path: root/private/net/svcdlls/rpl/convert/library.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'private/net/svcdlls/rpl/convert/library.c')
1 files changed, 330 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/private/net/svcdlls/rpl/convert/library.c b/private/net/svcdlls/rpl/convert/library.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1014cbef2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/private/net/svcdlls/rpl/convert/library.c
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+Copyright (c) 1987-1993 Microsoft Corporation
+Module Name:
+ library.c
+ Common routines used in CONVERT code.
+ Vladimir Z. Vulovic (vladimv) 19 - November - 1993
+Revision History:
+ Jon Newman (jonn) 06 - June - 1994
+ Convert file from OEM code page
+#include "local.h"
+LPWSTR ReadTextFile(
+ IN LPWSTR FilePath,
+ IN LPWSTR FileName,
+ IN DWORD MaxFileSize
+ )
+Routine Description:
+ Reads text file, converts its content from dbcs to unicode, and returns
+ a pointer to newly allocate unicode buffer.
+Return Value:
+ Pointer to unicode buffer table if successful, NULL otherwise.
+ PBYTE DbcsString = NULL;
+ DWORD DbcsSize;
+ PWCHAR UnicodeString = NULL;
+ DWORD UnicodeSize;
+ int UnicodeStringLength;
+ HANDLE FileHandle;
+ DWORD BytesRead;
+ BOOL success = FALSE;
+ PWCHAR pWchar;
+ WCHAR CompleteFilePath[ MAX_PATH+1];
+ PWCHAR UseFilePath = FileName;
+ CompleteFilePath[0] = L'\0';
+ if ( FilePath != NULL && lstrlenW(FilePath) > 0) {
+ lstrcpyW( CompleteFilePath, FilePath);
+ if ( CompleteFilePath[ lstrlenW(CompleteFilePath)-1 ] != L'\\') {
+ lstrcatW( CompleteFilePath, L"\\");
+ }
+ if ( FileName != NULL) {
+ lstrcatW( CompleteFilePath, FileName );
+ }
+ UseFilePath = CompleteFilePath;
+ }
+ FileHandle = CreateFile( UseFilePath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ,
+ if ( FileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ //
+ // Specifying a bad path (path with missing OS/2 rpl init files)
+ // is a common user error. Print out something for the user.
+ //
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("CreateFile: Error = %d", GetLastError()));
+ RplPrintf1( RPLI_CVT_CannotOpenFile, UseFilePath);
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ DbcsSize = GetFileSize( FileHandle, NULL); // does not include 0x1A at the file end
+ if ( DbcsSize == INVALID_FILE_SIZE || DbcsSize > MaxFileSize) {
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("DbcsSize = %d", DbcsSize));
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ DbcsString = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED, DbcsSize);
+ if ( DbcsString == NULL) {
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("GlobalAlloc: Error = %d", GetLastError()));
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ UnicodeSize = ( DbcsSize + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); // extra 1 for terminating NULL
+ UnicodeString = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED, UnicodeSize);
+ if ( UnicodeString == NULL) {
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("GlobalAlloc: Error = %d", GetLastError()));
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ if ( !ReadFile( FileHandle, DbcsString, DbcsSize, &BytesRead, NULL)) {
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("ReadFile: Error = %d", GetLastError()));
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ if ( BytesRead != DbcsSize) {
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("BytesRead = %d, DbcsSize", BytesRead, DbcsSize));
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ UnicodeStringLength = MultiByteToWideChar(
+ CP_OEMCP, // file is in OEM codepage
+ MB_PRECOMPOSED, DbcsString, DbcsSize, UnicodeString, UnicodeSize);
+ if ( UnicodeStringLength == 0) {
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("MultiByte...: Error = %d", GetLastError()));
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ //
+ // If file has END_OF_TEXT_FILE_CHAR, truncate the text there.
+ //
+ pWchar = wcschr( UnicodeString, END_OF_TEXT_FILE_CHAR);
+ if ( pWchar != NULL) {
+ *pWchar = 0;
+ }
+ success = TRUE;
+ if ( FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ (VOID)CloseHandle( FileHandle);
+ }
+ if ( DbcsString != NULL) {
+ GlobalFree( DbcsString);
+ }
+ if ( success != TRUE && UnicodeString != NULL) {
+ GlobalFree( UnicodeString);
+ UnicodeString = NULL;
+ }
+ return( UnicodeString);
+} // ReadTextFile
+PWCHAR GetFirstLine( PWCHAR Cursor)
+ Skips all white characters.
+ // Read empty chars if there's some.
+ while( *Cursor != 0 && iswspace(*Cursor)) {
+ Cursor++;
+ }
+ return( Cursor);
+PWCHAR GetNextLine( PWCHAR Cursor)
+ Skips to the end of the current line.
+ Then skips all white characters.
+ // Read to end of line.
+ do {
+ Cursor++;
+ } while ( *Cursor != 0 && *Cursor != NEW_LINE_CHAR);
+ // Read empty chars if there's some.
