path: root/private/net/svcdlls/lls/ccfapi32/ccfapi.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'private/net/svcdlls/lls/ccfapi32/ccfapi.cpp')
1 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/net/svcdlls/lls/ccfapi32/ccfapi.cpp b/private/net/svcdlls/lls/ccfapi32/ccfapi.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c0104f534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/net/svcdlls/lls/ccfapi32/ccfapi.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ ccfapi.cpp
+ Implementation of CCcfApiApp, the MFC application object for CCFAPI32.DLL.
+ Jeff Parham (jeffparh) 13-Dec-1995
+Revision History:
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include <lmerr.h>
+#include "ccfapi.h"
+#include "source.h"
+#include "imagelst.h"
+#include "remdlg.h"
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#define new DEBUG_NEW
+#undef THIS_FILE
+static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
+CCcfApiApp theApp; // The one and only CCcfApiApp object
+ //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CCcfApiApp)
+ // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
+ // DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code!
+Routine Description:
+ Constructor for CCF API application.
+ None.
+Return Values:
+ None.
+ AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState() );
+ m_LastError = 0;
+ m_LastLlsError = 0;
+ LPTSTR pszHelpFileName = m_strHelpFileName.GetBuffer( MAX_PATH );
+ if ( NULL != pszHelpFileName )
+ {
+ BOOL ok = GetSystemDirectory( pszHelpFileName, MAX_PATH );
+ m_strHelpFileName.ReleaseBuffer();
+ if ( ok )
+ {
+ m_strHelpFileName += TEXT( "\\" );
+ }
+ m_strHelpFileName += TEXT( "ccfapi.hlp" );
+ }
+void CCcfApiApp::DisplayLastError()
+Routine Description:
+ Displays a message corresponding to the last error encountered.
+ None.
+Return Values:
+ None.
+ CString strLastError;
+ CString strErrorCaption;
+ strLastError = GetLastErrorString();
+ AfxMessageBox( strLastError, MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK );
+CString CCcfApiApp::GetLastErrorString()
+Routine Description:
+ Retrieves string for last error.
+ (Routine stolen from winsadmn...).
+ (And that routine stolen from LlsMgr...).
+ None.
+Return Values:
+ CString.
+ CString strLastError;
+ DWORD nId = m_LastError;
+ const int cchLastErrorSize = 512;
+ LPTSTR pszLastError;
+ DWORD cchLastError;
+ if (((long)nId == RPC_S_CALL_FAILED) ||
+ {
+ strLastError.LoadString(IDS_ERROR_DROPPED_LINK);
+ }
+ else if (((long)nId == RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE) ||
+ {
+ strLastError.LoadString(IDS_ERROR_NO_RPC_SERVER);
+ }
+ else if ((long)nId == STATUS_INVALID_LEVEL)
+ {
+ strLastError.LoadString(IDS_ERROR_DOWNLEVEL_SERVER);
+ }
+ else if (((long)nId == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) ||
+ ((long)nId == STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED))
+ {
+ strLastError.LoadString(IDS_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED);
+ }
+ else if ((long)nId == STATUS_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ HINSTANCE hinstDll = NULL;
+ if ((nId >= NERR_BASE) && (nId <= MAX_NERR))
+ {
+ hinstDll = ::LoadLibrary( _T( "netmsg.dll" ) );
+ }
+ else if (nId >= 0x4000000)
+ {
+ hinstDll = ::LoadLibrary( _T( "ntdll.dll" ) );
+ }
+ cchLastError = 0;
+ pszLastError = strLastError.GetBuffer( cchLastErrorSize );
+ if ( NULL != pszLastError )
+ {
+ cchLastError = ::FormatMessage( dwFlags,
+ hinstDll,
+ nId,
+ 0,
+ pszLastError,
+ cchLastErrorSize,
+ NULL );
+ strLastError.ReleaseBuffer();
+ }
+ if ( hinstDll )
+ {
+ ::FreeLibrary( hinstDll );
+ }
+ if ( 0 == cchLastError )
+ {
+ strLastError.LoadString( IDS_ERROR_UNSUCCESSFUL );
+ }
+ }
+ return strLastError;
+// CCF API //
+DWORD CCcfApiApp::CertificateEnter( HWND hWndParent, LPCSTR pszServerName, LPCSTR pszProductName, LPCSTR pszVendor, DWORD dwFlags, LPCSTR pszSourceToUse )
+Routine Description:
+ Display a dialog allowing the user to enter a license certificate
+ into the system.
