path: root/license_protocol.proto
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Diffstat (limited to 'license_protocol.proto')
1 files changed, 549 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/license_protocol.proto b/license_protocol.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9079594
--- /dev/null
+++ b/license_protocol.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// license_protocol.proto
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Description:
+// Definitions of the protocol buffer messages used in the Widevine license
+// exchange protocol.
+syntax = "proto2";
+package video_widevine_server.sdk;
+// need this if we are using libprotobuf-cpp-2.3.0-lite
+option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
+enum LicenseType {
+ OFFLINE = 2;
+// LicenseIdentification is propagated from LicenseRequest to License,
+// incrementing version with each iteration.
+message LicenseIdentification {
+ optional bytes request_id = 1;
+ optional bytes session_id = 2;
+ optional bytes purchase_id = 3;
+ optional LicenseType type = 4;
+ optional int32 version = 5;
+ optional bytes provider_session_token = 6;
+message License {
+ message Policy {
+ // Indicates that playback of the content is allowed.
+ optional bool can_play = 1 [default = false];
+ // Indicates that the license may be persisted to non-volatile
+ // storage for offline use.
+ optional bool can_persist = 2 [default = false];
+ // Indicates that renewal of this license is allowed.
+ optional bool can_renew = 3 [default = false];
+ // For the |*duration*| fields, playback must halt when
+ // license_start_time (seconds since the epoch (UTC)) +
+ // license_duration_seconds is exceeded. A value of 0
+ // indicates that there is no limit to the duration.
+ // Indicates the rental window.
+ optional int64 rental_duration_seconds = 4 [default = 0];
+ // Indicates the viewing window, once playback has begun.
+ optional int64 playback_duration_seconds = 5 [default = 0];
+ // Indicates the time window for this specific license.
+ optional int64 license_duration_seconds = 6 [default = 0];
+ // The |renewal*| fields only apply if |can_renew| is true.
+ // The window of time, in which playback is allowed to continue while
+ // renewal is attempted, yet unsuccessful due to backend problems with
+ // the license server.
+ optional int64 renewal_recovery_duration_seconds = 7 [default = 0];
+ // All renewal requests for this license shall be directed to the
+ // specified URL.
+ optional string renewal_server_url = 8;
+ // How many seconds after license_start_time, before renewal is first
+ // attempted.
+ optional int64 renewal_delay_seconds = 9 [default = 0];
+ // Specifies the delay in seconds between subsequent license
+ // renewal requests, in case of failure.
+ optional int64 renewal_retry_interval_seconds = 10 [default = 0];
+ // Indicates that the license shall be sent for renewal when usage is
+ // started.
+ optional bool renew_with_usage = 11 [default = false];
+ // Indicates to client that license renewal and release requests ought to
+ // include ClientIdentification (client_id).
+ optional bool renew_with_client_id = 12 [default = false];
+ }
+ message KeyContainer {
+ enum KeyType {
+ // Exactly one key of this type must appear.
+ SIGNING = 1;
+ CONTENT = 2;
+ }
+ // The SecurityLevel enumeration allows the server to communicate the level
+ // of robustness required by the client, in order to use the key.
+ enum SecurityLevel {
+ // Software-based whitebox crypto is required.
+ // Software crypto and an obfuscated decoder is required.
+ // The key material and crypto operations must be performed within a
+ // hardware backed trusted execution environment.
+ // The crypto and decoding of content must be performed within a hardware
+ // backed trusted execution environment.
+ // The crypto, decoding and all handling of the media (compressed and
+ // uncompressed) must be handled within a hardware backed trusted
+ // execution environment.
+ }
+ message KeyControl {
+ // If present, the key control must be communicated to the secure
+ // environment prior to any usage. This message is automatically generated
+ // by the Widevine License Server SDK.
+ optional bytes key_control_block = 1;
+ optional bytes iv = 2;
+ }
+ message OutputProtection {
+ // Indicates whether HDCP is required on digital outputs, and which
+ // version should be used.
+ enum HDCP {
+ HDCP_NONE = 0;
+ HDCP_V1 = 1;
+ HDCP_V2 = 2;
+ HDCP_V2_1 = 3;
+ HDCP_V2_2 = 4;
+ }
+ optional HDCP hdcp = 1 [default = HDCP_NONE];
+ // Indicate the CGMS setting to be inserted on analog output.
+ enum CGMS {
+ CGMS_NONE = 42;
+ COPY_FREE = 0;
+ COPY_ONCE = 2;
+ }
+ optional CGMS cgms_flags = 2 [default = CGMS_NONE];
+ }
+ message VideoResolutionConstraint {
+ // Minimum and maximum video resolutions in the range (height x width).
