable[ Index].Size = (Length+1)*sizeof(WCHAR);
+ memcpy( ConfigParseTable[ Index].Value, Cursor, Length * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ ((PWCHAR)ConfigParseTable[ Index].Value)[ Length] = 0;
+ return( TRUE);
+BOOL StringISpaceEqual( IN PWCHAR str1, IN PWCHAR str2 )
+Routine Description:
+ Case insensitive version of StringsSpaceEqual.
+ str1 - first string
+ str2 - second string
+Return Value:
+ TRUE if strings are equal, FALSE otherwise.
+ WCHAR ch1;
+#ifdef NOT_YET
+ if ( str1 == NULL || str2 == NULL) {
+ str1 = (str1 != NULL) ? str1 : str2;
+ if ( str2 == NULL) {
+ return( TRUE); // both strings are NULL
+ }
+ while ( iswspace( *str1++)) {
+ NOTHING; // check if not NULL string contains spaces only
+ }
+ return( *str1 == 0);
+ }
+#endif // NOT_YET
+ //
+ // Compare strings until the first space or NULL character
+ // (in the first string) or until we find the first different character.
+ //
+ while ( (ch1 = toupper(*str1)) && !iswspace(ch1) && ch1 == toupper(*str2)) {
+ str1++, str2++;
+ }
+ //
+ // For strings to be equal, both characters must be NULL or space.
+ //
+ if ( (!ch1 || iswspace(ch1)) && (!(ch1 = *str2) || iswspace(ch1)))
+ {
+ return( TRUE);
+ }
+ return( FALSE);
+VOID ProcessConfigDisplay( VOID)
+ DWORD Index;
+ printf( "\tCONFIGURATION\n");
+ for ( Index = 0; Index < CONFIG_TABLE_LENGTH; Index++) {
+ if ( ConfigParseTable[ Index].Name == NULL) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ printf( "%ws %ws 0x%x\n", ConfigParseTable[ Index].Name,
+ ConfigParseTable[ Index].Value, ConfigParseTable[ Index].Size);
+ }
+PWCHAR ProcessConfig( IN PWCHAR Cursor)
+Routine Description:
+ We read all the fields in the Config[] array, then use jet apis
+ to store this config in the database.
+ Cursor - at entry this points to the beginning of the config section
+Return Value:
+ Cursor value after we finished processing the current config section.
+ DWORD Index;
+ JET_ERR JetError;
+ DWORD Flags;
+ DWORD Offset;
+ DWORD ErrorParameter;
+ for ( Index = 0; Index < CONFIG_TABLE_LENGTH; Index++) {
+ if ( ConfigParseTable[ Index].Value != NULL) {
+ GlobalFree( ConfigParseTable[ Index].Value);
+ }
+ ConfigParseTable[ Index].Value = NULL;
+ }
+ if ( OffsetAfterComment( Cursor) == 0) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ for ( Cursor=GetNextLine(Cursor), ErrorParameter = INVALID_ERROR_PARAMETER;
+ *Cursor!=0; Cursor=GetNextLine(Cursor)) {
+ Offset = OffsetAfterComment( Cursor);
+ if ( *(Cursor+Offset) == SECTION_STARTMARK) {
+ break; // start of a new section, write the current section
+ }
+ Cursor += Offset;
+ //
+ // Find value for this name.