+ while( *Cursor != 0 && iswspace(*Cursor)) {
+ Cursor++;
+ }
+ return( Cursor);
+DWORD OffsetAfterComment( IN PWCHAR Cursor)
+ Returns the offset of the first non-white non-newline character
+ after an optional RPL_COMMENT. This routine does not & should
+ not cross line boundaries (this is reserved for GetNewLine).
+#define RPL_COMMENT L";*;"
+#define RPL_COMMENT_LENGTH (sizeof(RPL_COMMENT)/sizeof(WCHAR) - 1)
+ if ( wcsncmp( Cursor, RPL_COMMENT, RPL_COMMENT_LENGTH)) {
+ return( 0); // there is no RPL_COMMENT
+ }
+ for ( End = Cursor + RPL_COMMENT_LENGTH;
+ *End != 0 && *End != NEW_LINE_CHAR && iswspace(*End);
+ End++) {
+ }
+ if ( *End == NEW_LINE_CHAR) {
+ //
+ // We went to far. Must decrement end pointer or
+ // GetNewLine() will advance to the second next line.
+ //
+ End--;
+ }
+ return( (DWORD)(End - Cursor));
+ JET_ERR JetError;
+ JetError = JetMove( SesId, TableId, JET_MoveFirst, 0);
+ if ( JetError != JET_errSuccess) {
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("JetMove failed err=%d", JetError));
+ return( FALSE);
+ }
+ JetError = JetMakeKey( SesId, TableId, Name,
+ ( wcslen( Name) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), JET_bitNewKey);
+ if ( JetError != JET_errSuccess) {
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("MakeKey failed err=%d", JetError));
+ return( FALSE);
+ }
+ JetError = JetSeek( SesId, TableId, JET_bitSeekEQ);
+ if ( JetError != JET_errSuccess) {
+ if ( JetError == JET_errRecordNotFound) {
+ //
+ // This is an expected error => no break for this.
+ //
+ RplDbgPrint(("JetSeek for %ws failed with error = %d.\n", Name, JetError));
+ } else {
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("JetSeek failed err=%d", JetError));
+ }
+ return( FALSE);
+ }
+ return( TRUE);
+ WCHAR Name[ 20];
+ DWORD NameSize;
+ JET_ERR ForJetError;
+ JET_ERR JetError;
+ Call( JetSetCurrentIndex( SesId, TableId, IndexName));
+ for ( ForJetError = JetMove( SesId, TableId, JET_MoveFirst, 0);
+ ForJetError == JET_errSuccess;
+ ForJetError = JetMove( SesId, TableId, JET_MoveNext, 0)) {
+ JetError = JetRetrieveColumn( SesId, TableId,
+ ColumnId, Name, sizeof( Name), &NameSize, 0, NULL);
+ if ( JetError != JET_errSuccess) {
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("RetriveColumn failed err=%d", JetError));
+ continue;
+ }
+ RplDbgPrint(( "%ws\n", Name));
+ }
+VOID ListTable( IN PCHAR TableName, IN PCHAR ColumnName, IN PCHAR IndexName)
+ Call( JetOpenTable( SesId, DbId, TableName, NULL, 0,
+ JET_bitTableDenyWrite, &TableId));
+ Call( JetGetTableColumnInfo( SesId, TableId, ColumnName, &ColumnDef,
+ sizeof( ColumnDef), JET_ColInfo));
+ RplDbgPrint(( "\tTable: %s\n", TableName));
+ Enum( TableId, ColumnDef.columnid, IndexName);
+ Call( JetCloseTable( SesId, TableId));
+PWCHAR AddFileExtension(
+ IN PWCHAR FilePath,
+ IN PWCHAR FileExtension,
+ IN BOOLEAN ExtensionOK
+ )
+#define DOT_CHAR L'.'
+#define BACK_SLASH_CHAR L'\\'
+ PWCHAR FilePathEx;
+ PWCHAR pDot;
+ DWORD Length;
+ DWORD Error;
+ if ( FilePath == NULL) {
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("FilePath is NULL"));
+ return( NULL);
+ }
+ pDot = wcsrchr( FilePath, DOT_CHAR);
+ if ( pDot != NULL) {
+ //
+ // Found a DOT. FilePath may have an extension.
+ //
+ if ( wcschr( pDot, BACK_SLASH_CHAR) == NULL) {
+ //
+ // There is no backslash after the DOT. FilePath has an extension.
+ // Return NULL if caller insists that file should have no extension.
+ //
+ return( ExtensionOK ? FilePath : NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ Length = wcslen( FilePath) + wcslen( FileExtension);
+ FilePathEx = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED, (Length + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
+ if ( FilePathEx == NULL) {
+ Error = GetLastError();
+ RplAssert( TRUE, ("GlobalAlloc: Error = %d", Error));
+ return( NULL);
+ }
+ wcscpy( FilePathEx, FilePath);
+ wcscat( FilePathEx, FileExtension);
+ return( FilePathEx);