+ optional uint32 min_resolution_pixels = 1;
+ optional uint32 max_resolution_pixels = 2;
+ // Optional output protection requirements for this range. If not
+ // specified, the OutputProtection in the KeyContainer applies.
+ optional OutputProtection required_protection = 3;
+ }
+ message OperatorSessionKeyPermissions {
+ // Permissions/key usage flags for operator service keys
+ // (type = OPERATOR_SESSION).
+ optional bool allow_encrypt = 1 [default = false];
+ optional bool allow_decrypt = 2 [default = false];
+ optional bool allow_sign = 3 [default = false];
+ optional bool allow_signature_verify = 4 [default = false];
+ }
+ optional bytes id = 1;
+ optional bytes iv = 2;
+ optional bytes key = 3;
+ optional KeyType type = 4;
+ optional SecurityLevel level = 5 [default = SW_SECURE_CRYPTO];
+ optional OutputProtection required_protection = 6;
+ // NOTE: Use of requested_protection is not recommended as it is only
+ // supported on a small number of platforms.
+ optional OutputProtection requested_protection = 7;
+ optional KeyControl key_control = 8;
+ optional OperatorSessionKeyPermissions operator_session_key_permissions = 9;
+ // Optional video resolution constraints. If the video resolution of the
+ // content being decrypted/decoded falls within one of the specified ranges,
+ // the optional required_protections may be applied. Otherwise an error will
+ // be reported.
+ // NOTE: Use of this feature is not recommended, as it is only supported on
+ // a small number of platforms.
+ repeated VideoResolutionConstraint video_resolution_constraints = 10;
+ // Optional flag to indicate the key must only be used if the client
+ // supports anti rollback of the user table. Content provider can query the
+ // client capabilities to determine if the client support this feature.
+ optional bool anti_rollback_usage_table = 11 [default = false];
+ }
+ optional LicenseIdentification id = 1;
+ optional Policy policy = 2;
+ repeated KeyContainer key = 3;
+ optional int64 license_start_time = 4;
+ optional bool remote_attestation_verified = 5 [default = false];
+ // Client token generated by the content provider. Optional.
+ optional bytes provider_client_token = 6;
+enum ProtocolVersion {
+ VERSION_2_0 = 20;
+ VERSION_2_1 = 21;
+message LicenseRequest {
+ message ContentIdentification {
+ message CENC {
+ repeated bytes pssh = 1;
+ optional LicenseType license_type = 2;
+ optional bytes request_id = 3; // Opaque, client-specified.
+ }
+ message WebM {
+ optional bytes header = 1;
+ optional LicenseType license_type = 2;
+ optional bytes request_id = 3; // Opaque, client-specified.
+ }
+ message ExistingLicense {
+ optional LicenseIdentification license_id = 1;
+ optional int64 seconds_since_started = 2;
+ optional int64 seconds_since_last_played = 3;
+ optional bytes session_usage_table_entry = 4;
+ }
+ // Exactly one of these must be present.
+ optional CENC cenc_id = 1;
+ optional WebM webm_id = 2;
+ optional ExistingLicense license = 3;
+ }
+ enum RequestType {
+ NEW = 1;
+ RENEWAL = 2;
+ RELEASE = 3;
+ }
+ // The client_id provides information authenticating the calling device. It
+ // contains the Widevine keybox token that was installed on the device at the
+ // factory. This field or encrypted_client_id below is required for a valid
+ // license request, but both should never be present in the same request.
+ optional ClientIdentification client_id = 1;
+ optional ContentIdentification content_id = 2;
+ optional RequestType type = 3;
+ optional int64 request_time = 4;
+ // Old-style decimal-encoded string key control nonce.
+ optional bytes key_control_nonce_deprecated = 5;
+ optional ProtocolVersion protocol_version = 6 [default = VERSION_2_0];
+ // New-style uint32 key control nonce, please use instead of
+ // key_control_nonce_deprecated.
+ optional uint32 key_control_nonce = 7;
+ // Encrypted ClientIdentification message, used for privacy purposes.
+ optional EncryptedClientIdentification encrypted_client_id = 8;
+message LicenseError {
+ enum Error {
+ // The device credentials are invalid. The device must re-provision.
+ // The device credentials have been revoked. Re-provisioning is not
+ // possible.
+ // The service is currently unavailable due to the backend being down
+ // or similar circumstances.
+ }
+ optional Error error_code = 1;
+message RemoteAttestation {
+ // Encrypted ClientIdentification message containing the device remote
+ // attestation certificate. Required.
+ optional EncryptedClientIdentification certificate = 1;
+ // Bytes of salt which were added to the remote attestation challenge prior to
+ // signing it. Required.