+ //
+ for ( Index = 0; Index < CONFIG_TABLE_LENGTH; Index++) {
+ if ( ConfigParseTable[ Index].Name == NULL) {
+ continue; // skip this one, not a RPLMGR.INI keyword
+ }
+ if ( !StringISpaceEqual( Cursor, ConfigParseTable[ Index].Name)) {
+ continue; // no match with this keyword
+ }
+ if ( !GetConfigFieldValue( Cursor, Index)) {
+ if ( ErrorParameter == INVALID_ERROR_PARAMETER) {
+ ErrorParameter = Index;
+ }
+ } else if ( Index == CONFIG_FitShared || Index == CONFIG_FitPersonal) {
+ PWCHAR Value;
+ Value = AddFileExtension( ConfigParseTable[ Index].Value,
+ L".FIT", TRUE);
+ if ( Value == NULL) {
+ if ( ErrorParameter == INVALID_ERROR_PARAMETER) {
+ ErrorParameter = Index;
+ }
+ } else if ( Value != ConfigParseTable[ Index].Value) {
+ GlobalFree( ConfigParseTable[ Index].Value);
+ ConfigParseTable[ Index].Value = Value;
+ ConfigParseTable[ Index].Size = (wcslen(Value)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ProcessConfigDisplay();
+ if ( ConfigParseTable[ CONFIG_ConfigName].Value == NULL) {
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("Bad config"));
+ return( Cursor);
+ }
+ //
+ // Perform same checks as in NetrRplConfigAdd.
+ //
+ if ( ErrorParameter != INVALID_ERROR_PARAMETER) {
+ NOTHING; // do not overwrite the first error
+ } else if ( !ValidName( ConfigParseTable[ CONFIG_FitPersonal].Value, RPL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, TRUE)) {
+ ErrorParameter = CONFIG_FitPersonal;
+ } else if ( !ValidName( ConfigParseTable[ CONFIG_FitShared].Value, RPL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, TRUE)) {
+ ErrorParameter = CONFIG_FitShared;
+ } else if ( !ValidName( ConfigParseTable[ CONFIG_DirName4].Value, RPL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, FALSE)) {
+ ErrorParameter = CONFIG_DirName4;
+ } else if ( !ValidName( ConfigParseTable[ CONFIG_DirName3].Value, RPL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, FALSE)) {
+ ErrorParameter = CONFIG_DirName3;
+ } else if ( !ValidName( ConfigParseTable[ CONFIG_DirName2].Value, RPL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, TRUE)) {
+ ErrorParameter = CONFIG_DirName2;
+ } else if ( !ValidName( ConfigParseTable[ CONFIG_DirName].Value, RPL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, TRUE)) {
+ ErrorParameter = CONFIG_DirName;
+ } else if ( !ValidName( ConfigParseTable[ CONFIG_BootName].Value, RPL_MAX_BOOT_NAME_LENGTH, TRUE)) {
+ ErrorParameter = CONFIG_BootName;
+ } else if ( !ValidName( ConfigParseTable[ CONFIG_ConfigName].Value, RPL_MAX_CONFIG_NAME_LENGTH, TRUE)) {
+ ErrorParameter = CONFIG_ConfigName;
+ }
+ if ( ErrorParameter < CONFIG_TABLE_LENGTH) {
+ RplPrintf2( RPLI_CVT_ConfigInvalid, ConfigParseTable[ CONFIG_ConfigName].Value, ConfigParseTable[ ErrorParameter].Name);
+ return( Cursor);
+ }
+ if ( ConfigParseTable[ CONFIG_FitPersonal].Value == NULL) {
+ //
+ // Ignore default boot configurations.
+ //
+ RplPrintf1( RPLI_CVT_ConfigNoPersonalFIT, ConfigParseTable[ CONFIG_ConfigName].Value);
+ return( Cursor);
+ }
+ if ( !_wcsicmp( L"OS2", ConfigParseTable[ CONFIG_DirName].Value )) {
+ //
+ // Ignore OS/2 configurations.
+ //
+ RplPrintf1( RPLI_CVT_ConfigNoOS2, ConfigParseTable[ CONFIG_ConfigName].Value);
+ return( Cursor);
+ }
+ if ( RPL_STRING_TOO_LONG( ConfigParseTable[ CONFIG_ConfigComment].Value)) {
+ //
+ // Silently truncate comments that are too long.