+ hWndParent (HWND)
+ HWND to the client's main window, for use as the parent window to any
+ opened dialogs. May be NULL.
+ pszServerName (LPCSTR)
+ Name of the server for which licenses are to be installed. Note that
+ this may not be the same as the server on which licenses are actually
+ installed, as, for example, per seat licenses are always installed on
+ the enterprise server. A NULL value indicates the local server.
+ pszProductName (LPCSTR)
+ Product for which licenses are to be installed. A NULL value indicates
+ that the user should be allowed to choose.
+ pszVendor (LPCSTR)
+ Name of the vendor of the product. This value should be NULL if
+ pszProductName is NULL, and should be non-NULL if pszProductName is
+ non-NULL.
+ dwFlags (DWORD)
+ A bitfield containing one or more of the following:
+ Allow the user to enter only per seat licenses. Not valid in
+ combination with CCF_ENTER_FLAG_PER_SERVER_ONLY.
+ Allow the user to enter only per server licenses. Not valid in
+ combination with CCF_ENTER_FLAG_PER_SEAT_ONLY.
+ pszSourceToUse (LPCSTR)
+ Name of the secure certificate source to use to install the certificate,
+ e.g., "Paper". A NULL value indicates that the user should be allowed
+ to choose.
+Return Value:
+ ERROR_SUCCESS (A certificate was successfully entered into the system.)
+ ERROR_CANCELLED (The user cancelled without installing a certificate.)
+ other Win error
+ CCertSourceSelectDlg srcDlg( CWnd::FromHandle( hWndParent ) );
+ LPCSTR pszNetServerName = NULL;
+ CHAR szNetServerName[ 3 + MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH ] = "\\\\";
+ // make sure server name, if specified, is in the form \\server
+ if ( NULL != pszServerName )
+ {
+ if ( ( pszServerName[0] != '\\' ) || ( pszServerName[1] != '\\' ) )
+ {
+ // is not prefixed with backslashes
+ lstrcpynA( szNetServerName + 2, pszServerName, sizeof( szNetServerName ) - 3 );
+ pszNetServerName = szNetServerName;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // is prefixed with backslashes
+ pszNetServerName = pszServerName;
+ }
+ }
+ return srcDlg.CertificateEnter( hWndParent, pszNetServerName, pszProductName, pszVendor, dwFlags, pszSourceToUse );
+DWORD CCcfApiApp::CertificateRemove( HWND hWndParent, LPCSTR pszServerName, LPCSTR pszProductName, LPCSTR pszVendor, DWORD dwFlags, LPCSTR pszSourceToUse )
+Routine Description:
+ Display a dialog allowing the user to remove one or more license
+ certificates from the system.
+ hWndParent (HWND)
+ HWND to the client's main window, for use as the parent window to any
+ opened dialogs. May be NULL.
+ pszServerName (LPCSTR)
+ Name of the server on which licenses are to be removed. A NULL value
+ indicates the local server.
+ pszProductName (LPCSTR)
+ Product for which licenses are to be removed. A NULL value indicates
+ that the user should be allowed to remove licenses from any product.
+ pszVendor (LPCSTR)
+ Name of the vendor of the product. This value should be NULL if
+ pszProductName is NULL, and should be non-NULL if pszProductName is
+ non-NULL.
+ dwFlags (DWORD)
+ Certificate removal options. As of this writing, no flags are
+ supported.
+ pszSourceToUse (LPCSTR)
+ Name of the secure certificate source by which licenses are to be
+ removed, e.g., "Paper". A NULL value indicates that the user should
+ be allowed to remove licenses that were installed with any source.
+Return Value:
+ Win error
+ CCertRemoveSelectDlg remDlg( CWnd::FromHandle( hWndParent ) );
+ LPCSTR pszNetServerName = NULL;
+ CHAR szNetServerName[ 3 + MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH ] = "\\\\";
+ // make sure server name, if specified, is in the form \\server
+ if ( NULL != pszServerName )
+ {
+ if ( ( pszServerName[0] != '\\' ) || ( pszServerName[1] != '\\' ) )
+ {
+ // is not prefixed with backslashes
+ lstrcpynA( szNetServerName + 2, pszServerName, sizeof( szNetServerName ) - 3 );
+ pszNetServerName = szNetServerName;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // is prefixed with backslashes
+ pszNetServerName = pszServerName;
+ }
+ }
+ return remDlg.CertificateRemove( pszNetServerName, pszProductName, pszVendor, dwFlags, pszSourceToUse );