+ optional bytes salt = 2;
+ // Signed remote attestation challenge + salt. Required.
+ optional bytes signature = 3;
+message SignedMessage {
+ enum MessageType {
+ LICENSE = 2;
+ }
+ optional MessageType type = 1;
+ optional bytes msg = 2;
+ optional bytes signature = 3;
+ optional bytes session_key = 4;
+ // Remote attestation data which will be present in the initial license
+ // request for ChromeOS client devices operating in verified mode. Remote
+ // attestation challenge data is |msg| field above. Optional.
+ optional RemoteAttestation remote_attestation = 5;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// certificate_provisioning.proto
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Description:
+// Public protocol buffer definitions for Widevine Device Certificate
+// Provisioning protocol.
+// ProvisioningOptions specifies the type of certificate to specify and
+// in the case of X509 certificates, the certificate authority to use.
+message ProvisioningOptions {
+ enum CertificateType {
+ WIDEVINE_DRM = 0; // Default. The original certificate type.
+ X509 = 1; // X.509 certificate.
+ }
+ optional CertificateType certificate_type = 1;
+ // It is recommended that the certificate_authority specify the X.509
+ // Subject of the signing certificate.
+ optional string certificate_authority = 2;
+// Provisioning request sent by client devices to provisioning service.
+message ProvisioningRequest {
+ // Device root of trust and other client identification. Required.
+ optional ClientIdentification client_id = 1;
+ // Nonce value used to prevent replay attacks. Required.
+ optional bytes nonce = 2;
+ // Options for type of certificate to generate. Optional.
+ optional ProvisioningOptions options = 3;
+ // Stable identifier, unique for each device + application (or origin).
+ // Required if doing per-origin provisioning.
+ optional bytes stable_id = 4;
+// Provisioning response sent by the provisioning server to client devices.
+message ProvisioningResponse {
+ // AES-128 encrypted device private RSA key. PKCS#1 ASN.1 DER-encoded.
+ // Required.
+ optional bytes device_rsa_key = 1;
+ // Initialization vector used to encrypt device_rsa_key. Required.
+ optional bytes device_rsa_key_iv = 2;
+ // Serialized SignedDeviceCertificate. Required.
+ optional bytes device_certificate = 3;
+ // Nonce value matching nonce in ProvisioningRequest. Required.
+ optional bytes nonce = 4;
+// Serialized ProvisioningRequest or ProvisioningResponse signed with
+// The message authentication key.
+message SignedProvisioningMessage {
+ // Serialized ProvisioningRequest or ProvisioningResponse. Required.
+ optional bytes message = 1;
+ // HMAC-SHA256 signature of message. Required.
+ optional bytes signature = 2;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// client_identification.proto
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Description:
+// ClientIdentification messages used by provisioning and license protocols.
+// ClientIdentification message used to authenticate the client device.
+message ClientIdentification {
+ enum TokenType {
+ KEYBOX = 0;
+ }
+ message NameValue {
+ optional string name = 1;
+ optional string value = 2;
+ }
+ // Capabilities which not all clients may support. Used for the license
+ // exchange protocol only.
+ message ClientCapabilities {
+ enum HdcpVersion {
+ HDCP_NONE = 0;
+ HDCP_V1 = 1;
+ HDCP_V2 = 2;
+ HDCP_V2_1 = 3;
+ HDCP_V2_2 = 4;
+ }
+ optional bool client_token = 1 [default = false];
+ optional bool session_token = 2 [default = false];
+ optional bool video_resolution_constraints = 3 [default = false];
+ optional HdcpVersion max_hdcp_version = 4 [default = HDCP_NONE];
+ optional uint32 oem_crypto_api_version = 5;
+ optional bool anti_rollback_usage_table = 6 [default = false];
+ }
+ // Type of factory-provisioned device root of trust. Optional.
+ optional TokenType type = 1 [default = KEYBOX];
+ // Factory-provisioned device root of trust. Required.
+ optional bytes token = 2;
+ // Optional client information name/value pairs.
+ repeated NameValue client_info = 3;
+ // Client token generated by the content provider. Optional.
+ optional bytes provider_client_token = 4;
+ // Number of licenses received by the client to which the token above belongs.
+ // Only present if client_token is specified.
+ optional uint32 license_counter = 5;
+ // List of non-baseline client capabilities.
+ optional ClientCapabilities client_capabilities = 6;
+// EncryptedClientIdentification message used to hold ClientIdentification
+// messages encrypted for privacy purposes.
+message EncryptedClientIdentification {
+ // Service ID for which the ClientIdentifcation is encrypted (owner of service
+ // certificate).
+ optional string service_id = 1;
+ // Serial number for the service certificate for which ClientIdentification is
+ // encrypted.