+ //
+ ((PWCHAR)ConfigParseTable[ CONFIG_ConfigComment].Value)[ RPL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = 0;
+ ConfigParseTable[ CONFIG_ConfigComment].Size = (RPL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH+1)*sizeof(WCHAR);
+ }
+ _wcsupr( (PWCHAR)ConfigParseTable[ CONFIG_BootName].Value);
+ _wcsupr( (PWCHAR)ConfigParseTable[ CONFIG_ConfigName].Value);
+ Call( JetPrepareUpdate( SesId, ConfigTableId, JET_prepInsert));
+ for ( Index = 0; Index < CONFIG_TABLE_LENGTH; Index++ ) {
+ if ( ConfigParseTable[ Index].Name == NULL) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ JetError = JetSetColumn( SesId, ConfigTableId,
+ ConfigTable[ Index].ColumnId, ConfigParseTable[ Index].Value,
+ ConfigParseTable[ Index].Size, 0, NULL);
+ if ( JetError != JET_errSuccess) {
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("Index=%d(dec) JetError=%d", Index, JetError));
+ }
+ }
+ Call( JetSetColumn( SesId, ConfigTableId,
+ ConfigTable[ CONFIG_Flags].ColumnId, &Flags, sizeof(Flags), 0, NULL));
+ Call( JetUpdate( SesId, ConfigTableId, NULL, 0, NULL));
+ return( Cursor);
+DWORD ProcessRplmgrIni( IN LPWSTR FilePath)
+ PWCHAR Cursor;
+ PWCHAR String;
+ JET_ERR JetError;
+ DWORD Index;
+ DWORD Offset;
+ CHAR IndexKey[ 255];
+ JetError = JetCreateTable( SesId, DbId, "config", CONFIG_TABLE_PAGE_COUNT,
+ ColumnDef.cbStruct = sizeof( ColumnDef);
+ ColumnDef.columnid = 0;
+ ColumnDef.coltyp = JET_coltypLong;
+ ColumnDef.cbMax = 0;
+ ColumnDef.grbit = 0;
+ //
+ // Create columns. First initialize fields that do not change between
+ // addition of columns.
+ //
+ ColumnDef.cbStruct = sizeof(ColumnDef);
+ ColumnDef.columnid = 0;
+ ColumnDef.wCountry = 1;
+ ColumnDef.langid = 0x0409; // USA english
+ ColumnDef.cp = 1200; // UNICODE codepage
+ ColumnDef.wCollate = 0;
+ ColumnDef.cbMax = 0;
+ ColumnDef.grbit = 0; // variable length binary and text data.
+ for ( Index = 0; Index < CONFIG_TABLE_LENGTH; Index++ ) {
+ ColumnDef.coltyp = ConfigTable[ Index].ColumnType;
+ JetError = JetAddColumn( SesId, ConfigTableId,
+ ConfigTable[ Index].ColumnName, &ColumnDef,
+ NULL, 0, &ConfigTable[ Index].ColumnId);
+ if( JetError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
+ return( MapJetError( JetError));
+ }
+ }
+ Offset = AddKey( IndexKey, '+', ConfigTable[ CONFIG_ConfigName].ColumnName);
+ IndexKey[ Offset++] = '\0';
+ JetError = JetCreateIndex( SesId, ConfigTableId, CONFIG_INDEX_ConfigName,
+ JET_bitIndexPrimary, IndexKey, Offset, 50);
+ if ( JetError != JET_errSuccess) {
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("CreateIndex failed err=%d", JetError));
+ return( MapJetError( JetError));
+ }
+ //
+ // +BootName+ConfigName index is used to enumerate all configurations for
+ // a given VendorId.
+ //
+ Offset = AddKey( IndexKey, '+', ConfigTable[ CONFIG_BootName].ColumnName);
+ Offset += AddKey( IndexKey + Offset, '+', ConfigTable[ CONFIG_ConfigName].ColumnName);
+ IndexKey[ Offset++] = '\0';
+ JetError = JetCreateIndex( SesId, ConfigTableId, CONFIG_INDEX_BootNameConfigName,
+ JET_bitIndexUnique, IndexKey, Offset, 50);
+ if ( JetError != JET_errSuccess) {
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("CreateIndex failed err=%d", JetError));
+ return( MapJetError( JetError));
+ }
+ //
+ // Make config name a current index - used to validate profiles.