+ optional bytes service_certificate_serial_number = 2;
+ // Serialized ClientIdentification message, encrypted with the privacy key using
+ // AES-128-CBC with PKCS#5 padding.
+ optional bytes encrypted_client_id = 3;
+ // Initialization vector needed to decrypt encrypted_client_id.
+ optional bytes encrypted_client_id_iv = 4;
+ // AES-128 privacy key, encrytped with the service public public key using
+ // RSA-OAEP.
+ optional bytes encrypted_privacy_key = 5;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// device_certificate.proto
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Description:
+// Device certificate and certificate status list format definitions.
+// Certificate definition for user devices, intermediate, service, and root
+// certificates.
+message DeviceCertificate {
+ enum CertificateType {
+ ROOT = 0;
+ SERVICE = 3;
+ }
+ // Type of certificate. Required.
+ optional CertificateType type = 1;
+ // 128-bit globally unique serial number of certificate.
+ // Value is 0 for root certificate. Required.
+ optional bytes serial_number = 2;
+ // POSIX time, in seconds, when the certificate was created. Required.
+ optional uint32 creation_time_seconds = 3;
+ // Device public key. PKCS#1 ASN.1 DER-encoded. Required.
+ optional bytes public_key = 4;
+ // Widevine system ID for the device. Required for intermediate and
+ // user device certificates.
+ optional uint32 system_id = 5;
+ // Deprecated field, which used to indicate whether the device was a test
+ // (non-production) device. The test_device field in ProvisionedDeviceInfo
+ // below should be observed instead.
+ optional bool test_device_deprecated = 6 [deprecated = true];
+ // Service identifier (web origin) for the service which owns the certificate.
+ // Required for service certificates.
+ optional string service_id = 7;
+// DeviceCertificate signed with intermediate or root certificate private key.
+message SignedDeviceCertificate {
+ // Serialized DeviceCertificate. Required.
+ optional bytes device_certificate = 1;
+ // Signature of device_certificate. Signed with root or intermediate
+ // certificate private key using RSASSA-PSS. Required.
+ optional bytes signature = 2;
+ // Intermediate signing certificate. Present only for user device
+ // certificates. All others signed with root certificate private key.
+ optional SignedDeviceCertificate signer = 3;
+// Contains device model information for a provisioned device.
+message ProvisionedDeviceInfo {
+ enum WvSecurityLevel {
+ // Defined in "WV Modular DRM Security Integration Guide for
+ // Common Encryption (CENC)"
+ LEVEL_1 = 1;
+ LEVEL_2 = 2;
+ LEVEL_3 = 3;
+ }
+ // Widevine system ID for the device. Mandatory.
+ optional uint32 system_id = 1;
+ // Name of system-on-a-chip. Optional.
+ optional string soc = 2;
+ // Name of manufacturer. Optional.
+ optional string manufacturer = 3;
+ // Manufacturer's model name. Matches "brand" in device metadata. Optional.
+ optional string model = 4;
+ // Type of device (Phone, Tablet, TV, etc).
+ optional string device_type = 5;
+ // Device model year. Optional.
+ optional uint32 model_year = 6;
+ // Widevine-defined security level. Optional.
+ optional WvSecurityLevel security_level = 7 [default = LEVEL_UNSPECIFIED];
+ // True if the certificate corresponds to a test (non production) device.
+ // Optional.
+ optional bool test_device = 8 [default = false];
+// Contains the status of the root or an intermediate DeviceCertificate.
+message DeviceCertificateStatus {
+ enum CertificateStatus {
+ VALID = 0;
+ REVOKED = 1;
+ };
+ // Serial number of the DeviceCertificate to which this message refers.
+ // Required.
+ optional bytes serial_number = 1;
+ // Status of the certificate. Optional.
+ optional CertificateStatus status = 2 [default = VALID];
+ // Device model information about the device to which the certificate
+ // corresponds. Required.
+ optional ProvisionedDeviceInfo device_info = 4;
+// List of DeviceCertificateStatus. Used to propagate certificate revocation and
+// update list.
+message DeviceCertificateStatusList {
+ // POSIX time, in seconds, when the list was created. Required.
+ optional uint32 creation_time_seconds = 1;
+ // DeviceCertificateStatus for each certifificate.
+ repeated DeviceCertificateStatus certificate_status = 2;
+// Signed CertificateStatusList
+message SignedCertificateStatusList {
+ // Serialized DeviceCertificateStatusList. Required.
+ optional bytes certificate_status_list = 1;
+ // Signature of certificate_status_list. Signed with root certificate private
+ // key using RSASSA-PSS. Required.
+ optional bytes signature = 2;