+ //
+ JetError = JetSetCurrentIndex( SesId, ConfigTableId, CONFIG_INDEX_ConfigName);
+ if ( JetError != JET_errSuccess) {
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("SetCurrentIndex failed err=%d", JetError));
+ return( MapJetError( JetError));
+ }
+ String = ReadTextFile( FilePath, RplmgrIniFile, MAX_RPLMGR_INI_FILE_SIZE);
+ if ( String == NULL) {
+ return( GetLastError());
+ }
+ //
+ // If current line is the beginning of configuration, we process
+ // that configuration (note that this processing has the side effect of
+ // advancing the cursor), else we just advance the cursor.
+ //
+ for ( Cursor = GetFirstLine( String); *Cursor != 0; NOTHING) {
+ Offset = OffsetAfterComment( Cursor);
+ if ( StringISpaceEqual( Cursor+Offset, CONFIG_BEGIN)) {
+ Cursor = ProcessConfig( Cursor);
+ } else {
+ Cursor = GetNextLine( Cursor);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( GlobalFree( String) != NULL) {
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("GlobalFree: Error=%d", GetLastError()));
+ }
+ return( ERROR_SUCCESS);
+VOID ConfigPruneTable( VOID)
+ Eliminate config records that do not have a corresponding
+ boot block record defined.
+ WCHAR Name[ 20];
+ DWORD NameSize;
+ JET_ERR ForJetError;
+ JET_ERR JetError;
+ for ( ForJetError = JetMove( SesId, ConfigTableId, JET_MoveFirst, 0);
+ ForJetError == JET_errSuccess;
+ ForJetError = JetMove( SesId, ConfigTableId, JET_MoveNext, 0)) {
+ JetError = JetRetrieveColumn( SesId, ConfigTableId,
+ ConfigTable[ CONFIG_BootName].ColumnId, Name,
+ sizeof( Name), &NameSize, 0, NULL);
+ if ( JetError != JET_errSuccess) {
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("RetriveColumn failed err=%d", JetError));
+ Call( JetDelete( SesId, ConfigTableId));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( !FindBoot( Name)) {
+ WCHAR Value[ 20];
+ JetRetrieveColumn( SesId, ConfigTableId,
+ ConfigTable[ CONFIG_ConfigName].ColumnId, Value,
+ sizeof( Value), &NameSize, 0, NULL);
+ printf("Deleting config %ws since boot %ws was not found\n",
+ Value, Name);
+ Call( JetDelete( SesId, ConfigTableId));
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+BOOL FindConfig( IN PWCHAR Name)
+ JET_ERR JetError;
+ JetError = JetMove( SesId, ConfigTableId, JET_MoveFirst, 0);
+ if ( JetError != JET_errSuccess) {
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("JetMove failed err=%d", JetError));
+ return( FALSE);
+ }
+ JetError = JetMakeKey( SesId, ConfigTableId, Name,
+ ( wcslen( Name) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), JET_bitNewKey);
+ if ( JetError != JET_errSuccess) {
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("MakeKey failed err=%d", JetError));
+ return( FALSE);
+ }
+ JetError = JetSeek( SesId, ConfigTableId, JET_bitSeekEQ);
+ if ( JetError != JET_errSuccess) {
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("JetSeek for %ws failed err=%d", Name, JetError));
+ return( FALSE);
+ }
+ return( TRUE);
+VOID ConfigListTable( VOID)
+ ListTable( CONFIG_TABLE_NAME, ConfigTable[ CONFIG_ConfigName].ColumnName,
+ CONFIG_INDEX_ConfigName);